Fellow wizards of /fringe/, can you give me all your magical practises without the theoretical parts, things that I can simply do and find out for myself what is possible?
I'm tired of reading through magic book after magic book that's 90% theory and like 10% practise and some books don't even detail any actual things I could use and are just all mythology and conspiracy and blah blah.
I just want a breakdown of all the actual practises, what I need to believe for them to work, what to do exactly, and what it'll result in.
I especially desire knowledge right now in all things relating to healing and purifying the body of all negative influences physical or etheric to achieve perfect health and have a very strong energy body and other things that will make all other magical practises easier/possible.
Please tell me about any magical practises at all that you do and you know works for you.
This is a thread for wizards only btw, mundanes should just stay out of it, I am only interested in IMPROVING MY LIFE with magic and growing my spirituality.
Questions like "is it real", "am I wasting my time", and "how can I prove this to others" don't matter one fuck to me.
I just want to get down to meditating, evoking, cleansing, thoughtforming, astral travelling, cursing, invoking, healing, reworking my mind, etc. –all the practises of magic– I just want to do the shit and get better at life.
Mundanes can waste years wondering if it's real, I don't care.
A big part of magic from what I know is modifying your beliefs and not doubting yourself too otherwise you can't make shit work.
This is a thread for wizards to come together and share their magical knowledge and accomplishments.