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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 3496
Chasing Phantoms
by Carissa Conti, © 2006-2010

I'm reading this book today. I'll write a review when I'm done unless I get interrupted. It's apparently dedicated to Tom Montalk (well, I think so at least, it says "Dedicated to Tom".)


I downloaded the book for free here: http://in2worlds.net/file_download/9/

From the back book cover:

"There are two main perpetrators in abduction literature: The ‘aliens,’ and the military. UFOs and the alien abductions received far more attention than military abductions however, and could even be labeled a national obsession…military abductions on the other hand could be considered the black sheep, a subject the general public seems to have the least amount of knowledge of and the most resistance to hearing about. Somehow the idea of alien invaders taking us and probing us is easier to accept and process – and certainly more fanciful – than the idea of humans taking and abusing other humans against their will and zapping their memories, or even falsifying them altogether."

Military abductions, and its cousin “MILABS,” which involve an alien/human alliance, are two subjects that have only recently begun receiving attention. With the heavy focus on aliens over the past five decades, few people have noticed the role that the U.S. government/military and its black ops sub-factions have played in the role of experimenting on its own personnel, their families, and the population in general. Many people have signs of having been tinkered with and programmed but don’t realize it, and even shy away from pursuing the subject, because the grandiose term of “abduction” with its space alien implications doesn’t fit their more subtle situation.

Geared towards those who already know that they’re abductees and who have the basic foundation for the subject, “Chasing Phantoms” offers various perspectives on all the main aspects of military and MILAB lore, including:

How we’re usually only given two versions of the abduction story – either human military spooks or super God-like aliens - when in fact it’s more like super God-like humans doing things that only aliens are supposed to be capable of. From manipulating time lines to orchestrating unbelievable synchronicities, to soul abductions and using “Beam me up” transport technology, these are components of the MILAB phenomenon not often heard…
Dream time programming, psychic warfare, and the use of scalar energy beams…
Ear tones, synchronicities, paranormal happenings, etc. which are common occurrences in the lives of abductees, and what they possibly mean…
How "side track circus diversion" harassment tactics are usually employed to keep a target in a constant state of fear - and how "changing one’s radio station" will abruptly stop it in its tracks…

…And much more.

Too often, the available abduction material winds the reader up into a negative state and then leaves them hanging on the line, feeling fearful and powerless about their situation. Unlike those books, "Chasing Phantoms" offers tactical tips and advise gleaned from the author’s personal experiences to empower the reader and show how much of the negative harassment in abductees’ lives can be stopped.
I'm reading over the section right now about signs of abductions that tell you if you've been abducted and from what I've read it sounds like I get regularly abducted and programmed.

Some interesting excerpts I've saved…

“The government was pursuing exactly that line of research: creating an artificial-split personality out of an imaginary childhood playmate…An imaginary childhood playmate is a marker for hypnotic susceptibility. It can also be a point of fracture for artificial personality-splitting….”

“R.J.”, a former Ranger and Viet Nam Special Forces retiree told me, in 1991, “everyone who is going into any branch of the military takes the Military Aptitude Test, the MAT. It asks several questions along those lines: “Did you have imaginary playmates?” “How old were you when you quit playing with your imaginary friend?”…Almost ever person who goes into a Special Forces unit has had a childhood imaginary friend. I did. He was a mean guy. He did things I couldn’t do.” - page 60

A point worth mentioning here is how I started paying attention to those news stories of women who’ve flipped out and killed their children and babies because of “voices in the head” driving them mad and telling them to. More than one turned out to be wives of NASA personnel and military intelligence men. Yes there is such a thing as post-partum depression, but this military and NASA pattern can not be overlooked. Something suspicious is going on there. Why are wives of NASA personnel and military men having voices in the head? Mind control experimentation perhaps, extending to the spouses of military personnel? Very well could be. Also pay attention to prominent New Age personalities and channelers, see how many have military and intelligence connections within their immediate family.

Another example is an excerpt taken from the book “Close Encounters of the Possession Kind,” by William Baldwin, Ph.D. Dr. Baldwin is a hypnotist specializing in entity/alien attachments on people and how to rid their presence. In the following excerpt, an attached alien entity harasser is speaking directly to Dr. Baldwin through the hypnotized subject. Bolded words are my own emphasis.

“These beings were conducting some sort of mind control experiments on many humans, with permission by some human authority, and absolutely refused to cease their operations. As the therapist and facilitator of the sessions, I usually make a demand for the client’s sovereign right of individual freedom and free will in such cases. Usually it works, sometimes not so well. This being disdainfully agreed to release this one woman from the project, but no one else.
This aroused my curiosity and I asked:
Dr. B.: “How many humans on this planet are you affecting in this way?”
The immediate, unmistakable, and ominous reply:
C.: “Ask your government.”
Father perceived him turning his attention away from us. We were unimportant to him, as was the single female subject he had just discarded from his project.
There was an unmistakable feeling of malevolence and personal threat. That was enough. While I do not concur with the conspiracy theorists regarding the Government-ET connection, I believe the intelligence agencies are capable of covert nefarious activities involving citizens.”
- page 51-52.

