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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 3748
Does the anime world exist in another dimension? How can I get there?
It exists here…You just aren't looking hard enough.

Anime is 2 dimensions and we live in 3 dimensions. If you want to visit an anime world, you will have to cut out an entire dimension.

Anime, along with all things, is simply in your head. It will take a long time, but with enough hard work and dedication, meditation would allow access to an anime like world

just want to clarify, even if you do reach your anime world, suffering never doesn't end.

What kind of meditation?

Anime characters can be found in the astral planes because all mental creations are found there so if you want to immerse yourself in an anime world just find one in the astral planes. Sometimes I come across them at random without meaning to do so.

>is simply in your head.
>in your head

Sounds rather materialist of you. >_>

>never does not

Presumably meditations that help with accessing the astral. Anime characters have a big enough presence without our metaphysical network that you may just come across them without even meaning to do so due to all the intensive thoughtforming that countless weeaboos and mongoloids have been up to with ruminating about their anime fantasies.

Surprisingly the 2D to 3D translation isn't a problem. They appear in 3D just fine, it doesn't even look awkward.
Probably because the archetype is 3D, the representation is the only 2D thing.

All fiction exists in the astral. I suspect the more fans, the more well-formed. Fiction that exists in the author's head only probably won't be strong, but if a million people think about it…
Because of this effect, I speculate that media (of all kinds) can be and is used to harness others for magical workings.
If so, that might lead to some so-called 'predictive programming' being inserted into movies and TV shows. Maybe. That's not my area of expertise.

I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this because it's so silly but once I went directly from a waking state and right into a The Simpsons universe before and then beat up some characters there, questioned another character, and then left.

Alright, I'm curious, how did they look? The Simpsons is pretty stylized.
Who did you beat up?

>Alright, I'm curious, how did they look?

Like Simpsons characters.

>The Simpsons is pretty stylized.


>Who did you beat up?

I don't know, some characters in a school in Springville.

It's so silly I don't want to talk about it much.

I don't know why you care so much about looking silly
I have done sillier things
but ok

Most creations based on some alternate world are sourced from some actual alternate world.

Many are from alternate universes, so you won't be able to access this world unless you access this alternate universe. Even then, some of the alternate universes don't exist anymore and/or have melded into our universe.

lucid dreaming?

I think what you're asking is ridiculous. That's being nice.

You need to look for other joy outside of anime. Go running.

>don't even like anime, hate the shit out of it in fact
>come across anime characters regardless because anime is like a mental pollution that is scattered everywhere in the astral
>even did an evocation of an anime character once just to prove it could be done

I don't like anime.

Op is a an american shitposter from krautchan/int btw. Do not respond

Ignore this poster.

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Thank you for pointing this out, i cannot STAND to watch anime anymore because it is so ridiculously fake and made-up its just disgusting.

Stop fucking neckbearding OP and take your bullshit to fucking /a/ or something because we don't give a fuck about your pleb-tier desires to do some stupid horseshit.

You're wasting your time and ours concerning yourself with trivial matters, shits way too fucking serious in the world right now astrally and physically to put up with this crap.

How serious?


Can you explain your evocation process? Not that I like anime, I just think the concept is funny.

It's posted on wizardchan. Hopefully mods haven't deleted it yet. It's based on Deity Meditation.

Here's a recording of the thing ( >>2280 ).

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Check out (4chan) /pol/ or red pill threads and/or /x/ (for the more esoteric conspiracy)

But here's the tip of the iceberg.

/pol/ is called "politically incorrect" for a reason. It was designed to be a satire board, making fun of people who genuinely believed in racist shit, or were too stupid to understand all the shit around jewish representation.

Unfortunately pretending to be retarded led actual retards into thinking that /pol/ was actually a place to discuss these issues.

You posting that, non-ironically, is pathetic

Magic was just a joke on /x/, nobody was actually stupid enough to believe it was real until /fringe/.

You are dumb


I think /fringe/ is just an occult discussion forum for the interested. There are very obviously people here who do believe in magic and the rest of it, but I highly doubt that a majority of people here really believe in it.

We live in the 21st century, I highly doubt anyone believes in the creations myths anymore, but damn are they interesting.

So you can think you can exercise no mental influence?

Fuck man do some magic and realize it's real.

It IS real. You're just lazy.


>is so bluepilled that he thinks /pol/ was supposed to be satire because "politically incorrect" literally means "wrong".

holy shit. got a live one, here.

Anyone who characterizes any imageboard as having, at any point in the past, ever been a hivemind where everyone is supposedly in agreement about something is a moron.

I was there when the board started. They changed the theme of the board near the end of 2010/beginning of 2011 once they realized people took this shit seriously.

agreed, good nobody is saying that

It's all in your head, magic is just programming yourself to act differently. That's it.

i was there when /pol/ started, too. and 'they' didnt change shit (who is they, btw? you mean moot?)

