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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 4421
Dislodging Negative Entity Attachments

Just as there are physical pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and parasites, so are there nonphysical pathogens in the form of etheric parasites, discarnate humans, aliens and demonic beings that can attach themselves to a living person, drain their energy and influence their thoughts, feelings, and personality. The situation is analogous to several centuries ago when society knew nothing of physical pathogens and the bacterial and viral origins of disease. They fell ill and knew neither the cause nor medical remedy. Likewise, today people get attachments and know neither the cause nor remedy.
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Etheric Parasites

Etheric parasites are negative thoughtforms, which are temporary beings generated in the etheric plane. The etheric plane is a nonphysical substructure underlying our material reality. Etheric energies and constructs can influence physical events at the quantum level. Etheric parasites are generated by human thoughts infused with emotion and intent. This creates an energetic construct in the ether akin to an eddy in a river but imbued with intelligence and purpose. Its most common purpose is to continue its own survival by feeding off the same kinds of energy that gave rise to it, so if it was generated through hate, it will induce hateful thoughts in its host to suckle more emotional energy of that type.

These thoughtforms float around in the ether, which interpenetrates and underlies physical space, and can influence the thoughts and emotions of people onto whom it latches. Thus the negative thoughtforms generated by one person can induce negativity in another. Occultists know how to create these intentionally, or to produce other effects in the ether, in order to consciously influence the mind of another person. But most thoughtforms are created unwittingly by our everyday sparks of emotion, fantasies, and moments of ill intent.

To people with clairvoyant vision, they can see these energies budding off the person generating them and turning into grotesque forms. The color of the energy is always black, red, orange, olive green, muddy brown, and other dull colors. When these turn into thoughtforms, they appear symbolically to the clairvoyant mind as amoebas, insects, crabs, spiders, black globules, etc… The fact that clairvoyants can see these indicates they are objective constructs in the ether and not just internal psychological processes.

Discarnate Human Attachments

Discarnate humans are those who have died in the recent past, but have not fully faded out from the physical, etheric, and astral planes. Sometimes it is just their etheric and/or astral bodies that turn into nonphysical parasites once their conscious spiritual core has left them behind. According to Rudolf Steiner, it is also possible for demonic entities to pick up the discarded etheric shells of deceased persons and put them on, thereby more easily masquerading as dead relatives to mediums, ouija board users, and societies that perform ancestor worship.

These discarnate humans or their autonomous etheric/astral shells can latch onto a living individual in order to sustain themselves off that person’s energy and live vicariously through them. Some of this was portrayed in the movie Ghost. Without a physical body, satisfying remnant physical addictions is impossible, and so discarnate humans can gratify their addictions by splicing themselves into the neural and etheric circuitry of the living in order to get a taste of physical sensations once again. Supposedly they can also possess the bodies of animals even more easily than humans. Attachments with humans is easiest when parasite and host share some emotional point of resonance, say someone who committed suicide latching onto someone who already has suicidal tendencies.

Human entity attachments creates a personality overlay upon the living host, creating cravings and biases that are out of character for the person. Someone who never smokes may suddenly get the urge to pick up the habit. A discarnate female with sexual cravings can induce homosexual tendencies in straight males, for instance. A young woman who was always friendly may pick up the attachment of an old angry war veteran, and thus acquire a more masculine, gruff and angry demeanor. Discarnate human entity attachments tend to be acquired by being etherically vulnerable while in proximity to such entities. Examples include graveyards, bars, war zones, and sites of fatal accidents.

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Alien Entity Attachments

Some attachments are worse than others. Alien entity attachments are worse than human ones because they are placed into a person intentionally for purposes of monitoring, energy feeding, and manipulation, whereas human entity attachments merely create human personality overlays and common vices. Alien entity attachments function as energy parasites and may be used to torment or butter up an individual to play into an alien agenda, like believing themselves to “have the soul of a Grey” when really it’s the etheric Grey attachment that produces in them those behaviors and tendencies. It’s mostly abductees or people in some way engaged or interacting with the alien phenomenon who receive these, or perhaps people in positions of power and influence who are useful to the alien agenda.

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Demonic Attachments

The worst attachment of all are demonic ones. I am not sure of the true origins of demons. Maybe they are thoughtforms created by the collective negativity of humanity throughout the ages. Maybe they were effluvia left over from the creation of the universe. Maybe they were physical beings who advanced so far along the negative path that they transcended their physical bodies and took up residence in the darkest recesses of the lower astral planes.

