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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

File: 1392860295369.jpg (459.93 KB, 1157x1600, baphomet 2.jpg)
No. 3073
I have devised a new form of AP that uses sexual energy to work. It's really fucking dirty but whatever, it works really effectively.

It is unbelievably effective at getting your soul out of your body quickly and you can do it multiple times in a row again & again.

Lay down still on your stomach or in any position you want actually and be real fuckin' still.

Focus your lust so that you have a very rock hard erection.

Do not touch yourself at all and ruin this. Don't move.

While like this channel that lust into one thing where you focus on it hard and you will go into a trance after awhile. You can focus on your dick and try to pull your face towards it, presumably to suck your own dick.

Eventually your soul will just fall out of your body and you'll have your face around your dick and if you want to and are a dirty degenerate you could … fellate yourself but fuck that we got more important business to do.

Once you're at that point you are out of body. You will think you're awake and you won't be able to discern that anything has changed at all because you are fully aware of your surroundings and it looks like nothing has changed.

At this point just get up and walk around. You are now in 4th density. You may wander about your house in this state and begin the complicated process of astral navigation. You can remote view people, you can perform operations on your own body to heal it (will feel like a strong burning if successful btw, same thing you get in genuine cases of faith healing), you can go fuck other people's shit up, you can do all kinds of chaos.

Try it tonight. You will surely succeed, it's not that hard. If it doesn't work at first just swear off fapping forever. Don't ever have sex again (unless necessary because you want to reproduce or bond with your wife or something) as it will weaken you. Channel all your sexual energy into trance, become if you will a "telekinetic or mental fapper".

If you can't summon up enough lust to do this well don't worry most of you anons are incredibly lustful. This sort of thing will drain you of your lust though once you start exploiting it to the maximum to constantly get out of body. The longer you go without fapping the greater your astral wizard powers will be but also BE WARY of succubus in the astral planes for they too will also try to drain you of your power and distract you from your more important goals.

Pic related. I think this image is rather suggestive about the very thing I have revealed here.

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