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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 2393
I've been reading The Psychopath's Bible aka The Toxick Magician and other then a comment on psychiatry being a pile of shit that I liked it has sucked so far.

The first thing that pissed me off was when they talked about never using violence and how they strictly forbid it.

The next thing was a footnote making some clarification in order to avoid being accused of sexism.

For a hardcore black magic book that wants to be without limits this is just pathetic so far.


>Footnote 22

For simplicity and convenience we use the pronoun “he” throughout this book to refer to all Toxick Magicians regardless of gender. (We mention this because we certainly don’t want to offend anyone or be accused of sexism.)

Are you shitting me? You don't want to offend anyone or be accused of sexism? What is this bullshit?

I'm on page 16 right now.
On page 26 and it's finally starting to talk about death and I'm thinking it's going to enunciate on similar ideas to my own about suicide.

Page 41 and the book still sucks. A couple pages earlier I found the reference to self-destruction that Seeker was talking about.

This book so far is full of "I want to be hardcore by my mom won't let me" and delusions of grandeur and just boring observations on the human condition.

I have pdf files of both the Psychopath's Bible and the Psychopath's Notebook (a work by the same author). I was flipping through the latter and stumbled upon a list titled "A Day in the Life of a Psychopath". Here are some excerpts:

"19. Give something of yours away each and every month. Attempt to find one person you can benefit - particularly if you don't like them."

"21. Find someone or something that is beautiful and that you admire. Look at it or listen to it as often as you can."

"22. Attempt to share your joy and success with at least one other person."

"24. Learn to love something, whether it is a person, an object, or an idea."

"31. If you find you have enemies, learn to sidestep them - it is a lot cheaper than trying to destroy them or dwelling on them."

and my favorite

"32. When you begin a new project, plant a tree and watch it grow…… You can do this in a park or other public place."

>"32. When you begin a new project, plant a tree and watch it grow…… You can do this in a park or other public place."

If you do this, the tree will just be destroyed by a lawn-mower guy before long.

Regards, guy who planted an oak tree where it wasn't appreciated.


Have you gotten any farther, OP?

It kinda sucks, I was hoping this book would be a winner.

No I got to page 49 then got too bored and tired to continue. I'll have to resume again later if and when I'm properly rested for it.


Check out this thread /fringe/.

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