Whatever the case, fully possessed humans become sharp instruments of demonic manipulation and can carry a composed exterior and high social status, but underneath be dark, manipulative, cunning predators endowed with paranormal powers. Those who are not fully possessed and are struggling against the attachment process are worn down through depression, suicidal tendencies, and self-destructive psychopathic behavior. Extreme sadism and perversion are also possible, as in the case of serial killers and murderers who typically admit a voice told them to do it, or that they couldn’t help themselves, that something evil compelled them.

Clairvoyants, young children, animals, and anyone with an iota of intuition can sense the presence of demonically possessed individuals and will feel threatened, repulsed, and creeped out by them.

Demonic attachments can be picked up in several ways. One is through willful invitation, say through practice of black magick, left-hand-path occult systems, or undergoing initiations into questionable secret societies. These all give a person increased power and knowledge in exchange for soul energy and debt to the demonic beings conferring those, which in the long run is a bad deal but just as people get themselves into a hole through credit cards, so do some people do the same spiritually through the “credit card” of black magick.

Another path toward demonic possession is starting with a minor attachment and being too weak or willing to resist its pull toward ever greater forms of depravity. It tends to start with a severe weakness in a person, such as being extremely traumatized as a child, being a heavy alcoholic or drug abuser, and/or nurturing feelings of morbidity, suicide, depression into a total lifestyle. Generally, demonic possessions require a greater degree of permission, be it conscious through rituals, or unconscious through cultivation of anti-human, anti-life, anti-spiritual attitudes and feelings.

That picture is really enticing. Does a discarnate human have to be demonically possessed or are they able to retain themselves?

If you are properly in 4th density you can interact with them without them having to take your body. I posted that picture because it reminds me of the succubus I found in the astral planes today.

Have you got any dead girls to put out yet? I don't like succubi. I want humans and not the living kind either.

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Getting Rid of Attachments

Entity attachments can be removed by starving them out and/or dislodging them directly.

Starving them out means identifying what thoughts, emotions, and behaviors they persistently aim to induce, and cutting these off, transmuting or replacing them with their positive opposites. Sooner or later the entity learns that an attempt to induce this action creates the opposite effect and they have no choice but to cease and hopefully leave.

Dislodging them directly is more difficult. Traditionally this involves getting an exorcism, visiting someone practiced in shamanic journeying and de-possession techniques, or getting a Spirit Releasement Therapy hypnosis session.

It can be done yourself provided you can enter a lucid state of consciousness other than waking, particularly that twilight state in between waking and sleeping. This state is characterized by complete sleep paralysis, the sensation of disembodiment, hovering, vibration, and so on. It’s when your etheric body is naturally decoupled from the physical, which science would call the hypnagogic or hypnopompic state.

While awake, the astral and etheric bodies are stuffed into the physical and somewhat enchained by it. In this state, which Robert Monroe calls “mind awake, body asleep” you are etherically empowered compared to your waking state. Not only can you see/feel an entity attachment, but you can take various actions to get it off you.

All the actions ultimately come down to intent, and it’s the vehicle of intent that varies from system to system used. For instance, Robert Bruce talks about removing Core Images (traumatic memories) by visualizing them as photographs being pulled away from you and burned, in order to remove that crack in your psyche through which an attachment has sunk its roots. In occultism there is the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram which can be traced with one’s etheric arms. Catholics have their pectoral crossing gesture.

I prefer charging myself up with divine power, honing in on the feeling of the negative overlay, encompassing my being around it from all sides, then gripping on tightly while accelerating my vibes and confidence in order to completely overwhelm and “electrocute” the thing. It’s my instinctual response and has been used with success several times. I have called upon the power of Christ and whatever else fills me with righteous power. All this is done in that “mind awake, body asleep” state where it’s most effective and the results more noticeable.

You may feel the entity resisting the process, which can manifest as an uncomfortable electrical tingling or pulsation (like gripping onto an electric fence) and perhaps the feeling of writhing and sounds of shrieking and growling. It’s important to feel neither fear, weakness, or malice while doing this. In fact, the more positive and empowered you make yourself feel, the better and more effective the process. You are aiming for the intent of separation and the changing of vibrational rate through an elevation in your emotional state / level of confidence.

