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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 11785
Lets talk about the tetragrammaton!
I had a link to an audio series about using the proper pronunciation to increase vibrations and move towards light/love.
But I lost the link! Woe is me. And I've been googling to no avail..
Any help fellow fringers?

Also, General Tetragrammaton thread.
All hermetists and qabbalists and gnostics and anyone else welcome to post.
i approve


>(Tetragrammaton is the name that the Hebrews gave to their demiurge who is some kind of bipolar and tyrant demi-god, a presumptuous slave driver with a sadistic tendency to tempt and deceive mankind. The Gnostics saw him as their mortal enemy.)

>The letter Yod is the first letter of the name Tetragrammaton, and this symbolizes the father, who is Wisdom; he is the highest form of Mercury, and the logos, the creator of all worlds. Accordingly, his representative in physical life is the spermatozoon.
>The letter He is the second letter of the name Tetragrammaton, and this symbolizes the mother, who is Understanding; the Universe is here resolved into its ultimate elements. Accordingly, his representative in physical life is the ovule.
>The letter Vau is the third letter of the name Tetragrammaton, and this symbolizes the son, who is the personification of Beauty; an interpretation of the father in terms of the mind.
>The letter He serves double duty, and so it is too, the fourth letter of the name Tetragrammaton. This symbolizes the daughter, who is the Kingdom; the Universe as manifested to our physical senses.

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The letters YHWH are also associated with the elements, the court cards, and suits of the tarot.

Yod: Fire, Kings, Wands
He: Water, Queens, Cups
Vau: Air, Knights, Swords
He: Earth, Pages, Pentacles

Also, stacking the letters YHWH makes a stickman.

I don't want to learn useless jew knowledge though when I am not a jew.

What about Kabbalah? That's Judaic in origin.

Kabbalah is originally Babylonian. The Jews learned of Kabbalah through the Greeks, and claimed it as their own.

>passing off knowledge because the JOOZZZZ


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OP is on the first step to judeophilia.

next thing you know he will be following the 613 commandments, dressing in all black, and circumslicing his own penis for the demiurge

i'd rather be a japanophile and slice out my own guts. pic related

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me again. heres the list of the commandments if you didnt know.

poor jews. they gotta get their dicks chopped up, and then theyre forbidden from practicing magick


Not to go into a trance to foresee events, etc. — Deut. 18:10
Not to engage in divination or soothsaying — Lev. 19:26
Not to mutter incantations — Deut. 18:11
Not to attempt to contact the dead — Deut. 18:11
Not to consult the ov — Deut. 18:11
Not to consult the yidoni — Deut. 18:11
Not to perform acts of magic — Deut. 18:10

Wouldn't it be simpler if we just put everyone that practices magic to death?

They used to do that in my country a long time ago.

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your country was invented by a dark wizard who doesnt want any competition

…just like the jewish religion

I have no problem with that or the jewish religion.

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of course you don't.

why would a citizen of dark-wizardistan have a problem with another dark wizard's control system?

Symbolism that man is YHWH?

Symbolism that Man is created in God's image, as in Genesis.

Alternatively: The YHWH-stickman is a symbol suggesting that God didn't "create" Man, nor did Man create God, but that God and Man are just two different manifestations of the same fundamental concept. As above so below and all that.


If man is a symbol of God why aren't we all invisible?


We are invisible, it's only our human shell which is visible.

Hurr no shit. If we're a symbol of God, let me ask again, why the fuck do we even have shells in the first place and not flying around shooting fireballs out of our hands?

I don't even believe in a god, but I believe in multiple ones, hail the Old Gods!

At first man wanted to be a king. Then the king wanted to be god. But God wanted to be man. One sec, might find pic.

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What joy is there to learn everything, but not experience any of it? If you knew the true wonders of this world you would agree.

Fuck your garbage. There is absolutely no reason to have a foggy mind, to be limited, to have diseases and experience so much suffering. I have absolutely no desire to be an animal lower than me. I want to be a radiant-light superior intelligence capable of manifesting far more beautiful and complex experiences than what are available to me here in this shit demiurgic realm.

>I don't even believe in a god, but I believe in multiple ones, hail the Old Gods!
Congratulations, you're a dumbass.

How so?

Personally I believe in a world-view in which there are many deities as well an The All as well as avatars. Monotheism I can't believe in because it's just plain wrong. There are too many entities in existence worthy of the status of deity.

Exactly. Where do you think the Egyptians got so much esoteric knowledge from? From contacting multiple deities and learning from them.

I've said this a million times today but a man without Gods has a heart like a desert.

What parts of Egyptian 'esoteric knowledge' do you believe in?

And what do you mean by your last sentence? Are you implying humans need gods to be complete? What about atheists, are they incomplete as humans?

What do you believe in?

>What parts of Egyptian 'esoteric knowledge' do you believe in?
…there's no 'believing' yet just 'doing'.

>And what do you mean by your last sentence? Are you implying humans need gods to be complete? What about atheists, are they incomplete as humans?

