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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

File: 1393615657752.jpg (217.85 KB, 500x716, Moebius ii.jpg)
No. 3453
hello /fringe/, i come to you today for assistance.
my mind is lost, and i am stuck in a rift. i have been trying for about a year now to dig myself out of it, but i'm beginning to come to terms with the idea that this is just how i am. it has not always been such.. earlier in my life i was more "aware" , so to speak. my dreams were clear, my mind was strong, and i felt the deep connection in everything. i took care of my physical body while nurturing my mind, creating a opulent life in both my waking and slumbering state.
now, my thoughts are either scattered or nonexistent, and the immense focus needed for meditation is an impossible state for me to achieve at this point. i am even finding it difficult to sit down and read a book without my mind running off and thinking about minuscule, daily matters. both my physical and mental state has deteriorated, and i lack the motivation to change such…in effect, i feel my mind dimming as the days pass (no, i am not even close to being considered "old"), and i need change. i have fallen into step with the daily grind, and i don't know how to escape it.
surely other people can relate to the situation i am in, whether you are in it now or have overcome it?? tell me your stories, and provide direction towards the path of healing.
What you're describing really bothers me. I hope to never get like that. I think it's probably really important that when we're in a better condition we do what we can to establish a permanent link so even later on we can stay connected to the astral and so on.

I'll wait on seeing other people post what they have to say about this.


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