TAKE NOTE: This technique given in the previous paragraph is for non-human entity attachments of a malicious kind and works also against psychic attackers. I would not use it against human entity attachments and haven’t yet needed to. The latter I’m assuming could be spoken to, reasoned with, and peaceably guided into the afterlife. But for negative entities of the astral parasite, Grey alien attachments, demonic and sub-demonic types, I don’t play softball.

Robert Bruce’s technique and other simple positive rituals may be effective while awake (but focused), although for extra punch I believe one does have to be in an etherically empowered state (mind awake, body asleep). Clairvoyants and experienced occultists can achieve this state of etheric expansion while walking or standing with eyes open, while we don’t experience that except when falling asleep, dying, or while in a state of hypnosis.

Well how are you going to tell apart a succubus from a human? Both look like regular women, both are disembodied…

>Clairvoyants and experienced occultists can achieve this state of etheric expansion while walking or standing with eyes open, while we don’t experience that except when falling asleep, dying, or while in a state of hypnosis.

Oh cool I'm apparently an experienced occultist then because I have induced that state before while eyes open.


Now, I am no expert on etheric/occult practical methods, nor am I clairvoyant, so this research note is just a quick overview. I’ll now point you to several other sources that may be of help to you if this issue presses on your mind:

>Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual – by Dr William Baldwin – a classic manual on using hypnosis to perform entity releases. This is more a practitioners manual.


>Remarkable Healings by Dr. Shakuntala Modi. Very interesting and comprehensive book on demonic attacks, entity attachments, discarnates, soul fragments, and healing. Recommended.


>CEVI: Close Encounters of the Sixth Kind – by Dr William Baldwin – excerpts from the previous book focusing strictly on alien entity attachments. A fascinating and overlooked book in alien research.


>Practical Psychic Self-Defense – by Robert Bruce. Techniques for removing negative entity attachments based on real life experience by Bruce himself. Fun ideas for experimentation on clearing living spaces of ghosts and oneself of dark entities.


>Psychic Self-Defense – by Dion Fortune – this book is more a collection of anecdotes from Fortune’s experiences in occult circles and how she dealt with negative thoughtforms, entities, and psychic attackers.


>Negative Entities 101 – by Palehorse – good series of articles on the same topic I covered in this research note. Be sure to check it out.


>Astral Dynamics – by Robert Bruce – website page with various tutorials on psychic self-defense. Check this out too!


>Active Dreaming – excerpt from Cry of the Eagle by Theun Mares – one method of achieving the “mind awake, body asleep” state mentioned earlier. In this link the method is referred to as “active dreaming.”


>Saltcube – by Matt Jones – If you need a video tutorial and don’t mind paying for the instruction, this one is really good for getting into the “mind awake, body asleep” state.


>Dream Views Forum – community focused on lucid dreaming. Look up the term WILD or “Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming” and you will find many techniques and experiential accounts useful for attaining that state mentioned above.


I don't know. I just want to keep lonely ghost girls company. Living bitches be all loud and annoying and shit.

>implying every woman on earth is loud and annoying
>implying ghosts wouldn't be annoying if so

The logic of people these days, I swear. You're just a beta fedora faggot who needs a gf.

The dead aren't as much hassle. I can't wait to be one of them.

Then kill yourself and be a ghost pimp.

>You're just a beta fedora faggot who needs a gf.


Well in the astral the noise level can get way higher I think than what you can hear while awake so there is the possibility for them to be extremely loud potentially.

Make sure to build up your subtle body and acquire as much psychic power as you can while still in the realm of the living though.

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Tulpa gf are superior gf. Also Pleiadian gf perhaps even more so.

Tulpa takes a lot of effort to create. Dead gf is just floating around, ready to be taken. Although I haven't figured out how to force myself on them yet, or get consent. Being incorporeal has advantages I suppose, won't stop me though. I am going to give her the Descartes even if it is the last thing I do.

I'll die inevitably anyway, so I might consider this option on the other side. Sounds like fun. Could be the basis of a more mature Tim Burton film.

