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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 4161
>be doing a ritual
>it's working
>tell people about it
>it stops working

Fourth Law of the Magus – to keep silent.

Is there a reason to this beyond elitist fuckery?

I have a feeling that the mental influences of others, their awareness of my ritual fucked it over.

I think the ritual COULD still go forward even with their awareness of it BUT now I have to overcome extra resistance from their mentalities preventing my manifestations coming into being.

I am thinking as a result that I may have to be extra-secretive about my rituals. Just do them, and don't tell anyone, at least not until they are DONE and other people can't stop me from completing them then.

Anyone else experience the same thing on /x/?
Notice also from: http://montalk.net/notes/reality-creation-redux

1) Awareness / anticipation repels.

2) Ignorance / denial allows.

3) Intent / emotional resonance attracts.

Awareness repels shit. Maybe that's another reason for me to KEEP SILENT and WORK FROM THE SHADOWS.

>star of david

I wonder if this will affect the sigil experiment I have running

Perhaps I should perform some in secret and some publicly and see if there's a difference

That's Thelema. I don't like Thelema at all. The Four Laws of the Magus though are not specific to any magical tradition. Wiccans (which also suck) follow it and so do others.

Might be a good idea.

ANOTHER THING TO CONSIDER – More people experience paranormal activity in rural areas and in great isolation. Being around other people keeps you in their headspace and kind of lucks them into your reality. Many magical traditions all involve a withdrawing from the world for a long period. Monks hiding in caves in the mountains for months in Tibet, ONA's initiation thing where you go live in a cabin in the wilderness a long time, mystics going into deserts and having strange visions out there, etc.

Escaping the subconscious mental influences of others seems to make us more powerful. Likewise consider how incredibly elusive many paranormal entities themselves are, always lingering in the shadows, never revealing everything to us, never being straightforward. Probably the most powerful entities are all hiding in shadows.

>wiccans, the most public-facing and diluted magical system
>following anything

Well… yeah. They don't follow shit, they mostly just roleplay and gather around to be fat and whine about why they can't get a husband.

It's ok for others to be aware if they are wizards whose mental influence is supportive of what you're doing. Wizards can work together and do very powerful group rituals by synchronizing their efforts together. You just have to be careful who you reveal stuff to.

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