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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 3039
What Do Chaos Magicians Do?

The Illuminates of Thanateros is essentially a practical Order, acting to organise local groups (Temples) and larger meetings, where members can take part in magical work in a group context. Plenty of other organisations exist for people who simply wish to read about magic or wish to practice on their own. The IOT strives for excellence in magical technique for those who are sufficiently self-motivated to make that effort.

Chaos Magic
The Illuminates of Thanateros represent the "organised" side of what is usually called Chaos Magic. Chaos Magic covers a variety of approaches which have in common an emphasis on the changing of belief as the core technology of magick. We take on a belief in order to achieve a particular effect on ourselves or our circumstances. The belief is only 'true' for as long as we use it; belief becomes the chief tool of magickal transformation and sorcery rather than the envelope of 'truth' inside which the magick is performed.

Chaos Magicians also emphasize 'gnosis', or the achievement of an "altered state of consciousness". Gnosis may be achieved through excitation to the point of mental saturation via e.g. dancing, drumming, sex etc., or through inhibition of the normal mental/emotional functions through prolonged meditation, stillness, breath control etc. The result in both cases is cessation of the internal monologue and a focussing of the powers of consciousness onto a single aim or symbol.

IOT Temples are autonomous, provided they follow a few basic rules, which keep the IOT's identity intact. This means that there isn't a single type of work that all Temples will engage in - each is an affinity group with its own specifications. Throughout the Pact, the variety of working paradigms and magical models used is quite extensive.

This right here is a very concise explanation of what the fuck I do every day.

Even though I read through shitloads of stuff all the time I think we can break down actual magical practice into some pretty simple shit at its basis.

gnosis means knowledge

often secret or hidden knowledge


I would love to take part in this, Sadly I can't find any in the U.S. aside from pseudo-Wiccans and Freemasons.

Only Freemasons around here and who knows maybe there's Wiccans if I look around but fuck em' both.

IOT is cool, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is cool, some other groups are ok but not as nice. OTO sucks because Thelema.

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>The belief is only 'true' for as long as we use it; belief becomes the chief tool of magickal transformation and sorcery rather than the envelope of 'truth' inside which the magick is performed.
>envelope of 'truth'
What is this?

Chaos Magic is the ultimate eclectic paradigm in that we may adopt any beliefs for awhile and hold them to be true and believe in them while we use them in order to make our magic work and then we can drop them when we don't need them anymore or need to transition to new beliefs.

Sometimes this idea is expressed in the quote "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." which I think goes back to a group of Arab assassins ( http://www.arabicgenie.com/2009/09/nothing-is-true-everything-is-permitted also referenced I think in the Book of Aquarius or some other magic book I was reading ).


What is the envelope of truth though?

So I think your referring to that 'what you can believe in' or 'the extent of what one could believe' by envelope of truth? Or am I way off and just totally confused.

Like, I try not to actually have beliefs (because I find the too often subconsciously limit me). So unless I consciously want something specific I otherwise just try to
>why can't I hold all these positive beliefs.jpg

Well subconscious beliefs are INEVITABLE and the way to change (at least according to my latest theory on the matter) is to program yourself with emotion. Conceive of an idea in your mind and force yourself to feel the correct emotions with it and I -think- that will succeed in modifying the subconscious belief. I do need to look deeper into and discuss further the matter of changing beliefs though. There's quite an art to it. While on a conscious level you may deny having beliefs they are still there and in my view of things are the basis of our reality – I believe we live in a consensus reality that is ultimately just held together by everyone's subconscious programming about it.

Dropping a link to a book I want to find later here, not related to post. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1882692047?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creativeASIN=1882692047&linkCode=xm2&tag=mntlkhmpg-20

There any many things I do and attempt to do that conflict with the consensus, in those instances I have specific beliefs, but otherwise I try to be neutral. (Weirdness sometimes happens as a result.)

The only real belief I have is 'Anything is possible, it's just more or less probably depending on you.'

>There any many things I do and attempt to do that conflict with the consensus, in those instances I have specific beliefs, but otherwise I try to be neutral. (Weirdness sometimes happens as a result.)

Consensus reality DOES NOT refer to "what is acceptable opinion". If everyone (consciously) thinks and says something is a fact, it won't actually manifest in this reality. It needs to be part of their subconscious programming. If everyone in a room experiences the same phenomena then it's part of the consensus reality. Anything can be written into this reality.

>The only real belief I have is 'Anything is possible, it's just more or less probably depending on you.'

Well this is what I think. "Anything which can be conceived of wholly can manifest into reality". If you conceive of a thing in its wholeness then it will be there. The only rules governing reality are ultimately of a mental nature. If something can not be mentally conceived of then it's not possible but if you can hold something within your mind then it will be manifested.

Not exactly chaos magic but does anyone here know what happened to the Anti-Cosmic Satanist site? Seems like the whole movement just died.

I am thinking of reading over all the material of the Illuminates of Thanateros.

I am not interested in groups and actually joining one and don't see a reason to do so.

However the IOT has the most similar views on magic to me at present and I hope to find a way to power through their works.

Chaos magic appears to be the most promising paradigm to me.

Yet there are so many fucking books on the topic holy shit.

This going to involve a major investment of my time in reading through all of them.

