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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

File: 1395486710218.jpg (22.03 KB, 259x362, Steve_McNallen.jpg)
No. 4304
How about trying a religion that has evolved among our own people that has a track record for reflecting their "religious folk soul" and making them stronger rather than contributing to their racial and cultural genocide? Something that is our very own, that cannot be readily hijacked by criminal and obnoxious Zionists. A novel idea, eh what?

Steve McNallen has been a important pioneer in North America in helping Americans of Northern European descent discover their indigenous European tribal roots. He practices Asatru, which is the "northern window" of an early proto-Indo European religion, which also has such siblings as the "western window" of Celtic Druidism, the "southern window" of the Greco-Roman religion, and the "eastern window" of the early Hinduism of the ancient Aryan settlers in the Indus Valley.

I remember arguing with an Asatru guy on /x/ a few days ago and he was VERY anti-white. Explain that OP?

Those are not genuine adherents of the norse faith.

I call them wiccans most of the time, regardless of whether or not they see themselves as wicca fanboys or not.

These people have neither understood the basic prinicples of the ancestral faith nor the historical background and practice (a racially concious one) it's based on.

The only genuine norse faith is a folkish and blood-based one at the same time. There is no denying this.


Btw, what happened to the Edda thread? It was still there yesterday but then it vanished completely without trace…

Asatru means true to the gods faggot

anyway, you're just an asspained antichristian. I doubt you are really interested in European paganism, or are pro european racialism.

how was he anti white? was he out of line with smileyberg stuff?

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Do you even hear yourself talk? What a disgustingly retarded post.

Your own argument confirms what i just wrote above.

"True to the gods" = True to your own kin, your own blood, your own race.

Reality-denying delusional wicca hipsters may deny this but it's objective historical and cultural truth, nothing more and less.

Concerning the other ad hominem-filled half of your troll-post, allthough i did leave the church some years ago i wouldn't describe myself as anti-christian. At least not in the traditional sense. Christianity stole/adopted so many norse pagan rituals and iconography during the early middle ages, i can kind of understand the subconcious appeal it still provides to many of my fellow whites around the globe.

As for me "not being interested", this whole thread should be proof enough. I do own various other pagan memorabilia and objects of religious worship too, and plan to get more in the future. Naturally, i own a comprehensive hardback version of the Eddas too.

Oh, and learn to spell properly in any future posts please.

>typical leftist racemixing piece of shit

I just want to point out that the Norse gods are in fact wizards with avatars here on Earth that were… Nordic humans. So race DOES matter.

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