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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 3758
Fellow wizards of /fringe/, can you give me all your magical practises without the theoretical parts, things that I can simply do and find out for myself what is possible?

I'm tired of reading through magic book after magic book that's 90% theory and like 10% practise and some books don't even detail any actual things I could use and are just all mythology and conspiracy and blah blah.

I just want a breakdown of all the actual practises, what I need to believe for them to work, what to do exactly, and what it'll result in.

I especially desire knowledge right now in all things relating to healing and purifying the body of all negative influences physical or etheric to achieve perfect health and have a very strong energy body and other things that will make all other magical practises easier/possible.

Please tell me about any magical practises at all that you do and you know works for you.

This is a thread for wizards only btw, mundanes should just stay out of it, I am only interested in IMPROVING MY LIFE with magic and growing my spirituality.

Questions like "is it real", "am I wasting my time", and "how can I prove this to others" don't matter one fuck to me.

I just want to get down to meditating, evoking, cleansing, thoughtforming, astral travelling, cursing, invoking, healing, reworking my mind, etc. –all the practises of magic– I just want to do the shit and get better at life.

Mundanes can waste years wondering if it's real, I don't care.

A big part of magic from what I know is modifying your beliefs and not doubting yourself too otherwise you can't make shit work.

This is a thread for wizards to come together and share their magical knowledge and accomplishments.

Wow, how did you create the thread that fast? It's the same minute from your post in /x/

I post and write and make threads extremely fast. Wasn't even trying to create simultaneous threads but could have had them a second apart if I wanted.

Perhaps you should try to improve your body without magic. Stuff like a healthier diet, working out, etc. If you want to do meditation, then start right away, just vanilla meditation where you focus on your breathing, then you can move on to other stuff. This will all help with your willpower, which from my perspective is the most powerful tool in magic.

No offense, but you sound like some obese guy who thinks he can perform some ritual and he'll magically be skinny. Sorry, if I misinterpreted.

>Perhaps you should try to improve your body without magic. Stuff like a healthier diet, working out, etc.

I already do all that shit fuck. Why do you assume I wouldn't? A healthy diet and plenty of exercises only takes you so far.

>If you want to do meditation, then start right away, just vanilla meditation where you focus on your breathing, then you can move on to other stuff.

I already do that as well. Stop assuming I'm a noob, I'm looking for advanced knowledge, not babby's first get good advice.

>This will all help with your willpower, which from my perspective is the most powerful tool in magic.

Sure but I'm not interested in this basic shit.

>No offense, but you sound like some obese guy who thinks he can perform some ritual and he'll magically be skinny. Sorry, if I misinterpreted.

I've never been obese in my life and am very strong. I'm trying to go way beyond what can be done through such basic measures as a good diet and exercise.


Shit man, sorry. I just made a bad assumption. My bad.

I'm really well informed on these subjects, I practise magic, I've read up a fuckload on these things, and if it came down to give basic and some intermediate advice I can assemble it all (and I probably will) but I'm just looking right now for more advanced stuff to know so I can add that in to whatever I might write up for people to do.

>I am only interested in IMPROVING MY LIFE with magic and growing my spirituality.
I've read plenty of methods for plenty of things, but when it comes time to apply them I can't think of anything I'd like to do. Nothing within reach anyways. So I have no clue. I just idle.

Most of the stuff I do is in Initiation into Hermetics, but I might as well record my experiences here.

Thoughtforming in general leads to an opening of the third eye, so if you're confused about what to do like I was, do that. See your thoughtforms, hear them, feel them, smell them, taste them, etc. and keep at it. There's no quick way to do it.

Practice kinesis, particularly the kind that depends on will rather than ki. There are two kinds. The latter is just redirecting energy out your body and isn't terribly useful, though I've heard it's used for healing. This is typically what you see when people demonstrate telekinesis. The former can be used for anything. Literally anything you know of can be modulated this way. Concentrate on an object or phenomenon until you feel it, think of how you would like it to be, and will it to be so. That's it. If you're really into it emotionally you can do some amazing things, like make clouds start pouring rain in an instant. A candle flame is useful for practice, IIH talks about this in more detail. The taller and more stable the flame the better, it'll move more readily. Your concentration need not be perfect, and using the elements is an optional tool. Ideally you'll be in that perfect state where you're free of expectation and simply know it'll work exactly as you desire because you are so merged with the event. It's not concentration that does this, it's emotional involvement and the belief that reality is malleable. I've had a hard time getting back into that state.

If you're used to the latter method of kinesis using ki, don't let it interfere. The two methods feel nothing like each other.