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I'm not quite sure how to go about this since I've never really talked in-depth with my experiences and encounters with many people, but I'm past annoyance or concern at this point. Saying that the past year or so has been a, "spiritual-awakening", would be an understatement. I've had my fair share of what most of society would dub supernatural, both drug induced or sober, but of all my encounters one has remained constant. The past couple of months I've encountered what I thought was a demon or shadow whenever I attempted to astral project from the supposed safety of my house. The entity, which seemed vaguely humanoid in shape always seems to secrete an aura of fear or anger. When first viewing the aforementioned entity during an AP session in my personal bedroom, I believed it to perhaps have been a deceased relative or other entity that may carry such emotions with so much passion. After trying to communicate with it and getting no response other than its continuous observation from the foot of my bed I descended down the staircase, look up, see that it had followed me to the top of the stairs, and promptly had it launch itself at me knocking me back into my body from the astral. Once this happened I was determined that whatever it was was malicious in its intent and setback to APing in hopes of sending it back from whence it came. When I returned to projecting in my room I attempted to swat at it with my arm (I've had a number of encounters but my experience in how to handle such things is limited to say the least) only to witness it disperse into a a pile of centipede/slug-like creatures that immediately crawled in all directions and surprised me enough to once again knock me back into my physical body. Since this encounter I've been able to vaguely make out what looked like a large hybrid with a slug and a sea anemone dragging itself around my house, had thoughts that were clearly not my own but made me question myself, felt like I was being swarmed by bug bites, had extreme feelings of being detached, lethargy and loneliness. Not long after the my first encounter I attempted to AP again yet could not see anything but darkness, as if my vision had been severed. When I tried to combat this I felt as if my neck was crushed from behind and my body was set aflame in the most excruciating pain I've yet experienced. A couple of days ago brought back memories of all this yet again due to my attempts, yet again, to AP, and being greeted by a writhing sensation akin to a snake around my neck, albeit smaller. Every time I have attempted to remove it it strikes my hand in what feels like a painful bite that ignites a burning sensation throughout the site of contact. I should also note that since the fucker bit me I've been exhibiting cold-like symptoms in the material/physical world. I stumbled upon a PDF article online by an Alloya ( http://goo.gl/F3QuhH ) that describes very similar encounters as being Archon related. In another attempt to banish whatever is in my room/me I meditated early this morning and began calling upon Michael and his angels for aid, as well as "invoke[d] his flaming blue sword" (I only use the quotations cause I'm pretty inexperienced in such things and quite literally just said the above). Apart from the usual snakeish creature entangled around my neck I began to feel what I can only describe as a bunch of hands rapidly rubbing my head (think super weird massage) and finally got my vision back and a screaming noise began to reverbrate around me. I looked towards the foot of my bed only to see the comforter contort and rise into a shadowy and cloaked figure which then flung itself at me, grabbed me by the neck and began spinning/flying around my room; after a few laps I was finally able to fling myself back into my body and get up. I'm not sure what the hell I'm dealing with but it's seriously putting a damper on everything. Any advice/aid is more than welcome.

TLDR: The Astral is fucking weird.

[*edited to put all your text onto one line*]

Well I personally have a succubus or some kind of female spirit in my house that is the bane of my astral travels localized to the area of my house and some other random spirits come by every now and then.

Rarely do they ever talk to me, sometimes they are real hostile and do some fucked up shit.

Hmmmm… I don't know what to suggest, every entity is different.


I thought for a while that it may be a succubus due to irregular sexual impulses and the sensation of receiving oral sex, but I'm not quite sure. I know I've sexed up a incubi inhabiting a female form in the waking before (he/it was dating a wiccan friend of mine at the time and needless to say things didn't go over well) and he's popped up from time to time etherically. Still really unsure as to how I should deal with my current situation. >>4550

The humanoid shadow, the bugs, the sea anemone, the screaming, the snake wrapping around the neck, I have seen all these. I've had a very similar experience, although I was able to throw mine off.

Keep trying to banish it. LBRP, persistence, and a lack of fear was enough in my case. Ritual banishings tend to improve in quality as you get more practiced.
Also figure out if you're feeding it with emotions of any sort and cut it off. Yours seems stronger than mine, but only just a little.

I've always considered performing a LBRP but I don't have a robe or know all the hand signs etc. I've been doing my best to encapsulate when projecting and tried to emit love/light, or recently, overwhelming neutrality. I also read somewhere that POM had some pomegranate white tea that apparently helps with the removal of snakelike entities as well as treats the flu-like symptoms I've been dealing with. I should mention that I also just watched a video of someone performing a LBRP and had a very intense migraine ensue for a good minute or two.

