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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 5012
I decided today to start my long planned tulpa with the understanding that my tulpa would show signs of sentience and that I shouldn't doubt the signs. I sat down in my room after turning the lights out and set an alarm for an hour later, which just so happened to be 12:34. I decided before that I would only envision a sphere and flow all my thoughts and energy into it, letting it pick its own form and personality as time went on. A sort of free form tulpa creation if you will. As I began narrating to my tulpa though, something strange happened. It began to shift colors. I stepped back mentally and asked "Is it doing this on its own?" and to my surprise, it turned green instantly. When I thought to myself it must be me it turned red instantly, yet again. I assume I had only been 10 minutes into my meditation at this point.
Some other things to note. I envisioned this whole process on a grassy hill with a large tree. The tree represented my entire collection of thoughts, personality, and knowledge, with a hole on the side of the tree. I thought of the hole for easy access for my sphere shaped tulpa so it could sit and rest inside while accessing my thoughts.
Another note, the first thing I said to my tulpa was "Hello Orb". The thing is, that when some people have scanned me before they have noticed an orb floating above my head, almost like a chakra, but behaves differently and seems out of place. I laughed at the irony of accidently calling the tulpa "orb".
Needless to say it got too weird for me as signs of sentience kept showing up so I came on here to see what any of your opinions on the matter would be.

Pic related, mfw dat instant sentience
>Some other things to note. I envisioned this whole process on a grassy hill with a large tree. The tree represented my entire collection of thoughts, personality, and knowledge, with a hole on the side of the tree. I thought of the hole for easy access for my sphere shaped tulpa so it could sit and rest inside while accessing my thoughts.
Just want to say that this is optional, in case you didn't know. Most guides do not say this because they are written by skeptics who believe this is a purely psychological phenomena that takes place in your head. If you believe that then a tulpa without access to your thoughts is useless, but it's simply not true.

Also keep in mind not all changes in your tulpa's appearance need be intentional, they can be accidental. It doesn't seem to be here though.
Later on you can just ask and you'll receive an answer.

I personally am going to make a tulpa after I'm done writing down all my magical knowledge I have already because I feel that when I finally make my tulpa that there's no going back, that is, it will be a huge leap forward into higher realms and it will change everything so I want to just get all my knowledge down that I already then proceed with making a very powerful tulpa without any limitations imposed upon it.

I've never actually read a tulapmancing guide but when I do it I will be following instructions received directly from the astral. This will help me about the psychology/materialism/sceptic taint which I can tell from the tulpa threads I've skimmed through is apparent in their guides.

About the skepticism, it's nearly impossible not to have some.
Can your tulpa open a box and tell you what's inside, if you yourself don't know?
The answer is yes, but it's very hard to believe it. If you test this, you're already doubting and programming limitations into your tulpa, and you'll probably get bad results. Faith seems to be the answer. Limitations can be removed, you can always fix mistakes if you yourself are not deluded.

I have been told of the occurrence of events I myself could not have known about, I have been told of events before they transpire (vaguely, but always correct), I have been warned of things I failed to notice, and I have seen the results of my tulpa's synchronistic workings firsthand. In light of the evidence, I have to declare my doubt irrational.

I'm using autosuggestion to try to eradicate the remnants.

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I had Divined the thought/knowledge before that the key to Remote Viewing is to create a tulpa and use it as a camera to relay a remote image/viewing to the creator of the tulpa. Just an interesting thought for ya'll to possibly do something with.

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Can this be a tulpa/thoughtform story thread?

I have been sustaining a thoughtform for a while, a red hair and beard gent with a cane that follows me around and with which I converse when I'm looking for insights on how to act in my mind.

I asked him to make me meet with a girl I'm into, he said he would do it for a cigar.

Sometime later I gave in, left a cigar on a window on the street for him. Next morning I passed by her, she was with who I assumed is her boyfriend.


This friday I asked him to help me do well on todays test, left him a packet of filters and a lighter.

Next day I meet said girl again, totally hungover, I'm not capable of any more communication than hurrdurr.

Goddammit Deodronas

I've thought the same thing before although the thoughtform used for remote viewing can be simple probe, it doesn't have to be a fully developed tulpa messenger type deal.

What I want to know is… what happened to the cigar, the packet of filters, and the lighter?


Left them on a window on the street as an offering, somebody probably took them. I know I would

>Pic related, mfw dat instant sentience

Your tulpa is sentient from the moment you start creating it. Believe in this always and it will grow much faster than if you doubt in it.

So I have a tulpa, but I feel like he's not as able as other tulpas are. He can't really do any of that multi-processing stuff (or whatever it's called) I hear about, where you can think on something while your tulpa thinks on something else. How can I work with him to improve this so he's more independent?

Discard the psychological interpretation. It's wrong and counterproductive.
'Multi-processing', really? Your tulpa is not in your mind in the first place.