Autosuggestion has a large impact on your mental state, use it. Be careful what you let speak to your subconscious during the day, most things are designed to drag you down. Purge destructive beliefs and actions. I repeat a phrase or two to myself just before I fall asleep. I stop when I get deep enough that it becomes tiresome, then I silence my mind. Don't use negatiion and speak in the present tense. If you know a belief would be positive but you feel it's bullshit, do it anyways, you won't feel it's bullshit soon enough. I say feel because if you think it's bullshit you're not going to convince your conscious mind this way.

Also, if you can manage to have the conviction 'I will astral project and do x', then forget all about it, it will happen (say you want to visit a specific place or meet a certain entity). Forgetting is the hard part. Same as sigils.

I haven't had success with healing at all, though I've tried, half-assed. Neither warding. Banishing I can do, but they keep coming back like cockroaches, I'd like a way to keep them from even getting to me. I am interested for information on either.

This is good. I think I'll include some of this in my newest theory of magic.

The Nature of Emotion

It is through emotional energy that the current timeline may be altered. But emotional energy is not enough. A certain focus is required, imparting coherence and direction to the emotion. Emotion is energy, and energy without order is useless, which can be seen in thermodynamic systems where great disorder, or entropy, means little useful energy available for work.

Like energy, emotion is quite generic and can be used by anyone with the means to direct it, even someone from whom the emotion did not originate. It can thus be siphoned, collected, and redirected to accomplish first order effects. Since second order beings are incapable of generating these emotions to begin with, to achieve first order effects they must tap emotion from first order beings. Thus, second order beings comprise the majority of those who steal emotions.

But an emotion also comes with a signature of its originator. This signature can be likened to a non-Hertzian (nonlinear, chaotic, unpredictable) frequency where the shape of the wave is what makes the signature unique. Despite these signatures being non-Hertzian, they still resonate with the original source, since both 'vibrate' with similar nonlinear, chaotic, and seemingly unpredictable characteristics. Therefore, it is most effective to alter the past by using emotion to manipulate the past version of its source.

Using emotions from one person to manipulate another is possible, but the process is not as efficient since there is a mismatch in signature. Energy, for example, is most easily transferred from one tuning fork to another if both have the same resonance frequency.

Raw emotions, like raw energy, can accomplish tasks in a brute force manner. But when information is added, the effectiveness dramatically increases. For example, 10 joules of energy put into opening a closed door by means of a battering ram will work, but .5 joules used to turn the doorknob will also. The second is more complicated and subtle, but in the end accomplishes the same goal. Emotion coupled with pattern, direction, and focus is called "will." Will power means applying emotions in a directed manner to get things done. Aleister Crowley and Blavatsky have written much about will.


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>> 3796
> …warding…I am interested for information on either.

Warding is tricky, it's kind of like making a "Keep Out" sign without using a language or gestures. Firstly, it's subjective to the entity you're warding against, so you often have to experiment until finding a ward that works. Then there's the types for which "Keep Out" inspires curiosity, so you may need to use something like "Beware of Dog" instead. And there are types you can upset with the wrong ward, so be careful when using anything associated with a religion (especially if it's not one you believe in). Making a ward is more or less an art and you can get all sorts of effects with practice plus experimentation. It also can be beneficial to set up a testing area away from where you live.

Some wards need a charge and some don't. It seems to depend on the materials it's made from, as some substances reflect EM radiation beyond the human-visible spectrum and some don't. What wavelengths entities see in can be different from us and can vary greatly between entities; like mantis shrimp that can see more colors than we can identify versus dogs that see in monochrome. A pen that writes in "invisible" UV ink combined with a blacklight is one way to see how this works. Charging something with energy seems to make that energy observable on some level, but there's all sorts of energy types to work with (from rads to chi), making for another area of complications. A charged ward is similar to glow-in-the-dark paint which needs a [light] source and will dim over time without it.

A simple ward one can make just marks a territory. Put some identical symbols of personal significance around the area. They don't have to be big or noticeable so much as legible. These wards tend to best at deterring entities that target materialists. This also serves to advertise your presence, so don't do it if you're trying to be incognito. Even using white chalk symbols on a white wall can be charged accidentally (if not intentionally).

Another starter ward is something along the lines of a dream-catcher / flower of life / spirograph / yantra / etc.etc. and can double as "art" if anyone asks about it. The shape acts as a sort of OCD bait, causing some entities to endlessly follow the lines before getting frustrated enough to leave. The human equivalent might be those no-edges jigsaw puzzles. In some cases just seeing one can act as deterrent if it's been tried before.

In contrast, many optical illusions aren't useful as a starting point as many of them rely on brain or eye features that may not exist in the entity in question. Also, there's no limits when it comes to combining wards & sigils, like using different marketing techniques together, such as an "Employees Only" sign next to an arrow with the words "This Way".

For a design challenge that parallels making wards, see http://www.damninteresting.com/this-place-is-not-a-place-of-honor/

are you manly enough for Initiation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon?nope you aren't

I was already reading it before I made this thread.

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