>'''» Considering that negative aliens use human beings for energy, do you think that more enlightened humans become vegan so that they don’t exploit other life forms?If people’s genetics / blood type / metabolism allow them to be vegans without ill health consequences, then definitely. I noticed that it’s fair-skinned and light-eyed people with A, B, or AB blood types that handle it well, and dark-haired brown-eyed people with O blood that handle it worst.'''
But if someone is not biologically suited for veganism and they suffer from malabsorption and malnutrition, fatigue, spacey headedness, etc… then their total ability to help other people spiritually will decline, and that has worse impact on the system as a whole, and therefore the future of mankind, than the cost of taking an animal’s life. That’s not an enlightened thing to do.
Some occult practices like advanced astral projection or deep trance meditations require a vegetarian diet at least in the days or weeks leading up to it. Usual explanation is that meat lowers your vibration and therefore you can’t pull these maneuvers with such lowered vibes. But that’s only a small part of it. Rather, it’s the same reason fasting is recommended — because the body must be made weak through starvation and malnutrition, so that the soul and spirit can more easily detach and do their thing. The stronger the body, the greater its “magnetic” pull on the soul.
Implying, therefore, that meat imparts bodily grounding and vitality — to a degree. Thus if you need to be “here” in reality, if you need to be grounded and sharp, and if you need to have physical energy and boldness, then depending on your biology you might need meat in the diet.
I don’t eat soy because of the estrogen mimickers it contains, beans contain too many indigestible substances that upset my digestive system, and I can’t handle lots of carbs either. Therefore I would not do well on a vegan diet with its few remaining options. Thus in my case, I choose to stick with a regular balanced diet because ultimately, it gives me the time, energy, clarity, grounding, and health stability that I need to think and work hard toward critical goals. I would be doing a disservice if I became listless and passive and mentally fogged on a vegan diet. Now if I retreated to a lifestyle of meditation and non-thinking and effeminate passivity, then the side-effects may not bother me as much.
If someone can do veganism or vegetarianism just fine, then they have no excuse for not eating lower on the food chain. But people who aren’t suited for veganism or vegetarianism become progressively impaired by it, and just like with alcohol their impairment keeps them from seeing just how impaired they are. So with mental faculties dwindling, they become increasingly shrill and illogical and cranky, not to mention pale and wan. It takes a lot of time and energy spent researching, shopping, preparing, and eating to stay healthy as a vegan.
What bothers me are 1) emotionally hysterical vegetarians who use their lifestyle as an excuse to justify a vicious contempt and egotism bordering on the demonic, and 2) self-absorbed meat eaters who have no regard for animals and gorge themselves way beyond dietary necessity, especially those who think animals aren’t conscious.
If you’re going to eat meat, be mindful and respectful, don’t support abusive farming, and make up for the loss of animal life by putting out an equal or greater amount of good into the world. Enlightened people would know what is best, and sometimes that means going vegan, and other times might mean including meat, depending on their biological needs.