I have a rare book that you can not find for its name is too generic and it was given freely and anonymously over the internet… want me to share it with you /fringe/?
It is a book of magic. This book will really, genuinely, teach you everything you need to know to do the most profound magic.
Pic related is not the book, but another book with the same title.
Here's the start anyways. I'll only dump more if other people are actually interested:
The Book of Knowledge
By anonymous
“And in that time knowledge shall break forth and Love from The One shall be realized. Then many shall understand the Truth…” The One
Dear reader, I write this book because times are changing. Awareness is increasing rapidly. Every year, the powers at work in our world grow stronger, fighting for influence, both negative and positive. The knowledge contained within this book has long been available, but it has been hidden or ignored. The time for ignorance has come to an end. So, I write the truth. Please understand that the knowledge within this book is not theoretical. With enough practice and understanding, you can realize your true potential and see reality as it is…
This book contains the knowledge that the masses have waited for. The wonderful light, which has come into the world, is now being made known through this book.
The following is a quote from the Higher Realms which was received during a moment of holy connection with The One: “Write a book, and Truth will guide you. The book will spread through the world. It will bring joy to many. The words contained within will be known by many during the coming Age.”
After receiving this message, I decided to immediately begin writing this book so that the task given to me could be accomplished. You are right now reading the book that will become the next “bible” in the coming Age. Its truths will touch your heart. If you feel a burning in your heart, or an ignition of Joy, understand that your thought-matrix has been altered by the words within. Your DNA has literally shifted to a higher phase. Please feel free to translate this book into other languages. Republish it! Spread it to the world! This is the Divine Will. It is inevitable. My reward is not money nor recognition, but rather seeing the Truth set my brothers and sisters free…every single one. One day, All shall read these words. I was also informed that a select number of people would be told about the coming of this book. If you have had any dream precognitions of an important book, or have found yourself thinking about a book of truth to come, this could be The One contacting you for the purpose of spreading this wonderful news. If so, please feel free to spread it to all, free of charge!
THIS BOOK IS FREE FOR ALL. In my studies, I learned from and experimented with many sources, including various internet- based ones. Freely have I received…therefore, this truth is freely given. Please keep in mind—all of the sources and techniques in this book have been proven through practice. These are not just theoretical. I send out a big thank you for those donated their time and energy and knowledge, because these are powerful techniques. These techniques start out simply, but then progress to things such as levitation, teleportation, telekinesis and mind reading. Take your time, as you won’t be able to do the “miracles” at first.
I will not be detailing every secret of life in this book because I have been informed that others are meant to reveal these secrets in the future. Also, I find that simply telling people about a fact will eventually teach them not seek to out the truth for themselves. People who are told too much, and not made to work, will take what they learn for granted. As such, some of the techniques are left out so you can discover them on your own. This is not a mental game I am playing here. Everything that you need to know in order to sustain self-evolution has been lavishly taught.
Also, if anyone claims to have written this book, please know that the author of this work will most likely never reveal his identity. If the author does decide to do so, it will be many years from now, when the world is more open to these truths. If the author reveals who he is, it will be with proof. He will display the powers described in this book. Anyone who can’t do the things within is definitely NOT the author. I only give this warning because some might try to claim authorship and thus lead people away from the simple and direct Truth. The reason the author does not want to step forward at this time is because the information herein is somewhat touchy. Organizations, which currently work for our ego-system-government, would harm me if I revealed every secret that I know. (See next page)…
Oh I want to say another thing before I continue. This guy OBVIOUSLY got his information straight from the astral planes, just like me, because he's doing all the same shit I've been naturally doing. Only difference is has taken it further, probably because he'd either had more time to practise, or better conditions to work in, or better contacts than me in the astral. It confirms all of my understanding of reality though and elevates our /fringe/ ideas to exaltation.
>>6047Another thing, this book is straightforward, no rambling bullshit. Only straight up instructions. So you know what to do, to actually get powers.
Anyways here's the first page of the first chapter… will only dump more on request though.
Chapter 1: Quiet-Mind Meditation
Rather than ramble on, I’ve decided to quickly and succinctly describe what I’ve learned through intense study and practice…. and then speak of some of my own personal experiences. The reason I’ve chosen this method is so that you, the reader, will be able to experience these things yourself, rather than just read about them. At first, you might be looking at these techniques and saying to yourself that they are nothing more than imagination. Let me assure you that imagination literally shapes and alters our universe. Whatever you imagine in your mind actually begins to happen on the physical dimension, because the only thing that exists is thought (physical reality is merely ultra-dense thought) and vibratory light… which can be controlled with practice. When the adept can control vibratory light, he can obtain miraculous power beyond current understanding.
