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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 6385
Hello Blue. Looking to speak with you via IRC.
I don't see you in the IRC.

Can I post the conversation here?


Wizard #2: Hello Blue
Wizard #1: Hello, might get interrupted any moment
Wizard #2: Was wondering if you intend on carrying out an /edgy/ thoughtform of some sort
Wizard #2: I think that board has much potential
Wizard #1: Oh quite likely, my biggest problem right now though is with naming my first thoughtform
Wizard #1: I badly need to create a tulpa to guide me and offer me advice and do other tasks
Wizard #2: With all the negativity on that board, it is like a psychic reservoir
Wizard #2: I envision a type of "cult" imageboard in which demonic entities are harbored
Wizard #1: Aw yes, there will be much negative energy for it to feed upon, and it should become strong enough then to kill my enemies and unleash death upon this world
Wizard #2: Why is it that you are so opposed to propitiating established entities?
Wizard #2: Is it an ego thing?
Wizard #2: If you wish, we could both synchronize our minds upon a tulpa/thoughtform. I have some experience in that field
Wizard #1: ?
Wizard #2: It seems you are paranoid that everything is a loosh operation
Wizard #1: I want to make my own personal one first then I'll make another for more specific purposes
Wizard #1: >implying everything isn't a loosh operation
Wizard #2: What would you think of boardwide rituals?
Wizard #2: As in, our own set of occult traditions peculiar to /edgy/
Wizard #1: We'll have to figure out how to make em' work together.
Wizard #2: I am thinking something like bloodletting or flaggelation
Wizard #2: The problem is that others may not cooperate
Wizard #1: Yeah.
Wizard #1: >not cutting off all of your moles to enact bloodletting
Wizard #1: >and remove annoying marks from the body at once
Wizard #2: Have you read any of the Tempel ov Blood literature?
Wizard #2: I think you would appreciate it
Wizard #1: Nope I have not, trying to read through The Book of Knowledge right now
Wizard #1: and You Forever
Wizard #2: Inform me when you are ready to work on the /edgy/ tulpa

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