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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 6522

Please post images that we ought to print out or draw replicas of and put up in our rooms in order to help ourselves memorize essential magical knowledge.


In Hindu esotericism and tantrism there are five tattvas creating global energy cycles of tattvic tides beginning at dawn with Akasha and ending with Prithvi:

1. Akasha (Spirit tattva) – symbolized by a black oval
2. Vayu (Air tattva) – symbolized by a blue circle
3. Tejas (Fire tattva) – symbolized by a red triangle
4. Apas (Water tattva) – symbolized by a white moon
5. Prithvi (Earth tattva) – symbolized by a yellow square

Every complete cycle is lasting two hours. This system of five tattvas which each can be combined with another, was also adapted by the Golden Dawn (→Tattva vision).


Tattva vision is a technique developed by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (probably derived from the elements, or Tattva [also known as Tattwas], of the Samkhya version of Hindu Philosophy) to aid with the development of the faculty of astral clairvoyance. It is claimed to be one of the easiest, fastest and most effective methods of exercising and enhancing the clairvoyant factor.
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I need to make myself a chart of the chakras so I remember their colours, names, etc.

I have a whiteboard and I draw sigils for certain purposes on it. I also plan spell, ritual, and theory on it. The only symbol I really put up on my wall is protection runes/sigils.

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This is a neat way to experience the astral quick. It's physically safe but you may experience strong emotions.

Further info : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_jWmZKGaK4

>you may experience strong emotions.
>implying that's not what we all strive for, the very purpose of our loosh farming

There are way more than five Tattvas, those just represent the spirit and gross elements.

Man fuck learning about additional tattvas.

5 is enough!

Tell me more.

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Basically you can see into Astral without projecting?

Oh well I don't need all of those.

That's called Remote Viewing and yeah you can view the astral without projecting the body. I did a Remote Viewing demonstration before for a guy in a tinychat and he's been greenpilled ever since that day. I let him pick the location and everything and then I just remote viewed it until I saw interesting stuff (a priest wearing priest robes sitting outside at a table) and everything I told him lined up with what was going on in that place on that day, what he would expect me to see if I were actually there in person, etc. I felt so proud of myself that day!

Astral projecting is even better though especially if you want to do also remote influencing and so on and you really want to be there more intensely but all you really got to do is send out the mind's eye there you don't actually -have- to send out your astral body if you don't want to.

bump we need more of these

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For the Lesser Pentagram Ritual used by Thelemites

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For the Lesser Hexagram Ritual used by Thelemites

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Chakras play an important role in the main surviving branch of Indian Vajrayana, Tibetan Buddhism. They play a pivotal role in completion stage practices, where an attempt is made to bring the subtle winds of the body into the central channel, to realise the clear light of bliss and emptiness, and to attain Buddhahood.

The Vajrayana system states that the central channel (avadhūtī) begins at the point of the third eye like of lord Shiva, curves up to the crown of the head, and then goes straight down to the lower body. There are two side channels, the rasanā and lalanā, which start at their respective nostrils and then travel down to the lower body. The apāna vāyu governs the lower terminations of the three channels. The lower end of the central channel ends in the rectum. The lower end of the lalanā ends in the urinary tract. The lower end of the rasanā channel emits semen.[citation needed]

The side channels run parallel to the center channel, except at locations such as the navel, heart, throat and crown (i.e. chakras) where the two side channels twist around the central channel. At the navel, throat and crown, there is a twofold knot caused by each side channel twisting once around the central channel. At the heart wheel there is a sixfold knot, where each side channel twists around three times. An important part of completion stage practice involves loosening and undoing these knots.[citation needed]

Within the chakras exist the 'subtle drops'. The white drop exists in the crown, the red drop exists in the navel, and at the heart exists the indestructible red and white drop, which leaves the body at the time of death. In addition, each chakra has a number of 'spokes' or 'petals', which branch off into thousands of subtle channels running to every part of the body, and each contains a Sanskrit syllable.[citation needed]

By focusing on a specific chakra (while often holding the breath) the subtle winds enter the central channel. The chakra at which they enter is important in order to realise specific practices. For example, focusing on the subnavel area is important for the practice of tummo, or inner fire. Meditating on the heart chakra is important for realising clear light. Meditating on the throat chakra is important for lucid dreaming and the practices of dream yoga. And meditating on the crown chakra is important for consciousness projection, either to another world, or into another body.[citation needed]

A result of energetic imbalance among the chakras is an almost continuous feeling of dissatisfaction. When the heart chakra is agitated, people lose touch with feelings and sensations, and that breeds the sense of dissatisfaction. That leads to looking outside for fulfilment. When people live in their heads, feelings are secondary; they are interpretations of mental images that are fed back to the individual. When awareness is focused on memories of past experiences and mental verbalisations, the energy flow to the head chakra increases and the energy flow to the heart chakra lessens. Without nurturing feelings of the heart a subtle form of anxiety arises which results in the self reaching out for experience. When the throat chakra settles and energy is distributed evenly between the head and the heart chakras, one is able to truly contact one's senses and touch real feelings.



What am I looking at here?

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>just finished reading this
>weirdest boner ever

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Good sites for learning about tattvas, recommend you all read this:



Tattva Siddhanta: Hindu Science of Elements



You can use this information here to draw some nice things.

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This is pretty interesting, I used to think remote viewing was bullshit (probably cause of all the media influence) but you made me reconsider. I'll definitely look into it.

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