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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 4403
I think most everyone should be familiar with and largely unable to deny this fact – sometimes people spontaneously, all in an instant, obtain years of experience in a skill or a language (sometimes even dead languages from ancient times) or advanced knowledge from books and sometimes of a very obscure nature – all within a timeframe that could not possibly allow them to learn all that shit through mundane means.

Quite a few of the people to do this, have been involved in mind control, and some just do it spontaneously and others do it through magic.

It is quite evident that there is a way to do this.

I bet there are at least some people on /x/ who have done this themselves.

I want to know how you did it, how others could do it, or if you haven't done it then what are your theories on the matter on /x/?

This anomaly is extremely common and attested to in many sources.

How do we access the akashic records and download massive amounts of knowledge direct into our being?
There are videos btw that can be found of people being hypnotized to do a wide variety of things they should have no knowledge of how to do. This ranges from stuff like sudden massive improvements in marksmen ability, to acquiring massive talent in combat arts, to perfectly playing a very complex song on an instrument they've never used before.

All of this shit really can't be denied, only ignored, because it's a form of magic which is so commonplace and everywhere.

This area of inquiry is a very good opening into a non-mundane reality.

In the book Chasing Phantoms there's mention of a guy who never studied shit, went to jail, is part of mind control, and comes out of jail with an unbelievable amount of inexplicable skills despite his anti-intellectual attitude and saying himself he never studied shit.

Then there's for example this guy in this vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90xfZJQzAhc&hd=1

There you see a man who has only just a shot gun for the first time in life and does it poorly be hypnotized and then afterwards he is able to hit the target with extreme accuracy.

In hypnosis literature there is plenty of basic "tricks" you can do but I seriously think the mainstream people who say mentalism and hypnosis is not magical are fucking shills because what is being done is plainly miraculous and not mundane like they'd have us believe, it's not a trick, it's a real change with real uses.

…and if you read into mind control you'll find plenty more of this shit. People can be programmed with rather simple commands that unlock the infinite potential of the subconscious (which I believe to be the underlying fabric of reality and the source of magical power and it layers being the deeper level of the programming which holds reality itself in place for us) and bring out incredible skills into them all within hours.

Another thing that's a bit different but I also want to mention here is there are people who slip out into other pocket dimensions or whatever for a couple years at a time, and they don't experience this shit as a timelapse btw, but rather they experience it in normal time day after day… night after night. I would take Hanz claims that he comes from another world very seriously, he really might have got here by accident. Anyways after slipping away like this they eventually come back one day, usually due to an event like death or something, or maybe they just wake up one and they're back… and no time has passed in the original timeline they came from yet they now have say 2 years of life experience without having aged a bit in the meanwhile. I personally know a woman who has done exactly this (and yet still denies magic btw to anyone whoever starts talking about it around her, except when she's with me, because she trusts me only).

Imagine how much awesome shit you could do anon if time stopped right now and you went into another dimension for a couple years then came back and this thread was still here and it's like no time passed? Fucking awesome eh? You could spend all those years enjoying life, or learning new skills, or reading and stuff and then you could take that all back with you.

The akashic thing though is an instantaneous download of knowledge into your being. You just suddenly have all this skill and memory implanted into you, but you don't necessarily experience it all yourself, it's just kind of grafted onto your mind and becomes accessible then to your conscious mind. So in this manner without having to toil away for years & years you could for example obtain mechanical knowledge a person would normally only have after decades of experience and yet still be a young man who hasn't wasted any time trying to learn it all for himself in the usual mundane manner.

Except you'll never know if time temporarily stops or you are permanently transferred on that timeline to live a completely different life

>Except you'll never know if time temporarily stops or you are permanently transferred on that timeline to live a completely different life

Why? I know a person who knows the transition too place and came back from it. I also have personally experienced time stopping, at least, everything came to a still and I could still think but absolutely nothing would change around me and I couldn't even look at different things. Just of what I was seeing when time froze, frozen into my vision.


Do you perhaps know what exactly did your friend do to achieve that?

It just happened to her. I don't think she knows how.

Man wakes from coma speaking new language

When 81-year-old Alun Morgan suffered from a stroke he woke up to find that he could speak Welsh.

Now retired, Alun lives with his wife in Somerset and before the stroke only spoke English. His only exposure to the Welsh language was when he had been temporarily evacuated to Wales during World War II. At that time he had been surrounded by Welsh speakers but had never picked up the language himself. Nonetheless, upon awakening from his stroke Alun found that Welsh was the only language he was able to speak.

"I'd not lived in Wales since I was evacuated there during the war," he said. "Gradually the English words came back, but it wasn't easy." It is believed that during his time in Wales the language had subconsciously sunk in without him realizing it and that the brain damage he suffered as a result of the stroke had somehow awakened those memories within in.

"An Englishman who suffered a stroke has surprised doctors after he woke up speaking fluent Welsh."


Did you know there are people who spontaneously are able to fluently speak a dead language from the past that has never been spoken by anyone for many years?

Young children who inexplicably have mastery in skills they've never actually been exposed to and which should have taken an adult decades of working at it to learn?

Some of it is probably carried over from a past incarnation to another one, that's one way for them to have it, but others get this knowledge through some other means.

Did you know people can be hypnotized into doing things they should have no knowledge of, like playing out an elaborate and complex musical piece over an instrument not actually held in their hands, or having a sudden massive improvement in sharpshooting ability despite never using a gun?

On a deeper level of reality there is some way to tap into a knowledge bank, "the akashic records", perhaps our collective consciousness… whatever you want to call it and acquire immense about of knowledge.

This stuff is very commonplace and happens a lot. You'll find tell of it many books and many different sources and maybe meet some people who've done it themselves.

I want to have a clear understanding of how this is accomplished and how everyone is tapping into this source of infinite knowledge.

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