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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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GOOD LUCK EBOLA CHAN! | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 4465
I think I just got abducted by 7 feet tall Nordic Alien women /fringe/

I ended up on a spaceship/colony that has apparently been out in space for 500 years.

This is really strange but I believe the time they said the ship was put into orbit was 1967… so I guess that makes it the year 2467.

I'm going to call it a colony because it wasn't really much of a spaceship so much as a huge self-contained ecosystem.

I am not sure but I think this ship may have also had pocket dimensions or else some kind of very advanced simulated reality thing they'd do a lot of work in.

The number of inhabitants was I think around several thousand.

They had a monarchy, they looked like European people but rather strange, and were divided into multiple distinct races with different phenotypes which would inbreed a lot and although some interbreeding between the different groups would happen they'd hate each other. They also seemed to practise heavy amounts of infanticide or something, I don't know, but the women would have a lot of children yet only keep a few of the best ones and I don't know what happened to the others.

The royalty could sentence anyone to death if they wanted and had a lot of privileges that would let them get away with anything. They seemed to be exceptionally intelligent, strong, etc. and to represent the multiple tribes / races on the ship.

I am not sure but the whole society seemed a little bit feminist or female-dominated or maybe the women just had special privileges for their gender and the men other privileges which they were venerated for.

I am already very tall myself but this blonde haired woman was so tall that even on my tippy toes I didn't come right up to her face so when I was face to face with her my feet would be dangling in the air.

She told me I was closely related to her – I guess I was an ancestor fetched out of the past in order to breed with her to keep her lineage pure? I think she had two offspring already, sons, but who were mixed with a different race on this ship so they had black hair, weren't as tall, and were more of a Southern European complexion. This woman was very unhappy about that and wanted children that actually look like her and have her fair complexion.

She was very loving and treated me well, talked to me about things, eventually mated with me, and then I was left to go wander around the ship or pocket dimension or whatever and look around at the people and houses and other stuff. There was even a lake with really big fish in it and creatures that looked like dolphins and maybe were in fact a variety of dolphins and seemed to be quite intelligent, weird.

I was out there an extremely long time before eventually being returned to my body and thinking it would be day time here but here's the weird stuff – no significant amount of time appears to have passed in my timeline while I was out there in their ship for a very long while and all biological functions seem to have been out of phase as in whatever biological impulses I'd be feeling while out there (such as hunger, thirst, whatever), would not align with how I felt once I was back in this timeline.
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I hope I got all my facts right here. Check these dubs btw.

So what do you think happened /fringe/ and what relevance does this event have to… anything? My guess is that it has no relevance to my timeline.


So what was the sex like? Was it like fucking an amazon cause she was so tall?

Maybe. It's not like I've ever fucked an Amazon though.

Give us a detailed account of the sex.

This guy just came here to fap lol

No it's just between me and her and I don't like to talk about sex. It took a lot of courage for me to even mention in this story that it happened at all.

Yeah I guess so.

Pick 1

Yeah we want a storytiem.

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Hello broather/sister! I went on a beamship for several times through meditation with some spiritual herbs, crystals and incences. I went to the pleiades to meet my family there in one time he asked me if I was ready to see and this image is very much like it. I can't find a better one to describe how all those heavens and lifted up cities in mountains or islands are there…
Thank you for being here!

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Are the Nordic Aliens Jew aware?

Not only are they free from jewish manipulation, they know the crimes of every traitor and coward. They will all be justly punished as part of the plan to restore the Third Reich.

Why the reptilian eyes?

That pic gives me some strange vibes.

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