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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 2665
>get into accident at work
>lost a piece of flesh
>nothing life-threatening, it's on the finger, but oh god the blood
>the fucking blood
>have to change the bandages now
>down to the last layer of bandage
>blood is noticeably collected, dry, removing it's gonna probably hurt
>i'm such a bitch

Transhumanism is still a thing, right? When can I transport my mind into a robot? I can't deal with being organic. The concept of death doesn't frighten me, it's the whole process leading up to it. Injuries like this only make the end that much more pressing in my mind, and then the anxiety hits, and oh god, god please, somebody make this stop. Science, why hast thou forsaken me?
You know a wizard on 4chon's /meta/ actually told me several prophecies about what would happen to me this month.

One of them was about a profusely bleeding finger.

I swear I didn't believe that guy but now I see this… holy shit.

Some of his other prophecies are cool too, apparently I'm set for having a revelation this month.

The soul can not be transferred to an inorganic medium. Transhumanism is a big Luciferian lie.

If you only are worried about pain how would you like to be tranquillized then have your throat slit while past out?

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>Satanic trips
OH SHIT. I'm part of a happening.

I dunno, Satan trips suggests that I'm part of something big. Maybe I'll be rewarded for my unholy assistance with a body of metal and circuits.

I can only imagine waking up while I bled out. Thanks, because now I can't stop imagining it. Fuck. FUCK.

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Oh, OP, let me tell you a story.

>be 12

>have pilonidal cyst
>get surgery
>have to wash bum in bum washer
>have to pack with saline and gauze
>removing packing for new packing
>my flesh has fused to the gauze
>insert relevantjpeg.jpeg
>Can feel it tearing my flesh apart
>On Vicodin so couldn't give less of a shit
>Gives way and the floodgates open
>Am leaking from rectum like a bad case of menopause
>Pool of blood 2.5-3 feet in diametre on tile floor
>Wait for it to finish leaking
>Scoop up clotting blood into large plastic bag
>Put bag in freezer
>Wash bum
>Pack bum
>Leave blood soaked bathroom mats and floor

Parents were kinda surprised. Wearing that fucking diaper was humiliating.

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