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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 3754
How do I control the four elements?
Well I'm on page 53 of Initiation Into Hermetics and it's been droning on & on & on forever about the elements and the occult body so I'm thinking as I get deeper into this book it'll have answers along the lines of your question OP.


There is one I found and skimmed through, HIGH MAGICK: The Elemental Adept. It talks about invoking the elemental kings and spirits, but I think it'll be a while before I actually try it.

you must start with energy bending, then move onto the elements

regards Avatar pro


How do I get into energy bending?

By starting with learning to sense/feel it, traditionally via meditation.

Not that anon but I suddenly really want to know how to do this especially if this has the possibility for third person confirmation. Like lets say I learn to sense energy, it becomes apparent that this subtle energy is all around me and my senses can register it, then I teach or find another person who can do the same and we can both observe this energy and make confirmations about it. I'd like to be able to properly sense etheric energy for example and make observations about etheric energy structures.

If you want to see, this seems to be how to do it. I can see etheric energy hanging in the air, perceive some etheric entities, etc. This is from Initiation into Hermetics, Magic Mental Training II

>Put some objects in front of you, say, a knife, a fork, a pencil, and a box of matches, and fix your eyes on these objects for a while. Try to remember their shapes and colors exactly. Then close your eyes and endeavor to imagine a certain object plastically, in exactly the same form, as it is in reality. Should the object vanish from your imagination, try to recall it again. In the beginning you will be successful in this experiment only for a few seconds, but when persevering and repeating this exercise, the object will appear more distinct, and disappearance and reappearance will take place more rarely from one exercise to the next. Do not be discouraged by initial failures, and if you feel tired, change to the next object. At the beginning, do not exercise longer than 10 minutes, but after a while you may extend the exercise little by little up to 30 minutes. In order to check disturbances, use the string of beads or knots described in the chapter about autosuggestion. Move one bead at every disturbance or interruption. Thus later you will be able to tell how many disorders happened in the course of an exercise. The purpose of the exercise is completed if you can hold onto one object for 5 minutes without any interruptions.

>If you have gotten to this point, you may pass on to imagining the object with your eyes open. Now the object ought to make the impression of hanging in the air and be visible before your eyes in such a plastic shape as to seemingly be tangible. Apart from the one object you imagined, nothing else of the surroundings must be noticed. Check disturbances with the aid of the string of beads. If you have succeeded in holding on to any object hanging plastically in the air for 5 minutes without the least incident, the task of this exercise has been fulfilled.

This is not an easy task, keep at it for as long as it takes. I was quite surprised the first time I saw. I won't describe it, I'll let you experience it.

If you want to feel your own internal energy, simply concentrate on a certain spot in your body. See OP of this thread. >>3446
Once you feel it, move it around, and try directing it out your hands. Look into chakras for more advanced work.


Does this have to do with chakras and the "energy body"?

Use Kate and do Ctrl + J to Join Lines… or some other text editor capable of the same. Sheesh.

>Once you feel it, move it around, and try directing it out your hands. Look into chakras for more advanced work.

Tell me what happened here: >>>/astral/330

before the time of the avatar people didn't bend the elements but the energy within themselves. A pure mind can weather all lies and illusions, a true heart can tough the poison of hate, since beginningless time darkness thrives in the void, but always yields to purifying light.

>element kings
Has /fringe/ turned into some kind of shitty anime?

Sounds like you read a lot of anime. I hate it when some person who watches television, animes, and other stupid stuff comments on something I've posted and calls me a "villain" or whatever. A lot of people seem to think I'm a real life comic book hero or something. Not even the person you're responding to btw.

if i called him a villain, it would be a moral issue.
I called it something out of a shitty anime because it sounds like something out of a poor quality anime.
and who in gods name is calling you a comic book hero?

Why does this thread remind me of that old show, Avatar: The Last Airbender?

Because a few posters have already said it?

>implying I read a gay ass thread about containing "the elements"

Should you be a skeptic because Harry Potter exists?
Would you deny anything can control the masses because that would be too similar to The Matrix?

You what, mate? I swear on me mum I'll punch you in the gabber, mate. 1v1 me rust snipers only.(USER WAS CAUGHT SHITPOSTING)

Why are you even here then?

No, I deny the idea because aside from /edgy/ new age books, I can't find a single reference to "elemental kings" in any serious mystic tradition.
>witchcraft you see in every culture everywhere
>even the idea of a "matrix" is pretty common
but "elemental kings?" The only places you will see reference it are anime and some shitty new age websites.


thank you based mods

wow rude

who was he even talking too?

I was talking to >>4593 the numbers dissapeared

So one's esoteric, the others not so much. What's your point?

Authors, even writers of shitty anime, frequently draw on occult concepts.

If you're going to criticize it at least take a look and find something substantial to dislike.

>So one's esoteric, the others not so much. What's your point?
No, they're all esoteric, except your matrix and witchcraft examples are part of serious mystic traditions. As far as i can tell, some guy just ass pulled the elemental kings to make money. (like almost every modern mystic author)
I don't quite understand what authors having it in books or anime have to do with this discussion, because having it in fiction doesn't equal real life.
Also, i thought my reason why I didn't like the idea was quite clear. There is no serious literature found on these "elemental kings" in any mystic tradition.

Franz Bardon doesn't mention 'elemental kings' but wrote a lot about elemental spirits and about the topic of this thread, that is, controlling the elements.
I believe Dion Fortune mentions elemental kings explicitly at some point.
Are those not serious authors?

I have no problem believing in the elements, simply the idea that they are "conscious" and have a hierarchy. I would be willing to look into either of those authors however. Do you know what they say about them?

I'm mistaken, Dion Fortune doesn't mention elemental kings, that was Bardon, in The Practice of Magical Evocation.

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