Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Wing Chun, and/or Shaolin Kung Fu all involve balance, developing self awareness, a sturdy body, discipline, and movement of energy through the body as well as most importantly, helping one to develop the will. Just as any martial art. (In the opinion of many, will is the strongest magickal muscle that one can strengthen.)
Hatha Yoga mentioned in
>>14301will strengthen the body, will, allow for energy/prana to flow through the body more freely and is closely related to invaluable breathing techniques, or pranayama.
Also, as far as a diet goes, for the fastest progression, for breakfast eat one or two pieces of toast with honey and one glass of milk in the morning after meditation. For lunch, vegetarian food is best. (staying away from processed, sugary, and all around useless foods in general) (mentioned in
>>14308 )
For dinner, at least two hours before bed, either a well portioned meatless meal or the same kind of honey toast with milk that you had for breakfast.
Ideally, just the toast in the morning and at night with no other meals in between and only fruit/vegetable snacks and water during the day will help you to progress the fastest. This is called "The Esoteric Diet"
Do not run for exercise. Running is the best way to become good at running and nothing else.