>>2527>well then, I guess I should become a Luciferian. Power and knowledge, right?Maybe. I don't like to interpret things through biblical terms like "Lucifer" and "Satan" and so on though without them being clearly defined because everyone seems to believe and say everything about these particular names and it makes the names meaningless I think.
>How do I manipulate my will to grow stronger?Through the practice of virtue? Resist vices, focus hard, do all kinds of things that test your will.
>What should I be searching for in my introspective meditation?There are many different types of meditation. What type are you doing? Are you just sitting around and thinking stuff over? In my view that is the lamest form of meditation but probably only because it's so easy and I do it constantly.
>Is there ever tranquility? This life or the next?I don't know. I think it's important to consciously choose where you go. That's why I research all this stuff like The Dying God Myth, those buddhist teachings about the afterlife, Conscious Dying, etc. I want to find a way to break the bond between soul and body so I can free my astral body and operate two bodies independently of each other at once, so I can act like a constant probe of the astral while in the physical at the same time.
>Is there never escape of the spirit once merged with the demiurge?I would hope so. It seems so incredibly hard to escape the body though, one always is bound to return to a physical body it seems. Probably one good reason to not kill yourself through physical means is you might just end up in another physical body… got to find a way to make a permanent disconnection.
>Why is even postmortem existence wretched?Not sure what you mean here but if you mean the astral planes they're pretty awesome so long as you avoid the bad parts and depending also on what you consider the bad parts. For me the bad parts are the mostly empty (as in nobody is around, it's very lonely and lifeless) and disorienting places where the planes constantly shift around you. Also getting trapped somewhere isn't ever good, it's hard to physically trap another entity in the astral, but you can get trapped when something else works its influence over your mind and makes you believe you are trapped. Then you might get stuck somewhere for a long while before some random event or simply getting disconnected from the astral lets you out.
>Who is to blame and how to escape?http://montalk.net/about/212/glossary#demiurgeThe Human Condition'
For now there is imbalance. Too many people are blind and deaf to the impulses of spirit. Further, they feed and defend the egotistical, primal, and irrational impulses that spring forth from negative programs and energies lodged in their subconscious. Lower subverts higher. These are not isolated cases; it’s an epidemic.
It’s clear from observation that we are born with certain genetic design flaws, such as being handicapped against using our full brain capacity and being confined to mere five-sense perception. It’s also clear that the world we enter is generally antagonistic to spirit. Thus, both “nature” and “nurture” are set in opposition to spirit from the start. Only through much divine support and spiritual strength does an individual defy material determinism and use obstacles as stepping stones toward spiritual awakening. Such cases are rare, and it seems people are generally crushed, deformed, and shaped by such stones instead, as one would expect if spirit offers no counterweight to the determinism of nature and nurture.
Interestingly, Gnostics viewed the Demiurge as not only the fashioner of this world, but also the maker of the human race. Likewise, some modern fringe schools of thought view negative hyper-dimensional entities as our genetic creators and ongoing spacetime manipulators6. Indeed, there is clearly an external malevolent variable intruding into the human equation. This suggests evil is not always the product of human failings, rather human failings are frequently the product of an external evil.
For too many humans, their lower egos have shut the off from spirit — their personal Demiurge is corrupt and has shut them off from Nous. But this merely mirrors a more universal manifestation of same. Our world appears to be in the grip of an entitized Demiurge with a strong self-preservation instinct oriented toward control. It fashions our reality and biases the probability of events in contravention to the divine design set forth by the universal Logos. It is the matrix gone awry, the thought-form of the universe turned parasite. How this came about is the subject of another article.