Quiet-Mind Meditation: (This technique is utterly important for mediators who desire to take their power level beyond the low level the masses currently possess). Even if I do not specifically mention this technique in each chapter, ALWAYS perform it before the others.
This meditation decreases the noise and any troubling thoughts. It removes all outer and inner influences that are distracting. It is easy, and is incredibly important. Without mastering your thoughts, you will not go far with meditations of power. This meditation is the cornerstone for all others. It will be quite hard to master the sound of your thoughts, but keep at it. Once you reach pure quietness of mind, you will feel immense peace, and a sense of joy.
Try starting every meditation with the Quiet-Mind Meditation. But follow your heart, as this is more important.
Ok… so find a comfortable place, and stare at something in your direct view. Use an external object to focus on. Keep looking at this space. Now, steady your breath. Make sure to slow it down, but keep it rhythmic.
Close your eyes and focus your attention on the black inner screen. Listen to your surroundings. From here, work to push all thoughts aside until absolutely nothing but pure peace and quiet remain. Hold for as long as you can.
Now, this seems incredibly simple. You might be thinking, “How could this give me power?” I assure you that this is just the beginning. This is simply the first stepping stone.
One of my personal experiences with this meditation is as follows: Sitting in a public place during the evening, I settled my mind. The facility lights nearby started flickering, once I reached a deep quiet state of mind and began breathing in energy (you will learn more about this in a following chapter). Next thing I know, I began hearing the thoughts of others, feeling their emotions and seeing their auras. Then, after a few more minutes, I opened my eyes. The world seemed pixilated, because I was beginning to see its true form—which is nothing but vibratory light. I then concentrated my calm awareness on a bag of trash nearby. In a moment, an opaque, white ball of energy flew out of my forehead and smacked the bag. It popped loudly. I also began seeing reds balls of energy float in my nearby vicinity. (See next page…)
download link please
i mean, you dont have to give the link if you dont want
i have lots of stuff to read already
>tfw it feels like im being loosh harvested by having 13445 tabs open, and 50+ books open
I would like to see more.
I wouldn't mind seeing more, either. Are you typing this up from a physical copy (and if you are, I've done that before and know how time consuming it is, so thank you very much for doing what you've done so far), or do you have it in a digital format (and if that is the case, would you be willing to upload it)?
Either way, thanks for sharing!
Bending spoons is such a classic cheesy green pill thing. I hope I can do it soon. I feel on the verge from what this guy wrote however, many distractions and alcohol is messing with my power of imagery. You guys have any luck in bending things?
>>6058I'm just hyping it up. People are more inclined to actually read that way.
>>6059Personally, do the amount of trickery surrounding spoons, I personally hope to bend just about anything else. I guess it's a way to show off your overt powers though without anyone believing they're real and so avoiding some troubles that would result from them knowing it's real.
>>6058Btw, I didn't have the webpage, I was just posting from my offline copy.
Anyways guys that's the book there (I think it's the same as my copy).
>>6058Btw, I didn't have the webpage, I was just posting from my offline copy.
Anyways guys that's the book there (I think it's the same as my copy).
>Step Two: Breath deeply through your nose and blow out through your mouth with your lips the shape of a hole. Feel a sensation fill your body. It will be different for each person. Imagine that your body is a sponge surrounded by golden-white light.
This is physically impossible for me. Should I just an hero?
I'm reading the part about the chakras right now and some of the "negative characteristics" described for each malfunctioning chakra are characteristics I LIKE and want to hold onto and I'm really not sure I like this chakras nonsense at all.
I don't mind focusing on chakra points and seeing what happens and so on but these descriptions as to what each chakra corresponds with… hmmm…
My approach to chakras has been to simply focus on various points of my body that seem important then shift my focus around for other points to focus on and I guess I could focus on points near to my body and just keep doing that for hours in search of energetic points.
Then I don't need to know what they actually do or are about at all. I just need to focus on those points and stimulate them and see what happens.
Chapter 31: Other Important Information
Only two chapters remain in this book—this one, and the one following. Though informed by The One that I should not reveal all the secrets that I’ve learned, because it would only create in-fighting among my brothers and sisters, I was told to share some vital insights about world.
