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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 3624
Which drugs can enhance the process of creating a tulpa?
Which, on the other hand worsen it?
What do you mean by "imagining less"?

I don't know which drugs would help you.

Tulpas are thoughtforms. Look into the creation of thoughtforms to understand the art better.

Don't bother. Early on you will have to do so much work to create a good thoughtform you will be drugged out of your mind every single day.

LSD could help but the visions that you see will interfere. You can get to a similar, more tempered state of mind using meditative methods, where you get the benefits of a stronger imagination but not the drawbacks of a constant bombardment of irrelevant visions. Just practice.

And yeah, some days you will just be shit and unable to do or see much. Work anyways, it will get you out of there faster.

which kind of tulpa do you want? the fake split personality kind or the real kind? http://pastebin.com/aYgsa587

>A significant effort is generally put towards a psychological visual, auditory and touch hallucination, not to be confused with the magical manifestations of a thoughtform.
Can anyone clarify here? It seems to me that the processes of inducing 'hallucination', which usually involves extended periods of meditation not incomparable to deity meditation, actually results in the slow opening of the third eye, along with the condensation of the thoughtform's form. Wanting to see or feel something results in a restructuring of their form to match expectations. I have seen this happen rapidly in the astral (OP, good idea here if you're able).

If you're not using a sigil then how otherwise are you to create a thoughtform?
Pouring energy into an amorphous blob seems to be useful early on… but just isn't powerful enough.

>Egregore: An egregore is autonomous in both energy and will, and self aware. Is often created/worked upon/fed by multiple people.

If they need to be fed, are they autonomous in energy or merely relying on stored energy?

>Furthermore, in the above formula for the creation of a magical entity, belief plays an important role, and they seem to most often be created by people who don't believe in magic, so will be lacking in that aspect.

Agreed on this point. If you believe your thoughtform cannot do something, they will be unable. Skeptics will never be able to use thoughtforms to discover information about the outside world, or more obviously perform any magical operation. Belief also seems to strengthen them, ex. repeatedly convincing yourself your tulpa is physically present.

I hate the word "hallucination". That implies a solipsistic experience detached from any shared reality yet that is not what these things are. Due to the ability for multiple people to have the same shared experience I am sick of hearing that word "hallucination". We can all connect on the mental plane / the astral plane, there is no absolute separation of our thoughts to the point of them being "unreal". If anything the physical world is the more unreal.

>Agreed on this point. If you believe your thoughtform cannot do something, they will be unable. Skeptics will never be able to use thoughtforms to discover information about the outside world, or more obviously perform any magical operation. Belief also seems to strengthen them, ex. repeatedly convincing yourself your tulpa is physically present.

This is true. I know an expert tulpamancer who can create new tulpas very easily but none of their tulpas can do fucking anything in terms of remote interaction or information gathering because she doesn't believe it's possible for them to do so and so they program these limitations into them.


Can anyone clarify here? It seems to me that the processes of inducing 'hallucination', which usually involves extended periods of meditation not incomparable to deity meditation, actually results in the slow opening of the third eye, along with the condensation of the thoughtform's form. Wanting to see or feel something results in a restructuring of their form to match expectations. I have seen this happen rapidly in the astral (OP, good idea here if you're able).
the process of thoughtform creation can be done on a small scale to feel "divine beings" via temporary manifestation of subconscious will. this is also not to be confused with creation of true thoughtforms

If you're not using a sigil then how otherwise are you to create a thoughtform?
Pouring energy into an amorphous blob seems to be useful early on… but just isn't powerful enough.

>Egregore: An egregore is autonomous in both energy and will, and self aware. Is often created/worked upon/fed by multiple people.

they do not require the host to provide them energy, they can gather it themselves, and thus are independent

Hey Karma I'm going to die in maybe a couple months if I don't heal myself. So I'm looking through all the magical means of healing… do you know any?

pure force of will seems to work rather well. a lot of cancer patients use a "healthy mindset" to beat their cancer

Yeah I know. Will and faith seem to be the key. Faith healing actually does work as I've seen it but holy fuck is it hard to produce that level of faith.

Check em'

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