>don't have a robe
All physical tools are optional in ritual. It's just a bit harder to get into the right state of mind with a bath robe and a steak knife.
>I should mention that I also just watched a video of someone performing a LBRP and had a very intense migraine ensue for a good minute or two.
When a negative attachment exists, anything idea that causes pain, mental or physical, is probably something worth doing.

You could do another ritual besides LBRP. Personally I don't like it.

I'll start teaching myself the basics tonight in that case- already memorized some of it.
Any suggestions?

>Any suggestions?

To clear a room before a big ritual, LBRP. For just cleansing/banishing, find your own becuase everything effects people differently. I personally do the Gnostic Pentagram ritual before bigger rituals, before meditation/yoga, and to cleanse.

Can something bad happen if I made a mistake doing the LBRP? Let's say I did this step x first before doing step y. Or maybe getting interrupted mid-LBRP and not finishing it?
What are your thoughts on this?

just do it faggot, if you worry too much you'll fuck it up

got it, brah

I personally have never done any banishing rituals and invite all kinds of stuff to fuck with me.

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Getting some Sage and cedar smudging sticks tonight as well as hanging up some cloves of garlic.
Isn't me for identification purposes.

Ok I have to ask now in this thread.


I want some decent greenpills here that make sense of why these sorts of thing would be relevant at all.

Well, each has different uses.

Sage = cleanse the area on a spiritual level. Indians have used this.

I really don't feel like listing them all. I know salt has magical protective properties, which is used to ward off demons/bad entities, and there are different rocks for different uses. Personally incense is nothing but to make the room smell good and calm you. I usually burn incense after a hard day's work or before I start my work. I always burn incense when I am giving fortune readings to help me and the customer focus better.

>Sage = cleanse the area on a spiritual level. Indians have used this.

…and how does this actually work? Is there any way you can explain this? Does it causes changes on an etheric level? Are there ways to observe and understand how this all actually has effect? I want to know why it would work. Maybe it does – and maybe I would find that it's effective if I were to use it – but if I can really understand the principles by which it works then I can do much more complex magical works.

>I really don't feel like listing them all. I know salt has magical protective properties, which is used to ward off demons/bad entities, and there are different rocks for different uses.

I am familiar with crystals having etheric bodies not characteristic of elementary matter but I don't know how it's actually used. I also know that certain geometry, shapes, etc. have an effect on orgone energy distribution. Saying salt has "magical protective properties" isn't really what I'm looking for here though. I know it's used to draw out weakly attached negative entities from people, that it's also used in circles of protection, but how does it work?

>Personally incense is nothing but to make the room smell good and calm you. I usually burn incense after a hard day's work or before I start my work.

I think some monks and other practitioners of magic would disagree about you on that there.

>I always burn incense when I am giving fortune readings to help me and the customer focus better.

I can't lower myself to exploiting people in that way. Fortune readings are bullshit. It's not that you can't read people's fortunes, there are ways to do all that, it's just I can't morally justify taking people's money after giving them readings unless what I say actually happens as I explained it would. Then if they feel so inclined I would let them give me money if they wanted to show appreciation. I guess you got to make money some way though and this is an easy way for you to do it… at least until you achieve inedia.

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>…and how does this actually work? (…)
From personal experience it has cleansed my house of unwanted entities. Just do it and see what happens. If nothing happened, move on. If it worked, you now have a way to cleanse your house. Sage is an ancient native american technique.

>I am familiar with crystals (…)
…okay, cool? Symbols are nothing but symbols, and I nobody could give you a exact answer to how it works. Like I said, just do it and find out what it does for you.

>I think some monks (…)
Okay, who gives a fuck what they think? If it helps me calm down and stuff, then thats all I worry about. I give zero fucks what other people think, every occultist should feel that way.

>I can't lower myself (…)
Okay, good for you. Every customer I've had has come back to me and said what I have told them was 100% correct.

So to sum things up, don't take what other people say. All of what I just said is verbal diarreah unless you try it for yourself. Like if you burbed sage and somehow your dog barks less, then thats what it'll do for you. If it doesn't work, then you can say it is comomete bullshit.

So here is a graph I made, just for you.

1. Whatever you are about to do, make sure you think it will have some effect. If you think its nonsense, don't waste your time. Experimenting about it is up to you.

