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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

File: 1394655338896.png (23.97 KB, 275x183, TOS_logo.png)
No. 3772
I was in the astral planes and I received a message while there to look up "Temple of Set".

Turns out they're a real thing.




Should I look into them more and consider joining them? It's very impressive that they managed to advertise to me in the astral planes.
They're a Luciferian-esque group. All about Satan. Defiance against the demiurge and the universe, standard satanist jazz. Very esoteric group, probably very spiritually advanced members there.

I seriously wonder if anyone has ever contacted the entity Lucifer in the astral yet, though

Really? I HATE the demiurge and every single day I spend a good bit of my time focusing intense hatred to destroy the demiurge. I hate the physical planes. It doesn't surprise me then that they contacted me then.

Sending hateful intent will just bog it down, rather than destroy it. When it needs to make an important decision, its judgement will be clouded.

Isn't that good? How to destroy it though?

Shall I send it? I think I will… oh this makes me excited!

The Temple of Set is a mickey mouse organization, and far from true Left-Handed order. I highly doubt they intentionally advertised; you probably just picked up on psychic information afloat in the astral.

I suspect you are right about this.

Last time i was in the Astral, i kept hearing loud "sobek" chants. Tried to lookup info on him but to my suprise there's literally nothing on sobek.

Besides the fact that he was the "crocodile" god. Also found some a few excerpts about the cult sobek which claims he was the god that created the world as it is today. Some believe he was actually a Reptilian Alien. That was all from some blog about dude doing research on the cult of sobek.

File: 1395103267046.jpg (333.91 KB, 717x638, Jon Nodtveidt.jpg)
While you're at it dude take some anti-cosmic satanist music too,


>The snake will completely devour itself(this is a reference to ouroboros), bringing an end to the cycle of time, acausal flames will burn unto ashes erasing all signs of the demiurge crime, our dark gods of chaos will return this time to rule forever supreme, the dragon mother will then resurrect, and end this cosmic dream

The chorus is also latin for "Day of wrath, day of mourning, dissolve the universe into ashes"

Anti-Cosmic Satanism differs from your standard gnostic goal to transcend in that it aims to destroy the fucking universe up the ass and return to a primordial state of existence(pre-creation) and just hang out in pre-existential chaos. Neat.

How can we destroy the physicality without first transcending it? The demiurge must be destroyed but we can't seem to do it without ascending first.

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