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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 4067
I am changing my hair colour by an act of will. Soon it will be a different colour and then I could take a picture of it but will people find a way to rationalize this away? Will they say my new images are shoop'd, or that I must have used dyes, or that it is all merely a coincidence and my hair was to change colour anyways? Maybe this is not a good way to prove anything. Even if I were to aim for a colouration which is unprecedented they might explain it as disease, toxins/poison, or a genetic mutation. There are already fairly well documented examples of people changing their hair (and eye) colouration, perhaps I should just refer people to that, and yet still I think people would find ways to rationalize it. Maybe if I were to become so powerful as to effect such bodily changes on a timescale so quick that the whole process could be filmed then people would have much more difficult rationalizing it away but then I'd be as good as a shapeshifter wouldn't I and I'd be proclaimed a reptilian and the powers that be would destroy any evidence I produced of the whole thing and quickly hunt me down and anyone else connected until the whole matter is very obscure or they may make a cover up theory, claim the video footage was faked, that any witnesses are conspirators or perhaps abduct or remote influence them into denouncing what they just saw with their own eyes or maybe they will say they were hypnotized or just liars too and then of course they will apply the thought-terminating memes programmed into the population to keep them from questioning the matter or ever taking it seriously. Oh it's just crazy fringe bullshit, you don't want to be associated with that, nutty tinfoil hatters schizo! All testimony, evidence, claims, etc. disregarded, suppressed, destroyed, silenced, and shoved off into a very fringe domain of thought.
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If a really threatening paradigm shift is imminent, burn their work, kill them off, do away with them like Wilhelm Reich and so many others. Others could be shown the way too, given the instructions, but they'd have to act on a leap of faith and it may take them a very long time and a great effort before they accomplish the very same just to be met with the same disbelief by the unenlightened masses too caught up in mundane bullshit and distractions and toil of the matrix control system.

I suppose in the end I shall just change my hair colour for my own sake, to achieve a more pleasing visage.

Are you seeing the problem? How hard it is to expose magic to other people?

This is why esotericism exists. This is why throwing pearls before swine is an exercise in futility and self-endangerment. Those who are ready for something more will move on and always a mass of ignorant creatures will be left behind. Civilizations will keep developing, ascension eventually being acquired by advanced members of some ancient races, and then they move onto greater concerns then toying around with lesser beings not ready for the same. If you are unlucky you'll get caught up in the manipulations of higher beings just fucking around or using you like food or if you are lucky then maybe they will love you unconditionally and you'll be like a pet or perhaps hyperdimensional conservationists will love the fantasy world you live in and act to preserve it from outside influences or maybe they care about freewill and individuality and don't want want to disturb that too much… surely you are caught somewhere between such higher influences and at once largely ignored due to the selective attention of beings drawn by their own passions to other areas of interest in the endlessly vast and complex playground of The All.

Magic is for the faithful.

How did you change your hair colour? Did you just meditate on it?

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Fucking delusional faggot. Take a picture of your hair with a before/after. Jesus Christ

Go take your meds.

>Fucking delusional faggot.

How so?

>Take a picture of your hair with a before/after. Jesus Christ

In the thread I said I would do that, did you even read?

>Go take your meds.

Go shill somewhere else.


So basically you did it with visualization and will. I'm assuming you did it until you got your desired result, no?

No not just visualization. I do it by reprogramming my subconscious and through will. Can only be really done in a deep trance where I overcome the intellect and discard my scepticism and other crap that holds me back and in a state of total acceptance and no limitations then I can proceed in believing what I must to make the change. The changes take place in the etheric field of the body and then manifest in the physical.

There exists the possibility that I am just changing my perception of myself only. In which case I must say – why should I give a fuck?

1. If I perceive myself in a way others can't see me, and that new way I see myself is more beautiful, than I will be happier with how I look to myself regardless.

2. I don't believe that would really be the case, I think you could change only your perception but my aim – the results I expect – are an actual change in my body. …and that's what I believe will take place and if I believe it, truly believe it, and conceive of the whole thing in its fullness then that's exactly what will happen.

3. I can easily confirm the change has taken place in a very simple manner – by a approaching another person to confirm they see the same as I do or taking a picture and asking that people see the same shit in my picture as I do. If I change my hair colour, I can just take a picture, post it here and ask you for example "is this hair a light red" and you can "yes it is a light red" and then I know the changes I've made have become a part of the consensus reality and I can pump my victory fist into the air for another successful magical feat having been successfully performed.

I should be able to reprogram my subconscious however I want to achieve anything. People have been known, while in a trance, to be hypnotized into making numbers appear on their arm. Yes, red little numbers. Shit like that's possible. Listen to the Michael Talbot lecture in the sticky, it talks about it. Then consider what the stigmatists do, with making sounds appear on their body.

Fuck what anyone else thinks, that guy is really onto something, it's the one theory that fits and explains everything.

( >>2621 )

Out of the theories in the above thread, I believe in The magical power of the subconscious mind.

Note: if you visualize something, you are merely creating exactly what you see before you; a phantom image of that thing. To truly manifest a thing, you must conceive of it in its wholeness, it must appear before and then you must mentally give to it every property which is required to make it manifest into the shared reality. You should be able to see it clearly, interact with it physically, hear it, feel it, etc. until every property has been bestowed upon that is necessary for it to be manifest fully.

Guys, I can stop, slow down and speed up time.

I'm doing awesome things. I can even make energy/fire balls. No joke.

Don't diss magic if you haven't tried it.

Post your methods / details in a new thread if you're serious.

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