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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 6176
Hey /fringe/ I have incredible intuition.

When I get an idea into my mind as to something I want to do, and I make it clear, I usually figure out how to do it on my own.

…or I read a text and I get the general idea of it then I intuitively figure the rest out.

I only ever need the idea of something, what I want to accomplish, and how it might be accomplished and I fill in the gaps very easily and see through bypass disinfo and so on.

I don't need really specific instructions and usually just end up adapting anything I read to my own mental makeup.

One example is when it comes to improving my body I just know intuitively what to do.

I haven't looked up many stretches but I just figured, if I want to be more flexible, all I have to do is find ways to bend my body and to feel out each muscle and to just stretch it you know.

I've become very flexible and I don't need an instructor, I don't need to look things up, I just need to understand the principle which is find a muscle, stretch it out, hold it for a couple seconds, then proceed with another muscle.

I've done the same thing for meditation. It's really simple. I just think about what my mind does, what are its variables, and then I practise mental exercises and it all comes so naturally to me. E.g. one capability of the mind is to focus and be selective, so to develop that I just need to focus on certain things to the exclusion of others, and practise with whatever I want. I can focus on an object, a thoughtform, an idea, whatever. There's other properties of the mind as well which are really basic it's just pretty obvious to me how to train them.

I feel like most people have degenerated to a chink-level of intuition where they can follow instructions laid down by others reasonably well, they can learn from others, but they're helpless without guidance. Some people are also just downright retarded and helpless even with everything shown to them…

One must grasp the principle – the basics – then you know how to do everything else.

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