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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 3962
Let's give sigil magic a try. This is an experiment. I invite anyone interested to join me.

Here's the general process:
>write down your desires
>remove vowels and duplicate consonants
>shuffle the desires, convert the sigil strings into sigils however you like
>wait a few days until you no longer remember what the sigils stand for
>charge the sigil, with a clear mind and concentration (gnosis), through meditation, exhaustion, masturbation, whatever
>destroy the sigil

Number your desires, your sigil strings, and your final sigils. Record which numbers you fire off and how you did it. If anything happens, you know which ones you fired and thus which were effective. Make sure the numbers don't cause you to remember the purpose of the sigil, they're only there so you can look back.

Post results here in a few days/weeks/months.

A lot of people recommend having many desires so forgetting is easier. I saw the number 30 mentioned as a good figure.

I haven't a clue how someone can have 30 desires, so let's come up with some irrelevant ones.

-Must pertain to the material world
-Must be improbable, but not extremely so (no lottery jackpots)
-Must be a desire for the occurence of an event, not non-occurence, so it can be verified
-Preferably not a negative event

I don't really understand the sigil charging step. Like if I'm going to meditate on my sigil for example what am I to do? Simply see the sigil in my mind's eye or am I supposed to do more than that?

>Number your desires, your sigil strings, and your final sigils.



Aw shit I have a lot of reading to do there.

OP even with like 30 desires I'm not going to forget a single one of them anytime soon.

>I don't really understand the sigil charging step
This is a bit confusing but it seems there's a lot of room for freedom. I personally will be trying out Spare's death postures, as well as meditative trance.
I'm not experienced, I've just been reading is all. I've done small things before but not with sigils.

>>Number your desires, your sigil strings, and your final sigils.


I'm writing a number on the back of the sigil, on a portion of the paper I can and will cut off before charging. When I go to charge, somewhere I will note which one I am activating. That way, weeks later, I can see I fired off sigils 4 and 7. I can go back to my notes and figure out which desires they corresponded to, and know for sure whether they worked.

You don't have to forget the desire, you just have to forget what particular desire you are working with. As long as you make an effort not to consciously think through your entire list of desires afterwards, it should be fine.
During charging the point is to let the subconscious do the work and get the discursive mind out of the way. That's why you want to not know exactly what you're doing.
After charging, it is manifesting, and if you search for results instead of letting them come to you, you make it more difficult.
Synchronicities small and large will never occur in expected ways. That's how I understand it.

I've got 10 sigils, that's enough for now.
All irrelevant shit. I will fire them in a couple days.

Fired off sigil number 7, using a death posture. I stood on my toes, locked my hands behind my back, and lifted my arms as high as they could go until I couldn't bear it anymore. When I finally collapsed I stared at the sigil and burned it into my mind, until my thoughts came back. The exhaustion cleared my mind effectively. I hope this was correct. I'll keep this thread updated.

After that I burned it and watched some nonsense to get my mind off of it.

>watched some nonsense

Did you do this on a television aka trancebox?

No. I choose my subconscious influences, letting another choose for you is idiocy.

I remembered what the sigil was for. It did not manifest yet, and now that I've remembered it, it probably won't.
I am going to make some more sigils and try again.

Good luck with that then.

>-Preferably not a negative event

i want something to disappear
i'm guessing that's a negative event

Two of my desires have been fulfilled. One I had created a sigil for, the other I had written down but not even sigilized. What's going on here?
Perhaps I have chosen events that were too likely.

Here were the desires in any case:

It is my will that 4chon go down - no sigil, happened almost immediately
but STI doesn't have his shit together anyways. Practically guaranteed to happen.

It is my will that I find the text I seek - sigilized, found it yesterday by chance
The subject is rare enough I did not know where to begin looking. Still, the book I was searching for was much closer than expected, I would probably have come across it eventually.

I don't rule out the possibility of inadvertently charging the sigil or accepting these desires into my subconscious, causing them to be manifested. More testing is necessary.

I meant an undesirable experience, e.g. willing yourself to get punched in the face. It makes a perfect test of the theory otherwise.
Your desire should be fine, just manipulate the language to be the most direct and least convoluted possible.

Sigil 7 has failed to manifest. The desire was "IT IS MY WILL TO SEE A TALL WOMAN WITH PINK SHOES", ripped straight from the article in the OP.

Fired off sigil 8 on the 23rd. It still has not manifested, it is a probable failure. The desires were small, so I expect they would be granted sooner rather than after weeks.

I fired off a third sigil, results are currently up in the air.

Will try again, with more faith this time.

plz tell me of this esoteric text you found plz

I have joined this experiment

Minor success. I made a sigil to find a flash drive I had lost a couple months ago. Two weeks later it shows up. I had already declared the sigil a failure.

