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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 4140
Hey /fringe/ is it possible for me to die while meditating? I don't like to do anything else except meditate right now and I've meditated for over 24 hours and I get back to it right away and keep going and I'm just wondering how do I not starve or die of thirst doing this? I seem to have extended my stay by drinking water (with ice and a lemon slice) in the astral planes and eating a whole bunch of food there. I also worked out and it really tired me… and I also think I might be able to leave this world now. I don't know. Maybe this is something I should do with someone around to check on me to see I'm ok.
Eat a meal in between meditation shifts.

Although I don't recommend meditating so long for so often.

>Eat a meal in between meditation shifts.


>Although I don't recommend meditating so long for so often.

Why not? Only thing stopping me is the desire to come back and share information I gather and to read more stuff to new ways to greater power.

To do something for a long time or tame large amounts of in one sitting is deadly; even water is deadly if consumed enough. Its been proven that everything is bad if you do that thing for along time or in a large dose.

Its just science.

Then explain all those claims of meditation taking place over periods of years?

Btw, one can meditate while walking, eating, and doing other things.

Because those fuckers are superhumans; you aren't.

>implying I won't become a superhuman

Come back when you are.

Will do. Hopefully I won't need food and water and then I can potentially hibernate/meditate for a very long time during a happening while everyone else starves to death.

Did you hear? Living is dangerous to your health. Less than 2% of people afflicted with this condition survive a century, and all of those succumb shortly after.

>Die while meditating
You mean you don't not to return to your body? Well in theory, yes. But there has to be some reason we have these bodies and don't just grow/develop in a meditative void and instead have the matrix.

>how do I not starve or die of thirst doing this?

I'm not entirely sure, but it's something to do with mind over matter. (Perhaps it's just your willpower.) Check out >>2745 The 4th link notably (rest are good too).

Unless you drink >20 gallons/day you'll be fine.

>Implying the goal of this board isn't transcendence.

>Eat a meal in between meditation shifts.
I'm not sure about that, eat if you feel you should (are hungry or have a craving/impulse).

You also consume less oxygen as well.


>Unless you drink >20 gallons/day you'll be fine.

That's the point. Anything is deadly at a high enough dose.

You can't rely on the feeling of hunger, it disappears after a short period of fasting.

You will easily die of thirst deprivation if you do not drink water. If you bring water, and drink periodically, you can theoretically meditate for weeks and still be fine.

Good luck.

>You mean you don't not to return to your body? Well in theory, yes. But there has to be some reason we have these bodies and don't just grow/develop in a meditative void and instead have the matrix.

No not at all. I mean the body dying from mundane causes aka thirst and hunger, as opposed to losing its soul and spirit.

That would be pretty lame if I died from a mundane cause.

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