Dr. Baldwin wholeheartedly believes in aliens and demonic entities. He acknowledges his belief in nefarious, covert intelligence agency activities, and later on in the book expands on this topic when he mentions the CIA’s MK Ultra mind control experiments. Yet….he can’t reconcile the two sides joining forces. Additionally, there’s a not- so-subtle message being conveyed by labeling such a belief as being in the realm of “conspiracy theorists.” Last time I checked, both a belief in aliens and acknowledgement of covert, nefarious activities on U.S. citizens by intelligence agencies was also in the realm of conspiracy theorists, according to the mainstream world. But never mind that. ;)

“We are an experiment,” which means we’re living in an experiment, surrounded by experiment, and this is the ultimate thing that “stuff” doesn’t want us to know. And humans are definitely involved in it all. Interesting. At this point in my life I can believe it. In fact I get into this again in Part III, discussing how my brother was told by human “thems” during an abduction that many aspects of our lives were an “experiment” of sorts. He told me this before I’d come across other sources corroborating this idea. So that’s supposedly what our reality is on the mass, macrocosm level. And now after hearing or reading so many other people’s personal stories of the things that have gone on with them, I’m seeing proof for this on the smaller, individual microcosm level as well. It’s like this reality is one giant experiment, or farm, being conducted by who knows how many groups with who knows how many agendas. Just a giant free-for-all.

Soul Fragmentation

Something else that seems to create the same effect as trauma based mind control is the phenomena known as “soul fragmentation.” Not everybody believes in a soul, or things relating to spirituality, so this could be considered controversial. But the concept of soul fragmentation is exactly what it sounds like – the soul fragmenting off, due to traumatic life events. In mind control research the concept is typically understood as the mind fracturing and compartmentalizing into different personas, but in fact it may be the soul fracturing off, and/or being joined by other soul fragments, known as soul/entity attachments. Several books that I recommend for further research into this subject would be:

Remarkable Healings – A Psychiatrist Discovers Unsuspected Roots of Mental and Physical Illness - Shakuntali Modi, M.D.
Soul Retrieval – Mending the Fragmented Self – Sandra Ingerman
Spirit Releasement Therapy – A Technique Manual – William J. Baldwin, PhD.

I’m sure there are other works out there relating to this subject, those just happen to be three that we have on our bookshelf here at home that provide an excellent starting place. At this stage in my research I tend to think that what’s actually happening with mind control and multiple personas/personalities involves the functions of the soul, more so than the brain, although there’s definitely the possibility that it could involve a mix of both psychology and soul. The reason I tentatively conclude this is because psychology has never really been able to solve the problem of fully integrating a fragmented and traumatized personality. However, the practices of soul retrieval and spirit releasement apparently have, with great success. So this may be the viable alternative to seeking out costly and time consuming psychological integration therapies. From what I’ve read, if done right with a skilled shaman or practioner, soul retrievals can produce results within only one session, and even better, the shaman/practioner doesn’t need to be knowledgeable in the subject of mind control in order to do it. But I leave it up to the reader to draw their own conclusions after doing the research.

I tend to actually think this may be a big part of what’s happening, and my boyfriend Tom, a lifelong abductee, remembers experiencing this as a young child. At the start of his abductions he would be confused as to what was happening, but as soon as things would begin kicking in, all the previous memories would come flooding back to the surface, leaving him with the feeling of “I can’t believe that I forgot!” Each and every time this would happen. Kind of like that other reality is put on hold while he was back in “the real world.” It’s identical to what Carlos Castaneda describes when remembering his compartmentalized experiences while in his various assemblage point positions.

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“Microchip Implants, Mind Control and Cybernetics” by Rauni- Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD. http://www.whale.to/b/kilde.html

“Implants: Locations – Problems – Solutions” by Lilly Ochescu. Personalized article written by a female abductee regarding both physical and etheric implant http://educate-warfare.yourself.org/ww/implantsAlocation04may06.shtml

Roger Leir. Site devoted to investigating – and removing - alien implants. Includes surgery photos of implant removal. http://www.alienscalpel.com/main.htm

“Casebook: Alien Implants” by Whitley Strieber. Book that investigates implants which have been removed from abductees. Includes photos.

“Close Encounters of the Possession Kind” – Dr. William Baldwin. Interesting book that delves into the subject of alien entity attachments, and their etheric implants and techno gadgets that they attach to their abduction target. A good book for those who believe themselves to be an abductee, but hadn’t realized this component of it all.


Overt Indicators as a Child

Something I noticed straight away was how many of my logged incidents began with the words “When I was five…” “Around the age of four…” “About five years old when…” Four and five years old, over and over again. And recently, I just came across some corroborating insight about this that made me want to fall out of my chair. In the book “Future Memory” by author P.M.H. Atwater, she says “…fascinating that between the ages of four and five is when most childhood cases of alien abductions and alien sightings are reported to occur…” WOW! No doubt, I had a LOT of activity at those ages, something was definitely happening.

This is also the time when the lifelong issues between my mom and I really kicked in. I never realized that until doing this write up though, which is why writing stuff down is such a good idea. My entire life I’d just tell people, “Oh, me and my mom have NEVER gotten along, going back to when I was really little, we just always hated each other…” But when I did this write up I began to realize it started when I was about four to five years old as far as I can tell.

Also worth noting is that I have many memories of my childhood, going back to when I was still a baby, crawling, in diapers, sleeping in a crib, and eating from a high chair. I took it for granted for most of my life that I could recall being a baby, toddler and small child, only to discover that there are many people out there who scoff at the idea that anybody can remember anything of their life before the age of five. !!!!! To me this is completely ridiculous. Nobody can use themselves as the ultimate gauge of how all humans are, but that’s what those types are doing. So in case it seems odd that I make mention of memories from such a young age, just know….I actually have memories from even younger. o.O (my boyfriend as well. We have that in common.)


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