I want to know the following:

1. Is the IOT a powerful group? Can they actually do shit? Have you been a member of the IOT in the past and did you find out they were mostly full of shit or did you actually accomplish anything substantial in your time?
2. What successes have any of you /fringe/ users had with chaos magic? What's the most amazing things you've done?
3. What are the most incredible things you've witnessed or heard tell of someone else doing with this paradigm?
4. Are there any solid reasons you can give me to abandon the chaos magic paradigm and accept a different one?
5. Can I do anything that is definitely magical and not easily rationalized away? I value the experience of something truly and undeniably supernatural far more than the acquisition of mundane things like relationships, wealth, whatever. If for example I could materialize an object, even though it be perhaps a relatively worthless thing materially, I would take that object and wear it on me as a reminder of divinity for the rest of my life simply because of its origin out of thought.

I'll keep reading pic related while I wait for responses here.

More reasons why I won't join a group btw:
1. I hate dogmas. If someone suspects me to accept a dogma, they better fuckin' prove it works, I'm not going to learn and repeat all your dogmas without knowing they are true.
2. I hate the pressure of being around people and them expecting results from me. Sometimes my magic works really well, other times I experience blocks, and also my explanations as to how shit works keeps changing all the time… I got a lot of theories you know. I prefer to just try & try again, doing experiment after experiment, and not worrying about failing in front of other people.
3. Communicating about magic over the internet, quite openly, does me just fine. No need for secrecy to hide our incompetence behind a veil of mystery and bullshit.
4. I am concerned about the mental influence of others. If I am creating my reality out of thought, so is everyone else around me. That means other people can hold me back just by thinking about me in a mundane matter. Only those who have faith in me can actually propel me forward toward greatness, not the people who doubt me, and I wouldn't be surprised to find more doubt than faith and openness in any magic group.

I thought about joining IoT, there nearest lodge is in Illinois (I live in southern Indiana) but I thought the same reasons. Plus, I'm looking forward to Freemasonry mainly. If I am able to join other societies, I'll join OTO in Indianapolis and maybe IoT.

But I found something interesting on the IoT website… a random link thats always there:


Its fucking scary :O

the last post on the message board was 2002 lol

One more thing – stuff that fails to make any sense to me I just skip over. Which is everything that has no reason to work… like any ritual that appears to be a bunch of physical actions and nothing more. I've seen people bringing up a lot of garbage rituals that don't appear to have a metaphysical basis to their workings. I only do stuff that has a chance of working and for me that means there needs to be a mental process to it. I scorn things which just seem like garbage influenced by movies… fuck buying parchment, writing a bunch of stuff down, burning it, and shit like this guy here talks about: http://iot.tribe.net/thread/36562122-1d32-4be1-afcf-6b446c000a08

Freemasonry? Are you serious man? I've read several of their books and found to whole organization very off-putting and I had a teacher who was a freemason who could attest to it being terribly mundane and I've known so many other people saying Freemasonry is "just a secret club for old folks to come together and chat about irrelevant things".

I don't see how you'd benefit at all from joining them.

Its just family traditions, the males of my stepfather's family join around 18 years of age. I know thats what it is, but I still want to join. I'm only gonna live once, might as well! And also as I opened up how I wanted to be a Mason I realized HOW MANY Masons there are. Holy shit.


Just saw pic related in the background. Fuck this site and fuck these people. It's just degenerate anti-whites.

>I'm only gonna live once, might as well!

No you're not. https://mega.co.nz/#!KlgH2IZS!EgABewi2CUyFUWlPmPzZMYgYnBiYx2D0ggeD6u3mZlc

UH UH BOO BOO DRAKE SO SAID SO! (snaps fingers)

Yes, live this life once. We could be reincarnated as another, but you are who you are only once.

Wait a moment, reading this shit right here… http://www.deathandhell.com/nefastorum/nef_index.html

Still fuck these people, but this looks interesting, as it mentions the second death.

The web page's owner is named Infek Bin Laden, and most of the site talks about how Jeffrey Dahmer was a good guy and sacrifice is A-Ok. Fucking retards, I'm glad he died and that no one else has been active on it since 2002

…but that's wrong as well man. It doesn't have to be that way. I'll get back to you on this later though, got important shit to accomplish here. In the meanwhile believe as you will.

Sacrifice is fine. I don't know about that guy. My problem is his hating on racism there. Racism = increased diversity = more beauty in the world. Anti-racism = blanda = we're all worthless retarded mud slaves that all look the same.

I love humans and animals, I can barely slaughter a chicken on a farm even if I had to for food, I'd cry. I approve of racism, it would suck if we all looked the same. I'm all for white pride; but I don't really hate other races.

Why the fuck would I want to live my life again, I've been through some shit I never want to experience. Gang violence as a kid, constantly fearing for my life just for wearing red or blue. I also was intensly suicidal and tbat shit sucked. I hope I don't live this life again.

Lol this reminds me that I have a mixed girlfriend. I'll fuck her, but I'm not having kids with her.

You won't live the same life again but yeah you'll incarnate. It'll take an effort on your part to retain your memories. Personally, I have been through horrible shit too, and feel that life in this world even at its best is inferior to life in the next. I don't want to reincarnate and have spent quite a lot of time having discussions on how to avoid that fate.

I only remember 2 past lives. I fully belive in reincarnation, just not the same exact life.

Do you mind telling us how you managed to preserve knowledge from one life to the next such that you now retain the memory of 2 past lives in your being?

Well, consider some of your fears. As for me, I'm terrified of water. Which is why I believe I was a sailor of some sort and died in the water. I had two psychics read my stuff and said I died of drowning in a past life, without me telling them anything.

As for the second, I had a reoccuring dream about being on a expedition with someone, as I looked up the names, everything that happened in my dreams happened to the real guy. I'll post his name if interested

I'm only afraid of the void.

I'm only afraid of water/swimming and the thought of being in infinity, like space, but with nothing in it

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