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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 4179
How many practitioners on /fringe/ identify with the Left Hand Path?
I am very much Left Hand Path except when it comes to drugs and sex.

As far as violating other people's freewills, cursing them, killing them, doing violence unto them, manipulating them, etc. I have no problem with doing so. All that destructive stuff I am willing to do. That said I need and try to focus more on the constructive things lately because it's more important to know how to heal, how to banish, how to protect your energy, etc. first before you know how to curse and so on.

When it comes to drugs and sex I'm completely an ascetic.

Although I do sometimes summon a succubus every once in awhile and… stuff happens…

also I can do telekinetic fapping if I want to

I REFUSE to do any sex stuff in a physical manner, which for me is a great way to enhance my power, because I take my sexual drive and use it to drive me towards great feats of magic then. Imagine if you could never ever fap by physical means again and the only way to experience sexual relief was through telekinetic fapping or summoning succubus or aping out of your body then … doing stuff…

I've said too much.

Shit OP today this seriously just happened to me.

>be in the secret Order of Fringe Wizards skype chat where we discuss magic

>another wizard, a RHP one is invited in
>a conversation begins, it appears to be going well
>he just leaves all of a sudden for no apparent reason
>another guy explains that spirits told him to avoid me
>he asks me if I practise LHP stuff
>I tell him yes I do a lot
>I get a bunch of warnings and explanations as to why he left
>—-below is that—-
>[redacted] had spirits telling him you would not be a good thing for him to come and cross.. since he participates more enlightend ways of magic or spirits and souls … or thats the best i can describe
>so he basicly means that you have to be carefull with what youre playing with and what not and that there alot of different ways to get to the same point of what you want with magic
>and astral
>he meant no offense by any means but just has a different perspective and felt he should not stay in the conversation or contact
>—-ends here—-

I feel so sinister, evil, and edgy right now lel. I apparently am this bad ass that I repel RHP followers that don't want to cross me. Feels like I have a great future ahead of me in black magic.

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>be in the secret Order of Fringe Wizards

It isn't secret anymore.

heh heh

* rubs hands *

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How do I get into the (not so secret anymore) Skype?


What is this?

Search around for a link to it somewhere on these boards…

I don't quite see a reason to choose either path. Do what is necessary.

Agreed. I use both hands.

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Well I've thought of one reason to "choose a path" based on emotional resonance anon.

From what I hear, if you get to one extreme polarity or the other, you transcend the physical body and acquire greater power.

The LHP is very easy but very destructive and not very useful.

All you got to do is expose yourself to all the filth, disease, vice, lust, gore and other horrible things in this world.

You can do it exposing yourself to it over the internet in very rapid succession but it's also pumped into everything through pretty much every song on the radio and lots of shit on the television and so on.

Once you spiral deep down into depravity and hatred and lust and overwhelming amounts of other negative energies you will have such an abundance of perversion and filth about you that you will have much of this energy to work with to do magic.

You will of course acquire demonic attachments and go insane but that's what you get for doing LHP.

RHP is a lot more tricky I suppose.

Either way you must achieve a purity to obtain the powers at either polarity.

Perhaps for some you could cause such a state where you could shift between different vibrations very fast and use the powers inherent with both sides but it'll be hard.

I have feeling also that if you want to really get to either extreme, you HAVE to go back and fourth at least a couple times before you can slingshot yourself into one polarity or the other.

Extreme central path is best. Use neither LH or RH exclusively, use the Five Fingered Hand, y'gnome saiyan?

These quads will not go unchecked

Waste of a quads…

Yeah, but still I must check them

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Most of you have a misunderstanding of the Left - Right dichotomy. The true meaning of the Left Handed Path is Vamachara, which stems from esoteric Hinduism. It deals with finding attainment through merging with Maya (the physical world), as well as transgressing it. Likewise, the Right Hand Path is based on denial of Maya and strict regulation of its pleasures, asceticism, etc. While the LHP can often delve into demonic and Tamasic territory, it is not always so.

Central path is the superior one, quads confirmed.

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