2. Do the technique or whatever you just did.

3. Record your results of what just happened.

If it worked, keep doing it and use it to your liking.
If it didn't work, completely forget about it and don't waste your time with it ever again. Just because someone says it doesn't work, that just means they didn't get an effect. Listen to yourself, not others.

All of what I just said is babble unless you find out for yourself, and use rocks/salt/incense.

Also I accept refunds if my reading didn't work; but all my customers said it was pretty accurate.

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>From personal experience it has cleansed my house of unwanted entities. Just do it and see what happens. If nothing happened, move on. If it worked, you now have a way to cleanse your house. Sage is an ancient native american technique.

I don't have any sage though and no money at all to buy it so I'd have to beg for it.

>…okay, cool? Symbols are nothing but symbols, and I nobody could give you a exact answer to how it works. Like I said, just do it and find out what it does for you.

Why would you assume everyone is ignorant like you? There's a lot of occult knowledge out there. Someone must have the answers. Why are you talking about symbols?

I do not have any crystals and obviously can't afford them so I can't experiment firsthand.

>Okay, who gives a fuck what they think? If it helps me calm down and stuff, then thats all I worry about. I give zero fucks what other people think, every occultist should feel that way.

I take them seriously because they actually do amazing shit and dedicate their lives to this stuff. That doesn't mean I'll necessarily accept it but you're obviously not providing answers. I look to understand what I do and not merely to do – although I do a lot of doing as well – the understanding is important because it allows me to do more complex things.

>Okay, good for you. Every customer I've had has come back to me and said what I have told them was 100% correct.

Whatever then. I bet your predictions are really vague and all you've got giving yourself an edge over them is greater intellect and intuition. There's lots of big fucking idiots in the population. Unless you are actually receiving psychic impressions of their futures then I will consider your fortune telling to be very special.

>So to sum things up, don't take what other people say. All of what I just said is verbal diarreah unless you try it for yourself. Like if you burbed sage and somehow your dog barks less, then thats what it'll do for you. If it doesn't work, then you can say it is comomete bullshit.

Sure whatever but you could also drop the butthurt and just say "I don't know".

>So here is a graph I made, just for you.

This is not a graph you silly fortune teller.

>1. Whatever you are about to do, make sure you think it will have some effect. If you think its nonsense, don't waste your time. Experimenting about it is up to you.

I already know about belief as a tool in magic. I practise chaos magic. No need to tell me the basics.

>2. Do the technique or whatever you just did.

>3. Record your results of what just happened.

In what manner you want it recorded? I always post about my shit all the time on here. Maybe you want me to start filming as well?

>If it worked, keep doing it and use it to your liking.

>If it didn't work, completely forget about it and don't waste your time with it ever again. Just because someone says it doesn't work, that just means they didn't get an effect. Listen to yourself, not others.

Some stuff won't work on the first try though and requires multiple attempts or a lot of practise before you can make it work for you.

>All of what I just said is babble unless you find out for yourself, and use rocks/salt/incense.

I'm just too much of a poor NEET to acquire these things. Maybe I can find salt somewhere though…

>I don't have sage (…)
Cast a money sigil.

>Why would you assume (…)

I don't assume everyone to be ignorant like me. Maybe someone does have an answer, I can't answer how they have magical properties.

>I take them seriously (…)

I know, their devotion is insane. They are pretty badass but I really could care less of their outcomes, I have to experience the outcome to belive it.

>Whatever then (…)

Okay, I really don't think I'm a special fortune teller or anything, I just know how to use tarot/runes/numerology so I give readings for money. If it didn't turn out like I said, I give them the money back.

>This is not a graph, you silly fortune teller.

List or directions, whatever.

>I already know belief (…)

Same. Hail Eris.

>In what manner you want it recorded? (…)

Just keep a journal to go back to when you want.

>Some stuff won't work (…)

You don't say????? Do whatever it says and modify it however long it takes.

The only thing I can say for your money issues is get a job or a better one, or cast a sigil for money.

Nah fuck the money problems for now, I got a lot of shit to learn, and don't want to spend the bulk of my time working minimum wage job when my soul is in danger.

dfs dsffsd

>food and shit to keep you healthy
>weezird mejick

Choose one and only one. I'm a magician and I'd always choose #1 no exceptions.

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I get those things by hypnotizing people and so on. I won't starve any time soon. You can't argue with these trips.

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