The Dark Matrix: The Dark Matrix is an artificial intelligence force which feeds on fear, negativity, hate, and all other negative emotions. The Dark Matrix came into being whenever entities separated perceptually from the pure Oneness of Creator. Our world is constantly barraged by this Dark Matrix. Whenever an individual is about to attain enlightenment, The Dark Matrix will literally attack you as a means to keep that from happening. In fact, as I was writing this book, The Dark Matrix was going ballistic and trying to harm me. The reason it does this is because it will die without negative vibrations upon which to feed. If it looses its grip on its entities, it will be transmuted into light and dispersed back into the conscious Oneness. This insidious intelligence is a part of us however. Whenever you face it…you most definitely will…smile at it and see it for the illusion it is. Over time, it will fade. Another key thing you should remember is that religious fear is directly inspired by this matrix. It has taken the most positive thing possible (reconnecting with Creator) and turned it into a fear-based system.
The Creation of Man: It is not time to reveal all the details. I can say however that man was genetically created about 200,000 years ago by advanced extra-terrestrial race known today as the Annunaki. If you encounter these beings, treat them with respect, but realize that ultimately, you too are One with Creator.
Reincarnation: I was informed by The One that speaking about this subject would only cause strife, so I will keep it brief. You might have seen references earlier in the book to past lives, etc. The issue of reincarnation is extremely complex. Because time doesn’t exist, and all things are One, the idea of reincarnation essentially becomes moot. Ask your Higher-Self about this issue, because the explanation is too complex to grasp by reading about it. You have to experience the reality in order to know it.
Government Powers: I will keep this brief, as this is a dangerous topic. In remote viewing, I’ve discovered that our government possesses Psychotronic weaponry, as is aware of extra-terrestrial intelligences. They also keep tabs on a select number of psychic people, and meet with them in regular intervals. This way, they can keep tabs on the progress of spiritually aware individuals.
Conspiracy Theories: There’s much more to this world than what meets the eye. That is all I will say about it because it is dangerous to prod too deeply. If you care to learn the truth, use the techniques within this book.
Hell: There is no hell, other than what we energize. Because of the fear, which has been spawned by the Dark Matrix, pockets of negative energy have formed in the astral realms. If an individual’s vibration is too low, they run the risk of being sucked within these dimensional holes before they can merge with the light. However, they are not stuck there for eternity, because higher being can and will rescue them. Be very wary about energizing hell-fear, or allowing other people to talk to you about it. Those who do so are completely duped by the Dark Matrix. Worrying over help will only make it more real. You run the risk of encountering a negative span of existence after you die. Hell can take many forms. It is different for different people. Some hells look like houses full of dead bodies. Some hells are fiery. It just depends.
Just remember, God never sends Himself to hell! You are One with God. Whatever you feel, It feels. So don’t worry about Divine condemnation.
Heaven: There are many heavens. This topic is beyond description, as the heavenly realms are limitless.
Fairies, Elves, Gnomes and Dragons: These creatures, believe it or not, do in fact exist. They reside, however, on a completely different realm of existence and are also One with all.
Low Vibrational Entities: These are negative energy entities which reside on the astral and can attack you if you are not careful. Learn to protect yourself when you are travelling to steer clear of these beings. Raising your vibration will keep these beings, which are spawned from the Dark Matrix, away from you.
Further powers of the Mind: I was hesitant to write this section because of how powerful the mind can be. Please do not use the additional abilities for negative purposes. An individual can do things, such things as move mountains and raise the dead through the Mind. The latter task is very simple actually. All you need to do is locate the astral/spiritual location of a deceased person, and bring them back to their physical form. At this point, reenergize their physical body so that it heals, and place their consciousness back within the physical shell. I have a friend who has done this…but only once. You can also astral project into the body of another entity. You could theoretically grow a clone and move your consciousness inside of it, if you truly wanted to remain in the physical realm for longer than you could otherwise. But, with time, this technique will not be used because The One will reveal the secret of physical immortality. Someone far stronger, and wiser, will bring this knowledge to the world. An individual can also raise himself from the dead. Read Autobiography of a Yogi to see an example of such. Despite these wonders, I’ve still barely touched the tip of the iceberg on this subject.