On a whim I decided to toss a coin before heading to bed, it flew out farther than I expected and landed right next to it. It was well hidden.

A few weeks before creating the sigil I had also attempted remote viewing and dowsing to locate it, but couldn't get enough detail or confidence. What little information I got did match the actual location though. Remote viewing told me it was on a carpeted floor and in shadow. Dowsing told me which room and which area of the room it was in. I declared those efforts failures after not finding it.

My method was to create the sigil and immediately charge it through trance and visualization. I knew what the sigil was but made an effort to treat it as a sigil and not a desire.
I had stopped expecting anything after I assumed it failed, which is probably why this one worked and the others did not.

Yeah sometimes it takes a while for a sigil to work, maybe lifetimes. Why do you keep flashdrives, for what purpose, actually?

How I do it is I make two copies of the sigil (let's call them A and B).

Sigil A is just the sigil itself, used for charging purposes.

Sigil B is the sigil and its intent, which I keep hidden until after I've fired Sigil A and enough time has pased.

Flash drive probably has all his Capital Punishment on it.

>aigil charging

So, i meditate for a few minutes, do some mudras and other ninja signs that come naturally, hold the sigil and guide energy through my hands, from all my body, to the paper.

imagnie you want to superheat it.

i look at it, then burn it.

seems proper?

So what would happen if the image sigil
was saved on a phone, digitally.

>not work

Remember to focus, as in, stare at the sigil. It will be printed in your mind.

I tend to forget them really quickly, does it matter?

Though, i do make them within sacred figures.

don't double cconsonants, is that very important?

You can forget it; in fact, it's recommended to forget it. It's still in your mind even if you cannot 'remember' it.

I do not know if it is important, but I avoid repeating the same letter. So if there's a word 'turtle', I only use T, R, and L.

As you can see I remove all the vowels and avoid repeating the same consonant.

The purpose of removing repeated letters is just so you don't have too much to work with when creating your sigil.

As long as you feel it's right you can create your sigil however you want.

i tried sigils several times but it seems they don't really work for me. i charged them through masturbation as often recommended but no luck.

I don't use sigils (for the most part). Fuck them. Work with thoughtforms and meditate a fuckload instead.


Are you sure you're doing them right? There's a lot of fundamental magic principles involved that most newbies just ignore, from what I've seen. You're supposed to forget what the sigil is for before you activate it, for example. And you're supposed to put the goal of the sigil out of your mind after it's been activated.

And I suspect that most people whose sigils fail make them too complicated, to the point that they can't hold the image clearly in their mind while they're charging it. For that matter, your ability to clearly hold an image in your mind in the first place is probably terrible, unless you've spent significant time training it.

Spend a couple years on the first step in Initiation Into Hermetics, and then try sigils again.

you've worked with thoughtforms instead? how did it go for you and where did you start?

From what I can tell, forgetting is not important as long as you can put it out of your mind and keep it out.

Also, first two steps of IIH. The second is the one which trains the imagination.


If you're spending less than a couple years on the first step, you're *probably* fooling yourself if you think you're ready to advance to the second. Practically everyone does this and (then quits IIH when they fail).

How do I fire multiple sigils at a time? Just combine the letters?


The only parts in step one that could take time are thought control and introspection.
With thought control he says to advance after concentrating for at least 10 minutes. The introspection is limited to attaining balance, not perfection.
I don't see why it should take that long.

I doubt that would work, concentration on one desire is important. Try it though and report back.
I think spacing each of them out over a few days would be more effective.


Controlling your thoughts totally for 10 minutes straight is hard. Most people who think they can do it reliably can't. They overestimate their level of advancement, skip ahead to the steps that are more appealing, and then wonder why they fail at magic.

And Bardon also says those directions are intended for regular people with day jobs and families; if you actually want to do more than dabble, you should probably be aiming at being able to totally control your thoughts for significantly longer than 10 minutes.

That's why I say spend a couple years just on the first step. But maybe you're the reincarnation of an advanced soul and it will go faster for you; I dunno. Just be careful about deluding yourself; that's the bane of magicians and especially of IIH.

>you've worked with thoughtforms instead?

Hell yes thoughtforms are the most powerful and important work of magic you can do.

>how did it go for you and where did you start?

I've caused all sorts of amazing shit to happen with thoughtforms. Where did I start? Well read the fringe thoughtforming thread. I've been thoughtforming for years initially without knowing what I was doing, treating reality like a lot of programs, and intensifying my thoughtforming exercises recently.

I only ever used sigils for a few things such as a sigilocation experiment where the sigil is used as a nexus and a few other things including the type of sigilcasting described in the OP but sigils are pretty lame for the most part.

Just need to make a note of something I've heard in the astral, I don't know what it is:

asconda, baladarus, braudalus magistrate of the frapoid. I am Sven.

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