>It's all in your head, magic is just programming yourself to act differently. That's it.

no youre thinking of hypnotism

Moot, the mod of the board, whoever's the one that changed it. And I mean change as in change the official theme of the board to what the users thought the board was designed for.

And magic and hypnosis are the same thing.

Throughout our entire history on Earth there has not been a single time of objective, and absolute proof of magic. Literally tens of thousands all across the world claim to be proficient in it, from hermetics to wiccans, christian magicians to the pagan. And yet not a single one of them has ever claimed any prize for evidence of the paranormal, none of them have done anything in the public light to show people this is real. There was even a TV show where claimed magicians went on and tried to demonstrate powers, not a single one managed to do it

If you can prove the above wrong, please show me. I've tried everything I can, gone to every haunted house, made every deal, and i have not yet seen anything paranormal. It's really my life goal as of right now, if there is any proof I'd love to see it.

Magic, hypnosis, placebo, etc is all the same man

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>not reading the 'green pills' thread on this very website

>expecting me to prove shit for you

>expecting the scientific method to prove unrepeatable phenomena (like extreme synchronicities for example)

look niggr, all i know for sure is that nothing is true and everything is permitted, and that form is emptiness and emptiness is form

i CAN tell you about the time i manifested fat money stacks due to extreme synchronicity (brought about by my budding interest in occultism; experimenting on youtube with money mantras)

i can tell you about the time i psychically vampirized someone and made him an instant animal abuser

but you will just ask for proof proof proof aaahhhhhhhhhh you win, you received my loosh. goodbye

>as a wise man once said: come slap my shit on the astral then

p.s. no one changed the theme of /pol/ to anything, EVER! peopel just naturally hate jews man lol.

i dunno why… oh yeah…

>kicked out of hundreds of nations throughout history for being vile, baby dick cutting creatures

I did a bit ago, but Ill look at them again.

A while ago, while walking with a friend I saw a UFO, not just a wobbling light, but the actual structure of the object. How it blotted out the stars, the weird bottom of it, the spin. All are permamently burned into my memory, and I count it as the single greatest moment in my life. From then on I decided not discount things purely because I haven't seen them myself.

I guess it's just been a while of trying, APing, Ouija boars, that haunted hospital in Kentucky, but nothing seems to work. I just want to know, and more specifically I want to find the Akashic Records once i can AP reliably.

I don't entirely doubt you, but really seeing is believing.

Oh, idk about /pol/ really, I'm not made at it, i just think they entertain too much stupidity on the guise of being "open minded" or "free/critical thinkers".

Also, for OP's thread, does anyone have any links on moving between universe? I discussed this with someone before about having a thoguhtform that can find other planes that fit the description you're looking for and "save" them for you to travel to.

But what I want to know is about making a permanent move, I know no one here has done it, for obvious reasons, but how does one move to a new reality permanently? Also - do other universes have the same laws that we do? What if there are universes that the "afterlife" is a core experience there? How could they ever move up from that?

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youre like a wild dog that never sees humans, and then it sees a motorcycle for the first time driving by, and its the greatest day of its life :D :D :D

just kidding though

keep at it, seriously. if i were you i'd try the 'muh feels manifesting' meditation over at grand alchemy forum. try that for a while thinking about seeing another UFO

thats too advanced for me. i think you need to work on the entry level shit first, like meditation and sigils (dont jack off though)

also read all you can


An actual living/breathing anime universe would not be 2d, numbnuts.

Yes, it would be 2d.
t. anme expert

I don't understand why everyone is attacking anime, especially on a board that thinks like we do. Anyways, here's how I've heard it explained. Any fictional universe you know or will know already exists in full living color, total and complete. What an author or story creator does is peruse existing worlds and events that would be relevant and entertaining to his audience using imagination, because you can only think about what already exists.

If you want to experience an anime world, so what? You're a living conscious, part of creation and it's up to you (the TOTAL you) as to how and what you experience. You want to join the Battlestar and fight Cylons? Good hunting. Want to re-discover the dino-populated land chain from Jurassic Park? Why the hell not!? Want to server under Hurley, the new protector of the Island? Fuck yeah! Go do it, dude! Want to go to equestria and rape ponies? Fuck off and die, you stupid piece of shit. I'm only half joking because you KNOW people like that exist, but I'm assuming that most people that would want to do something like that would have pure intentions and generally someone with that kind of desire usually has different details of their life in mind which brings up some interesting questions.

My biggest curiosity is if I am real and every character is real, what differences were in place that made them be there and me be here?

Damn I wish this board wasn't so slow. This is a pretty interesting thread.

I imagine a plane where all beings are spiritually aware and capable of travelling between the universes.

There. By your logic it exists. So lets add they're cats. Now we have a substantial amount of extradimensional cats right here, I suppose.

and that would be achieved through what? Astral projection?

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