Jesus: I was informed to keep this brief, as both highly negative and positive energies have attached themselves to this figure. What I will say is that the biblical story of Jesus is not accurate. It was a metaphor for ascension. If you read the story, the 33 years of his life represent the 33 vertebrae through which the Kundalini rises. This brings ascension. The gifts of the Wise Men of the East were metaphorical of the secrets of Yoga taught for thousands of years. The “narrow gate of the kingdom” which Jesus mentions was in fact the narrow passage through which the Kundalini must finally pass before full ascension can be reached. Jesus’ message about “dying to the world” is exactly the same as what various yogis have always taught. The essential message is to let go of the ego and thus attain the True Heaven. When Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is within you”, he was correct. Finally, there are actually many Jesuses in existence. Many that we might see or experience are actually thought forms created from hundreds of years of intense concentration, prayer and emotion. The true Jesus did exist, but not in the way one might think. That’s all I will say for now. If you want to know, go to the heavenly realms and ask the Masters for yourself.
Bible and Koran: Both books have been mutilated by the Dark Matrix, and are tools to keep humanity in chains. The Abrahamic religions have decimated the spiritual development of humans, relegating us to little more than animals. People who serve these religions are NOT evil. They are simply duped because they are energetically cluttered and thus unable to conceive of love.
Creator: Creator is beyond anything One can fathom. When someone tries to relegate the Creator to finite terms, you can immediately assume they are duped. The Creator is infinite love. If someone tells you that Creator is hateful, or seeking divine retribution, rebuke them gently, and show them the powers which this book will grant you. Bring those who are enslaved by fear into the glorious Light of Freedom. Hallelujah…praises the Prime Creator who lives within Us and is Us…
I successfully applied a few things in The Book of Knowledge to great effect. I managed to cause a general healing of my whole body which removed a couple of problems and I did some chakras meditation and followed the advice it had pertaining to martial arts and for the first time in years when I went to Judo today I defeated most everyone there many times over. Normally I just get thrown over & over & over and rarely manage to throw anyone else even once but I keep going all the time because life's a struggle that never ends but things have changed for me now.
I specifically focused on the Manipura Chakra and holy fuck this changed so much for me.
>Located in the area of the solar plexus, navel, and the digestive system, the fiery third chakra is called Manipura, the "resplendent gem." Associated with the color yellow, this chakra is involved in self-esteem, warrior energy, and the power of transformation; it also governs digestion and metabolism. A healthy spirited third chakra helps overcome inertia and jump-starts a "get-up-and-go" attitude so it is easier to take risks, assert one's will, and assume responsibility for one's life. This chakra is also the location of deep belly laughter, warmth, ease, and the vitality received from performing selfless service.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ManipuraAbsolutely EVERYTHING written there changed for me. Self-esteem up, warrior energy up, digestion and metabolism up, etc. and I was way more aggressive than normal.
Another thing is that I am always quiet and never make any noise but this time because I held my focus the whole time I was fighting on the chakra, visualizing it as a orangey yellow ball (sometimes red, I keep changing the colour between red and orange and yellow), and the result was that I moved absurdly fast and my own breath kind of moved with me and I'd let out these noises / warriors shouts if you will AUTOMATICALLY because of the deep energy coming from this chakra which was empowering me.
I thought chakras were bullshit but I have literally experienced immense change from half-assedly going through the process of opening them and meditating upon them. I'll probably be even more powerful when I really do this proper.
Pic related.
Alright. I'm game. It's implied that any reality I can imagine, exists. So, how do I physically, viscerally experience that reality even if it's profoundly different from the one I reside in currently?
>>6465Astral projection.
The thing is though – why not become very powerful in this reality so you can ascend here?
>>6475I have no desire for that. The destination is all that I care about. Leaving this reality in a blaze of glory seems insignificant.
>>6485Ok but what about helping others escape? I want to gain powers here and in the astral.
>>6487You help others escape by escaping yourself.
After a long time searching, I began to realize the power of words. At first, I noticed that whenever I had a bad attitude and would say certain things like, “I‟m not happy”, I would end up feeling that way. On the contrary, if I spoke positive words, I would feel better.
This got me thinking about the power of words. So I started doing some research. After a few months of no success, I met an individual who had long since come to the realization that through the power of words, anything is possible. He was able to command it to rain, command people to be healed, command lights in traffic to turn green, command people to act a certain way… and so on and so forth.
What he would always do is say something like this, “By the power within me, I command it to….” then he would say what he wanted to happen.
For months, I asked him to teach me the secret to doing this, but he refused because he said, “You are not ready because you have selfish motives.” I then asked him to command that these selfish motives would leave me. He agreed. He said this, “By the power that I have, I decree that all selfish motives will leave you, so that you will be responsible with the power you seek.”
