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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 2789
Lets add these http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanic_Meditation.html to the sticky.

I know the site causes a lot of butthurt but this is a very comprehensive resource for meditations here.

I think it should be added.
Garbage meditation, garbage mythology.

What really? What's wrong with these meditations?

>reported as "shittiest site on this density"

To the anon who did that — if you think the site is the worse, I implore you to check out some of the sites posted in that Wizard Research thread further back.

whats up with them and jews? i heard they are prohibited from even looking at them. (and then people on /x/ sometimes post pics of seinfeld in JoS threads ha ha)

does it have to do with law of attraction? (like if you look at jews you will attract them into your life)

or do they just believe that jews are demons, and you'll be cursed just by looking at their facial dimensions

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>not knowing that jews are all demons

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they make me wanna throw up.

especially your pic

nice dubs bro

>you will never kill all the pedo parasite jews

Are gay jews double demons?


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Though I'm not a member, the JoS' revulsion of the jew is one of the things that commend them the most to me. That and the fact that I've had some fairly powerful results from some of their meditations.

judaism is a master-race ideology that makes its most holy ritual the mutilation of babies' genitalia. In orthodox jewish circles, the mohel actually sucks the blood up out of the wounded penis with his mouth. pic related. (occasionally, you'll see a story of some baby catching herpes this way and dying).

This I'll say for JoS: they're not fucking around. They see true evil and they call it out. Too many other occult groups are worrying about being tolerant and politically correct, which is weak, cringing behavior and not meet for a real seeker of truth.

That is very true. I still wonder what made them believe in Satan, even more so why they made it all Sci-Fi. I've attempted some of their rituals but it didn't work, guess you gotta make an oath or something, I guess? Anyways, the meditations made me see auras a whole lot more clear, but I can see auras naturally so its not necessary for me to do them to see auras.

Their idea of Satan (or as they call him, Enki) is rather odd. I don't like how they claim every religion was Satanism at one point or how they say they are one true religion, but I guess thats alright because thats how most big religions work. I've looked at their eGroups and they get pretty damn angry, they are full of hate for others who are "xian" or Jewish. They are very fond of Hitler as well, I like that, but I don't like how they say he practiced what the JoS Ministries practice.

Very… peculiar religion.

Now this makes me want to read more of what they've added recently. I don't even think they create their own rituals, just ones to communicate with Enki, though Maxine claims to be a occultist for a while.

They are basically practicing a mix of Sumerian and Egyptian Paganism, although most of it is historically inaccurate. It really has nothing to do with Satan at all.

I know, thats why I'm confused as to why they call Enki or whatever Satan and why they chose that deity in particular.

I like their articles about meditation. In particular, I have been "programming" my aura and "cleaning" it. I noticed that my dreams became way more intense.

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I used to be a follower of Joy of Satan, and i can tell you, they operate very much like a cult.
They don't like outside knowledge, they don't allow disagreement with the high priests, and most of their knowledge is just ripped from other books.
I'm still a satanist, but i don't like the "lol, you do what i tell you or we disown you" kind if thinking that they have.

What kind of Satanism do you practice as of now?

To be honest? I'm not sure. I'm trying to find satan on my own through the astral, but i
Tend to see Satan as a sort of gnostic liberator. I feel as though Satan was attempting to free adam and eve from the matrix, god through a hissy fit and banished him.

Why would you worship a deity that just wants to steal your loosh? All deities just want your loosh, really

I see him more as a teacher than a figure of worship, but I'm not so obsessed with loosh as fringe seems to be

But loosh is what we need in order to do spells and rituals, etc. Why need a teacher? I see no point in acknowledging any god, but do what you do bro.

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ok guys so what is the best meditations on their site?


Yeah probably. Just read them and see for yourself and try the ones that seem legit, most on there is just different forms of meditation, such breathing control, hand techniques, visualization, etc etc


I suspect that JoS is heavily based on Zecharia Sitchin's theories about ancient aliens. What I've read of their theology conforms pretty closely to Sitchin's (controversial) translations of Sumerian texts.

Posting in a Satanic thread.

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