I mean that it's nice to know somebody is there watching over you, protecting you, you'll go to Valhalla/some other world after death and fight in Ragnorak, etc and being atheist is just plain boring. Even if the mythology is fake there are astral beings of the same characters from them being worshipped. I love the Gods and the Gods love me (I hope!) and I plan on dining with the Gods in Valhalla or another world.

Was meant for ( >>11997 )

I dedicate those trips to the Gods. It's not much but it's a token of my appreciation.

This is all caused by you, you dwindling piece of shit. Keep complaining and reading irrelevant pieces of information. Your mind is foggy because you drink fluoride and eat processed foods with unnatural chemicals. You are a piece of shit and nobody loves you because you are weak and refuse to take the steps necessary to realize and fix that it's your fault your such a plebeian.

don't worry your loosh is in safe hands now

There's a reason why you suffer and it is you.

"If, therefore, any be unhappy, let him remember that he is unhappy by reason of himself alone." - Epictetus, Stoic

Haha, loosh has been confirmed to be non-existent. It's just a shitty meme that trolls use to justify their worthlessness. Don't worry, I'll put in a good word for you when I visit the Demiurge.

> Your mind is foggy because you drink fluoride and eat processed foods with unnatural chemicals.

They ended water fluoridation years ago and I don't eat processed foods with unnatural chemicals, I eat fresh fruits and vegetables and organic breads and everything healthy every day I have the perfect diet.

No matter what you do, this is a 240p reality at its best, and will never measure up to the 1080p of astral. Deal with it.

Sure thing kike.

Fuck off lover of the demiurge.

I like you.
Post your diet, unwillingness to do so will just prove to me that you're making excuses. Post country as well.

>fuck off lover of the demiurge

Lel, I ask of him and he gives. Ask and you shall receive, you sperglord.

might as well quote crowley because he talked about the 4 powers, aka the stick man figure seen above in this thread. heres some pasta about the 4 powers

Money being the fourth great power, "what are the other three?" Come, come, you can surely do that in your head. Four's Tetragrammaton, isn't it?

Very well, then! The First Great Power is Yod, the Father. Fire, the Wand, the Flame of Creative Genius. The Second is Hç, the Mother, Water, the Cup, the Sea to which all things tend; it is the gift of pleasing, of absorbing, of drawing all things to oneself.

The Third is Vau, the Son, the Sword, the moving, penetrating element, double in nature. For it is intellect, but also the result of Genius absorbed, interpreted, transmuted and applied through the virtue of the Cup to expand, to explain, to bring into conscious existence.

And the Fourth is the Hè final, the Daughter, Earth, the Disk, Pantacle, or Coin—the Coin on which is stamped the effigy of the Word that begat it with the aid of the other forms of Energy. It is the Princess of the Tarot of whom it is written: "Great indeed is her power when thus firmly established."

some quotes again from the beast

By Aleister Crowley

Chapter XXX: Do you believe in God?

Cara Soror,

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

You are quite right, as usual. True, we have gone over a great deal of the ground in various learned disquisitions of Gods, Angels, Elves, et hoc genus omne.

But God with a capital "G" in the singular is a totally different pair of Blüchers—nicht wahr?

Let me go back just for a moment to the meaning of "belief." We agreed that the word was senseless except as it implies an opinion, instinct, conviction—what you please!—so firmly entrenched in our natures that we act automatically as if it were "true" and "certain without error," perhaps even "of the essence of truth."1 (Browning discusses this in Mr. Sludge the Medium.) Good: the field is clear for an enquiry into this word God.

We find ourselves in trouble from the start.

We must define; and to define is to limit; and to limit is to reduce "God" to "a God" or at best "the God."


were all just vibrating atoms that are 99.9% empty space. pieces of some great vibrating, all permeating aummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

we are all the gods. brothers and sisters. which big brother is holding us down temporarily? aka which god-bro?

tldr i have an belief,conviction (based on past sense impressions combined with intuition and autism) that everyone on this site is a sleeping god. only me and smiley are half-awake gods
after we all die we might ascend and descend in the heirarchy of the spiritual plane pyramid. we gotta be judged by bird and dog heded beings first. hearts on a scale weight against feathers. or maybe its tibetan book of the dead style where the beings are trying to trick you into getting spooked. or trolled. whatever.

or maybe just the invisible intelligences described in this book. especially the one that taught all the freemasons (oannes)


listen to this song, because it will teach you about egyptians and death. also it has a funky beat

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yahweh allah allabu backbarian

how do i raise my vibration to the fully awakened godhead

someone plz tell me cuz soon i may end up ded

oh no i was about to start rapping but i edited the post; by controlling my bodys fingers. i mean like in a shell - im a ghost

sorry no more rapping.

heraclitus said the cosmos is self igniting and extinguishing like a big fire. so we are all little god phoenixes living in a big phoenix


>They ended water fluoridation years ago

Maybe in your city/country, but most areas in the U.S. at least are still forcibly medicated with fluoride.

"To say that there is one sun, one earth, one divinity, and yet countless gods, is the height of foolishness." -Hermes Trismegistus

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