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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 2597
A Prelude to Aryanism

Correctly understood, National-Socialism is profoundly spiritual because National-Socialism provides us with an answer to the question - "What is the purpose of life?". The fundamental aim of National-Socialism - the aim which political power is used to achieve - is to create a new way of living. This way of living is noble and civilized - it enables and fosters a new type of individual. Such individuals, by their actions and their living, create a new, higher, civilization.

We are National-Socialists because we all - either rationally or instinctively, or both - accept that life has some purpose beyond selfish indulgence and gaining material comforts. We are all National-Socialists because we accept that our purpose, as individuals, is to contribute to evolution in a positive way - to develope and make use of, the potential given to us and our race by Nature. We are all National-Socialists because we desire to live in or aid the creation of, a noble society which seeks to uplift and ennoble others. We are all National-Socialists because we acknowledge that Adolf Hitler made these hopes, dreams, aspirations and ideals conscious and realizable.

Fundamentally, National-Socialism is much more than a political movement. It aims for a complete practical and spiritual revolution. It is also a living, organic movement - it has a past and it has a future. The past makes the future possible. National-Socialism expresses that spirituality which is uniquely ours as Aryans - that is, it expresses, in a practical way, our racial soul.

What it is important to understand is that National-Socialism expresses that religious attitude which is natural and healthy for us as Aryans. What is natural for us, as Aryans, is to act. To strive. To overcome. To explore. To challenge. To seek to know. Our culture has always saught to express these things - and the religions of our ancestors are no exception. But National-Socialism provides us with a religion appropriate to our times - appropriate to the 21st century and beyond. That is, National-Socialism is a natural, healthy, positive evolution in our spiritual understanding - it takes us beyond the religious manifestations of our past; it takes us beyond distant, almost forgotten myths and legends and stories about gods and goddesses while at the same time giving expression to our unique spirituality. National-Socialism connects us to our unique racial psyche, as the religions of our ancestors connected us to our psyche - and in doing so it, like those religions, gives us strength, sustenance, perspective and meaning.

National-Socialism is the heroic religion of our times - it gives us real heroes to admire; it gives us real legends to tell to our children; it gives us real stories of valour, real deeds of glory and honour to celebrate in poetry, music and song. We have, in the struggle for power, in the glorious deeds done by our kinsfolk in the great war for Aryan survival (50-56yf) and afterwards, all those things that gave rise to the religions of our ancestors. Our unique religious attitude is one of celebration - we as a race have always celebrated great, noble, deeds. We have always toasted, with wine, mead, or ale, great heroes. We have always sworn oaths upon the graves, the banners, the shields, the weapons, the insignia of our past warriors. We have always shouted the names of our heroes defiantly - and asked them to be at our side as we go forth into battle. We have always called upon and hailed the name of our gods - gods who were once mighty warriors, or Chiefs, or the consorts of those warriors.

Not for our race the damp, dark caverns where mumbo-jumbo incantations were said. Not for our race the bended knee, the forehead touching of the ground before some graven image. Not for our race the pale skin of the moralizing, weedy inferior. Not for our race the celebration of the deeds of the meek, the pacifist. That is, until we became infected with the disease of Christianity.

Every past civilization we Aryans have created has been created by a warrior community which celebrated the glorious deeds of its recent ancestors and kinfolk. In time, these ancestors and kinfolk became gods and their deeds mythical and legendary. In time, the pure, undiluted warrior spirit - the heroic celebration of warriors by warriors - became diluted and myths and legends about gods and goddesses became the norm. In time, a mythology and a mythical cosmology arose, woven around these gods and goddesses.

By celebrating and emulating the heroic deeds of our recent kinfolk we ourselves can create a new civilization. The religion of National-Socialism is not a religion of prayer, or supplication, of gods and goddesses - it is a warrior religion where we consciously and without affectation or meekness celebrate and emulate the glorious deeds of our recent kinfolk. The religion of National-Socialism does not involve and does not require 'priests' or 'rituals' of any kind - as the religions of our ancestors never did until their essence was lost and the people became corrupted and lost their warrior vitality.

