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Esoteric Wizardry
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Everything will be fire. | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 4429
Meditation vs Prayer

“Each day you hope and pray for the best conditions for your evolution, for the good of your friends, and for the whole world, and you ask what you must do in order for your hopes to be fulfilled. I will give you a method: write these things down and entrust them to the Angel of Fire. Fire is a messenger between the visible and the invisible worlds, and the moment these papers are burned, entities on high take notice of them and begin to study how their requests might be satisfied. Of course, you must not expect these requests to be granted immediately. But if you are patient, if you continue to make efforts and to work in the direction of the hopes you have expressed, you will one day see them realized; for when fire takes part in something, there are always results. In initiatic science, fire is considered the most powerful means of entering into communication with the spiritual world, because it represents the frontier between the physical and etheric planes. If, before beginning a work of any importance, initiates customarily light a candle, it is because they know that fire will introduce them to the subtle regions where their thoughts and their voices will be heard and where they will find the conditions for achieving their goals. All true magi have a very powerful bond with fire. Even though religion has gradually lost the meaning of these initiatic practices, the tradition of lighting candles or lamps in churches continues; this proves that human beings unconsciously preserve the ancient knowledge that the presence of fire promises fulfilment.”
- Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

I am seriously thinking of applying this. I have been doing stuff with fire for a long while but somehow I didn't make this connection. I am thinking that if I want to offer up prayers I will write them on something and then burn that something.

>writing out your petition in positive language on bay leaves before burning them also helps
Positive language. In other words, language the subconscious understands, without negation.

Spirits don't need positive language to understand your intent; I don't think there are any involved in this.

Why not join the sigil experiment?
It's the same thing, just with the intermediate of a sigil representing your desire, and a step where you provide the sigil energy / implant it in your subconscious.
Or you can use this simpler method and post results, good or bad, in that thread. It's related enough.

I have been thinking about this same thing. Negation doesn't work for anything. Everything must always be defined in positive terms, everything is always becoming, not disappearing. In my rituals (such as the succubus summoning one) I am careful about the language I use because certain ways of stating things don't work.

Like here are some wrong ways I think of defining intent:

- I want to not be weak.
- I will not be weak.
- I am not weak.
- I will be strong.
- I want to be strong.

Correct way would probably be

- I am strong
- I will to strength

or something like that.

>everything is always becoming

Change is a constant.

You need the assistance of your subconscious to properly contact spirits though.

Regardless of our theorizing though, what works works…

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