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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

File: 1393116742868.jpg (393.71 KB, 550x550, 2011-12-04-71.jpg)
No. 3180
To the user on /x/ who sent that infernal after me I must tell you what happened.

Your infernal appeared before me, as you willed it, and that was impressive. The synchronicity too it was all very impressive. Yet you could have done so much more!

Other then appearing before me and vanishing several times it went no further.

I had absolutely no fear of it. It did not burn me and it barely managed to startle me.

I waited for it in the night. I hoped for a great confrontation. It has failed to even burn me.

You will have to send something else more powerful. It did not meet my expectations. I know you have no intention for me to be dead until I am 52 and it is September 5th but COME ON at least try to send something powerful enough to roughen me up some.

I mock your infernal being, it is cowardly and weak.

What you have is called a self-induced hallucination. It's a very common symptom in schizophrenics.

Fuck off mundane.

Woah there, knuckle-dragger.

>1. The guy probably doesn't visit /fringe/

>2. You brought this thing on yourself with wishful thinking
>3. You're probably as well as schizoid

>hurrr durrr you just crazy muh psychiatry

What is with filthy mundanes invading /fringe/ and posting here?

Notice how no one else has posted in this thread. Perhaps they agree with one of the many points here and see you as a buffoon who cannot refute points, but only name call/ ad hominem.

>silence means they agree with me

This thread has given me a great idea for another fringechan banner featuring an infernal, an angry wizard, and the text "Filthy mundanes".

Yes, thank you for proving my point.

Sagelocked this thread as well. If anyone disagrees with this action then say something on /drama/.

Nice dubs bro.

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