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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 4455
Hello fringe I am interested in evoking a demon from the geotia (thinking about ipos)Though I would prefer not to fuck myself over by summoning something powerful for the wrong reasons. I have only done shamanistic style evocations in the past and I am going to do something that involves ritual theory loosely based on EA Koetting and his works.

Any ideas for summoning lesser spirits through sigils and rituals would be nice.

My only experience with demons from the goetia is one instance where I did what shamans do through the use of substances and I started to become and emulate a lion holding together 3 worlds from the rift inbetween. after afew hours or minutes a resplendent astral lion came to me from the shadows at the edge of my imaginings I could only see his face which can be defined as more real than real with wild piercing green eyes.
The lion spoke to me in a harsh voice and I didn't so much as tell him so much as he knew what i wanted I think he inhabited me for some time up to 2 or 3 weeks and guided me to where I could face and overcome any fear or neuroses. I felt i was competing with him for control on whether or not to act on baser instincts (got laid a lot lost my virginity and everything when guided by his influence.) He left and now i have the strength to overcome whatever doesn't sit right with me.

I don't know which demon this is though I have a feeling it is King Vine. Based on appearance and how I was helped.

I have noticed when I do not favor people in my life they tend to go away I don't know if this is coincidence or what but they never get hurt just move away/get new jobs and leave my life. So im not worried about it just interested.

I now wish to be witty and bold, but i lack the use of mind expanding items. I require advice and ideas.
>got laid a lot lost my virginity and everything when guided by his influence.


I prefer freeform chaos magic and don't work with Goetia or any stuff where I don't get to at least invent part of the ritual myself or adapt it to my own interests so I can't really help you with this I guess.

>I now wish to be witty and bold, but i lack the use of mind expanding items. I require advice and ideas.

How about learn to meditate and astral project with intensity?

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