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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 2831
Some basic principles behind the workings of magic (mental influence):

1. You must learn to think through mediums of thought other then what you're used to – aka stop thinking in arbitrary combinations of phonemes.
2. Words are abstracted and deceptive as their meaning is not inherent in them. Although I can convey to you some things to point you in the right direction with words you need to learn to think using more pure forms of thought which can not lie and create illusory contradictions.
3. Your thoughts are extremely important to your experience of reality and can influence the functioning of your body. Maybe you are familiar with the ideas of chakras which can be opened and closed - energy points on the body. In a higher state of consciousness you more susceptible to mental influences and this works both way (you can influence others easier but you can also be influenced in turn, there is a higher degree of sensitivity here). You can easily make yourself very sick or you can make your body run better, depends upon what you do, and you have to be more careful when your thoughts can have this kind of influence. It can be important to turn off this state and go into a "lower vibration" temporarily when you want to focus on mundane tasks without all the chaos for awhile. Kundalini awakening and stuff like that is related.
4. Thoughtforms, emotions, visualizations, and various forms of meditation are all part of the process of working magic. Servitors can be used to accomplish various tasks and to influence the world around you in a synchronistic manner. You can attract things into your life, make modifications to your mind and body, etc.
5. An important development for any magician involves a kind of dying off and metamorphosis of the soul. If you want to achieve very extreme transformations, let go of your persona and stop thinking of yourself as your body and mind. You aren't either – all these thoughts and memories and stuff hold you in place and hinder your development. I identify myself with the "chaosvoid" but really no words serve as adequate reference for the seeming eternal nothing that I am. Yet from behind all these ephemeral forms which arise in my mind there is a transcendental will that will outlast it all. From this place of seeming nothingness arises great power for manifestation.
6. I would recommend adopting an ascetic lifestyle, maintaining the health of your body to a high degree, and eliminating as many distractions and other things that would get in the way of your magical development. I would also recommend to not rely upon external influences be they drugs, various external spiritual entities, etc. to derive your power from. When you rely primarily upon your own will and manifest your own being then you aren't easily controlled by outside influences. Don't become dependent upon things which can be taken away from you or used to control you.

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