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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 4269
What's your guys' opinion on Kundalini Yoga/Medtitation/etc?
I meditate for very long periods of time, I'm talking days, and I sometimes experience really anomalous happenings after awhile all of a sudden where I don't know wtf is about to happen me and sometimes it startles me. Right now I'm doing that and twice so far awhile ago something weird happened but now I seem to be struggling to project myself again but can watch scenes of stuff and play astral games while just meditating. It's weird though when my breath stops and the weird shit and intense things start to happen.

You do realize there's a thread on this subject already up?

Requesting this thread be moved or deleted because it's shit and doesn't offer anything of interest compared to the older one.

wow rude

Dude thats fucking awesome, I can only meditate for 10 minutes. It feels like half an hour, but then I look at the music I'm playing and its ten minutes through ;_;

What's the most crazy shit you experience while meditating? I experience crazy shit all the time when successful.

Well, this happened to me yesterday: (I'm a beginner meditator)

So I started doing a meditation that said would tranquilize my thoughts within minutes (pic related) and so I did it. After three minutes was up, everything was brighter, my sense of smell increased, and most important of all; I got a overwhelming feeling of joy and happiness. I never felt that happy in my life. I immidietly (I cant spell) got a huge smile and shed a tear. I couldn't stop smiling.

That was the best moment of my life. One person said it was a touch of enlightenment. But I found out its harder to clear my thoughts than I thought it would, ironic. My usual mantra is "Om mani padme hum" if that means anything. Any tips?

>So I started doing a meditation that said would tranquilize my thoughts within minutes (pic related) and so I did it. After three minutes was up, everything was brighter, my sense of smell increased, and most important of all; I got a overwhelming feeling of joy and happiness. I never felt that happy in my life. I immidietly (I cant spell) got a huge smile and shed a tear. I couldn't stop smiling.

Pretty good. I've done that before though, complete with the tears streaking down my cheeks as a feeling of such happiness and love and joy basks over me.

>That was the best moment of my life. One person said it was a touch of enlightenment. But I found out its harder to clear my thoughts than I thought it would, ironic. My usual mantra is "Om mani padme hum" if that means anything. Any tips?

I wouldn't consider it enlightenment really, it's a slight degree in the full path of enlightenment.

I don't use mantras for the most part and when I do I make anything into a mantra, just random words.

My tip I suppose would be to go so deep into the meditation you get out of body, see through your eyelids, cause massive amounts of heat to come over your body, and experience other strange stuff in 4th density.

Check out tummo meditation: http://fringechan.org/fringe/res/2193.html

You're the rude one. Browse the board, post in relevant thread. Don't shit it it.

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