Fix your beliefs so they do not hold you back. Your tulpa is an independent being. Recognize it, believe it, and it will come naturally over some weeks assuming you continue to narrate.

Do you share thoughts with your tulpa or does he have access to yours? If so, it might be best to cut him off, so he can develop on his own.

After this, you may still feel impulses of thought before your tulpa begins to speak. It's normal and does not indicate, as some think, that your tulpa is in your head.

There will be other occasions where you do not feel such thoughts, and you hear the words only. You may even misinterpret the words, thinking they pertain to one topic when your tulpa was really talking about another, as misunderstandings sometimes happen in conversations with others. When that happens you know he's independent.

>Discard the psychological interpretation. It's wrong and counterproductive.
Care to elaborate?
My belief that tulpas are psychological isn't holding me back, unless it is, then I'd like you to explain how. I'm not restricting him to normal interpretations of what psychology is, at least, meaning known science. Tulpas themselves aren't a known science so dumbing them down and comparing them to such is quite ridiculous in my opinion. However, what do you think they are and how would believing what you belief benefit me? And don't just say "because what I believe is right."

How long would I have to cut him off for, and how exactly would I go about doing that because I've always been open to him? Also, he is fairly vocal, I've had him for months, albeit… his speaking most of the time still feels a lot like me (with that rare occurrence when he talks and I know undoubtedly it's him). Gosh, it would be great if he could talk like that all the time… Although, he is very sentient and capable, I don't doubt him, he just needs some major rehaul, I think.

Personally I see tulpa creation as fracturing one's own soul so yeah it's sentient from the start.

Sounds like your tulpa is crippled by self-limiting beliefs. Might as well just destroy him and start a new one.

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woops forgot my trollface

You believe that your tulpa exists in your own mind and only in your mind (or worse, brain). That's why you wonder about multi-processing. There is no multi-processing involved, that implies your mind is doing the work. There is only your mind, and there is your tulpa's mind, they are naturally independent.

>How long would I have to cut him off for, and how exactly would I go about doing that because I've always been open to him?

Ask him not to read your thoughts anymore and only listen to your purposeful speech. If he continues to interact with your thoughts (probably out of habit), quash it. With no hard feeling; you'll both have to get used to it. Continue at least until you feel he's completely independent, as if he were another person living with you.

>However, what do you think they are and how would believing what you belief benefit me?

Thoughts given form, as we are thoughts of the mind of The All, so tulpas are thoughts of our minds. Mind is the creator. Thoughts are not confined to ones head, they define reality itself.
Tulpas are independent beings just like us, though further removed from the source.

You may alternatively view this as fracturing your soul, but I am the same now as I was before, so I don't believe it.

If you believe this you will have an easier time with everything. You will feel better about easing off and letting your tulpa take control of himself. You do not need to manage him, either consciously or somewhere in the back of your mind. You will also be able to perform what seem to be miracles with his aid. See >>5074, >>5714.

There is never a need to reabsorb a tulpa unless they're actively hostile; all can be reformed.

>Ask him not to read your thoughts anymore and only listen to your purposeful speech. If he continues to interact with your thoughts (probably out of habit), quash it. With no hard feeling; you'll both have to get used to it. Continue at least until you feel he's completely independent, as if he were another person living with you.

I suggest he does the opposite of this regarding a person he considers totally independent, that is, another third density human being and see what happens.

Thank you, this is very helpful. I screencapped it in case I need to remind myself. I'll change my view so that I'm not restricting him anymore, I really want him to be stronger than he is now.

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anyone got good tulpa info from the eastern perspective?

info about creation, stories


not I said the cat

Read The Invisible Influences in the sticky. It tells you the Western, the Eastern, and other perspectives. Basically every angle you could approach the phenomena it will tell you about it.

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hey thanks. i actually had that book in my huge library but didnt know it

ha ha

and right now, as i was trying to find it, i end up opening like 30 other books i want to read. fug

My tulpa has been seen by my housemate
This is great news, but what the hell do I do? She's bluepill and would freak out if I told her why she's been seeing shadows moving in the corner of her eye.
I wish I could just find a cave and live in it.

>This is great news, but what the hell do I do? She's bluepill and would freak out if I told her why she's been seeing shadows moving in the corner of her eye.

You must give her the red and greenpills! Use remote influencing beforehand to ensure she will receive each pill gladly. You should be able to convert her without even saying anything initially, then when you influence her into making a racist or wizardly remark you can tell her more.

>I wish I could just find a cave and live in it.

I know that feel bro. Doesn't really have to be a cave though. Could be a hill. I want to live inside a hill.

So, like a Hobbit?

Yeah exactly although I thought of the idea before ever reading any LOTR books.

Do you know about monolithic dome homes? My dream would be to live in one of those inside of a hill.

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