To try and revive old forms, old myths, old ways, old celebrations - even old festivals - is a waste of time. It does nothing except provide a bit of meaningless decadent comfort. And, furthermore, it makes our opponents laugh at such farcical antics - old myths, old legends, old celebrations are no threat to them: "See what we have reduced this once proud warrior race to," they laugh.

We have our festivals, as we have our meaningful oaths. We have our heroes. Our opponents think of these heroes and they tremble in fear. Above all, they fear us becoming like those heroes - they fear the real revival of our warrior spirit. We cannot revive that spirit by apeing dead, lifeless forms. We can only revive it by capturing something living, something vital - something with potential, with real spirit. National-Socialism is alive. National-Socialism expresses our unique, noble, warrior spirit as nothing before has ever done.

Aryanism, the religion of National-Socialism, does not mean that we see or believe in Adolf Hitler as some sort of 'god' or deity. It means that we recognize that he expressed the will of our folk, of our race - that he was our Destiny. It means that we accept that he was a hero and that Fate chose him to live and die as he did. It means that we accept that he was special, unique - someone to be revered. It does not mean we accept he was perfect - it means we accept he was human, but that he was greater in his achievements than anyone before or since. Furthermore, it means that we accept that he was fighting on our side, against those forces arraigned against us and which saught to at best enslave us and at worst destroy us.

As our ancestors did in the past with regard to their heroes, each National-Socialist has a particular hero - someone whose deeds capture their imagination and whom they particularly admire. As in the past, the oaths National-Socialists take are meaningful - there is a real continuity, a real bond with the recent past, and in many cases we have actual mementoes from the past, actual items used by our heroes, or connected with the glorious struggles of days gone by. These things are our 'relics' - these things are honoured and revered and on them and by them we take our oaths and pledge our lives. We ourselves are fortunate indeed in that we are living so close to those times, so close to our heroes, some of whom are at the time of writing (105yf) still alive.

There is a real power in this new religion of ours - the potential to defeat our enemies. For instance, when we stand before a photograph of Adolf Hitler we have placed in a room and pledge ourselves to continue his fight; when we gaze at a scene depicting the Waffen-SS in action, wish we were there and make an oath to do something such men would admire; when we call upon the name of some hero or toast their heroic deeds; when we listen to the songs sung by the SA and feel the spirit of Adolf Hitler, of Aryan defiance rising within us, then we are being true to our race and fulfilling our debt to our ancestors. When we do such things, we are filled with glory and we feel proud to be Aryan. No one and nothing can take this feeling away from us. There is an unspoken bond - we experience a sense of belonging. We have tapped into our unique racial psyche - we have become free. We have become Aryan again. We know our Destiny; we know where our duty lies. When we have experienced this feeling, the lies of the System are lies; the power, the influence of the Zionists mean nothing. They cannot do anything. At worst, they can kill us - but then, we join our heroes and our own lives, our own deeds will be celebrated by those who follow us: we will, in effect, become immortal. We will be remembered. Our lives will have had meaning. Compared to this, ordinary life is dull, meaningless - devoid of glory.

This is why only National-Socialism is the answer to the problems we Aryans face today. This is why 'nationalism' is not now and never will be an effective weapon with which to fight our enemies. By being a National-Socialist, by fighting for National-Socialism, we continue the heroic struggle. By being a National-Socialist we too can become heroes and be remembered when the final victory is won. By being a National-Socialist we can express in a practical way the warrior spirit of our race. By being a National-Socialist we become part of the Destiny of our race.

With this religious feeling, we can achieve our goal of an Aryan homeland and the creation of a new civilization. This feeling is what should motivate us to act. It does not matter how we act - only that we do.

Temple 88, 106yf

This is anti-spiritual fedora stuff.

The point made about relics rang true for me. I imagine a genuine SS dagger would be a powerful item to have possession of. I have a silver coin from the Third Reich, it feels so much more valuable than any zog shekel.

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