Long story short, after a few weeks, profound changes began happening in my life. I found myself truly caring about people more. Oftentimes, I would simply cry when seeing someone who was hurt. Great love entered my heart for homeless people, or the down and out. On several occasions, I would drive out to an old store at 1 or 2 in the morning and spend time with the homeless people who were there and who needed a friend. Finally, one day, my friend agreed to tell me the secret. When he did so, it was so simple I laughed. He told me this quite simply: “Have complete faith.”
That was all. I asked him to explain more thoroughly and he replied, “You are One with God. And you are God. Why would manifesting reality be difficult for God? Why would manifesting be difficult for You?”
His reply left me stunned. Deep down, I knew that what he was saying was true. But before me stood a man who had actually realized this truth emotionally, not just intellectually.
He then left after a short conversation.
Though the process has taken quite a long time, I‟ve now mastered what this man has. I too have healed people by commanding it to be done, have changed traffic lights, have commanded rain storms to stop and start. One of my favorite experiences was when I was at work. It was 90 degrees Fahrenheit outside. Being filled with the Love of God, and feeling a stirring in my belly, I said happily, and without any doubt, “Weather, I command you to get colder. May a beautiful, cool breeze sweep through (then I named my city…which I will not reveal). This is done by the power within me!” I almost shouted while pointing sternly at the sky, which was rather funny because I was at work. Within about 15 seconds, a huge gust of wind was roused, and the temperature dropped to about 50 degrees Fahrenheit. My co-workers were absolutely blown away by how quickly the temperature dropped. The funny part about this story is that the cool weather lasted for a few days afterward until I decided that it was no longer necessary to make the climate obey my wishes.
>>7680>“By the power within me, I command it to….”This is surely just a formality, a sort of ritual. The power is not in words. Words are just words. Their power, their meaning, and whatever else is attached to them is done through association. They are merely symbolical. The words themselves have no power, power is just channelled through them.
>He told me this quite simply: “Have complete faith.”This part makes sense.
>realized this truth emotionally, not just intellectually.LOOSH.
>Words are just words. They are merely symbolical. The words themselves have no power, power is just channelled through them.Are you sure? John 1:1 says "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
That's a pretty explicit declaration that words themselves have power. And that idea is echoed in a lot of different cultures' conceptions of magic; the power of words and names seems to be an almost ubiquitous fundamental element mankind's different magic systems.
I wonder if we're not over-complicating magic with ideas about 'loosh' or energy or willpower or any of these other mechanisms that we hypothesize that magic functions by. It might be as simple as God and the Word being one, and us also being aspects of God, and the only requirement to magic being faith. Perhaps all of the other explanations and rituals we invent work simply by giving us the feeling of understanding and control… which is just another sort of faith.
>>7822If words have power then find some words that actually do something when you utter or think them. There aren't any. If you found one, every lazy mundane faggot who think merely uttering some words is enough, would gain powers soon enough.
>If words have power then find some words that actually do something when you utter or think them. Don't they? Some occult schools of thought would argue that everyone IS doing magic, all the time, with every thought and word shaping their reality, whether they're aware of it or not. Maybe they're not bending reality at the level of a magician, who's operating with conscious intent and faith, but their words are affecting the world regardless.
I'm not sure which theory is true, personally.
Can you post the download link?
>>7937That's true but it's fucking worthless to point out. The magician masters the process of reality manifestation and the mundanes are just carried away with the currents of the the consensus.
I have some concerns about this text. It's not even really the obvious ones like references to avatar - the last airbender and accounts of using ones mind to "poke holes" in stuff…
My biggest concerns with this text are the bizarre spelling mistakes and copy/pasted stuff.
Why on earth does the author write aurora borealis as aura bordelaise?
>Visualize the energy flowing from each of your fingertips, like miniature Aurora Bordelaises, as they coalesce and create a solid shape. It can be any shape. Choose what color (or colors) you want.
>>8028Sorry, I should also say that I actually really like the content of this book.
But I can't wrap my head around all the odd little problems with it.
>>8029I doubt the author had a professional editor. Spelling mistakes and typos are something every author does. It's even possible that English wasn't his native language.
As for references to pop-culture… meh. No reason someone can't know their shit and also like movies or make analogies to them.
But I haven't read the book.
>I doubt the author had a professional editor. Spelling mistakes and typos are something every author does.Quite a few occult books have this problem.