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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 2285
Tips on becoming a Wizard and doing Magical Research

Without divine guidance you are lost in a maze of scams, blundering idiots, and misinformation. The internet provides you with a lot of information but not all of it is useful and discerning what is actually useful is difficult for those who really don't know where to look or where to begin.

Short of using magic to acquire more knowledge (in a manner much like dowsers searching for items), here are some tips you can use now to make the process of magical learning more efficient:

1. People who talk about magic but seem to come out of nowhere are not usually legitimate. They are typically disinfo agents. Real magicians are usually philosophically minded people who've been testing reality for a long while and will likely have a long history of magical research and experimentation behind them which you'll find in posts on forums and you'll notice their opinions and understanding change overtime as they develop magically. They actually discuss things with people, they don't just give talks and hide behind some books they're trying to sell you and are always absent.
2. Ignore people who are looking to sell you shit or who ramble on & on without telling you anything. This isn't even a thing which is specific to magic, it applies to many things where people are looking for answers like medicine and so on. These sites have a certain format to them where they make you lots of promises and assume they could never be wrong and when you finally get to the end of it they have some retarded "buy this book/dvd/whatever and get a bunch of shit free" deal going on. It's a waste of your time and money.
3. Fuck cults; it takes way too long to go up the ranks of initiation, they tend to be dogmatic, and you may find out in the end they actually are all appearances and yet lacking in genuine knowledge. Even if they are legitimate, you won't be able to tell that until a lot of time has passed and they probably demand money and other things from you. It's ok to associate with other wizards freely and to engage them in open discussion but fuck secrecy unless you're plotting to overthrow the jews or something in which case you really do need secrecy. If you're going to be a part of a magical order, don't do it to learn, do it because you've already learned and you're wanting to apply your magical skill now with your fellow wizards. The only "cult" that is worthwhile is The Order of Fringe Wizards which you are a part of from reading this on this site now. Feel free to read the texts of certain cults though and see if you can find anything useful in them.
4. Avoid shit that doesn't make sense and that you can't test or that is very vague. Magic has a process, produces results, and can be used to enrich your life or that of others (or undermine them). Some magical acts do not produce immediate results and this sort of magic isn't something you should really bother with as an acolyte unless you have a clear understanding of how it actually is going to work for you and you know you're powerful enough to make it work. It is better to initially stick with things where you're going to get immediate results at first (when you do it right) so you can know what works and begin to really understand magic. A good example of magic not for the novice is magic pertaining to synchronicity and reality manifestation where you try to change your luck and attract something into your life. It's not that such magic doesn't exist, it's just that there is a lot of inherent randomness to life and something good happening to you might have happened regardless of a ritual you did to try to influence things. Besides that sort of magic though, most magical practices have definite results. Astral projection, telekinesis, energy practices, etc. you know when it's working for you because it's obvious when you get there. There's no guess-work about it.
5. Magic isn't new and isn't effortless. Some forms or practices which are assisted by technology or have been recently developed are. A lot of it has been practised for thousands of years. Pay attention to what the hermeticists have to say, what the monks have been doing, etc. Many of them are practising magic and spend years refining themselves physically and mentally in order to do it. The passing of a lot of time also kind of helps bury the texts and practices of individuals who didn't know shit about magic who wrote about it way back then while only the more memorable or notable texts tend to be preserved and survive through the ages. When a shill dies and his cult breaks apart he is soon forgotten but the real practices that actually work for people live on through the ages.
6. New Age and Wicca are cancer to be avoided. Some writers get labelled as "new age" but actually have useful information (like montalk) even though he condemns New Agers himself.

I'll update with more tips later if any other wizards want to add suggestions here.
Good stuff.

One thing I've never quite understood though (which has very little to do with your post) is why New Age is frowned upon by so many.

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I agree with all of your points except 3, if you're using 'cult' to refer to any group of practitioners. I agree that a lot of them are extremely fucked up, but there are some good ones too, it's just up to you to find one that fits you. A good group, with teachers, structured learning and practice, interaction with fellow students etc. will increase your progress exponentially. The hard truth that people these days don't want to hear is that you just can't learn it all out of books. Books can't answer questions, offer advice, adjust due to context, provide living and breathing examples, offer first hand assistance or participate in back and forward conversation.

If you're aiming for serious magical development, self education just won't cut it for the majority of students. Look at all of the famous and exceptional magicians and mystics of history, then count how many of them learned from a teacher or within a group, and how many of them taught themselves. That should tell you all you need to know.


Because the new age has a long history of dumbing down and commercializing teachings, appropriation, excessive eclecticism and completely butchering decent systems of development in the process. Look at what Yoga has been turned into - for thousands of years, it was a system of spiritual evolution passed down from guru to acolyte, in less than a century the new age movement adopted it, co-opted it, corrupted it, commercialized it, used it to scam, exploit and abuse and eventually turned it into a way for vapid housewives to keep their asses nice and perky.

>I agree with all of your points except 3, if you're using 'cult' to refer to any group of practitioners.

I don't. I just mean cults where they are trying to profit off of members and exploit them and hold them back and they often don't even know what they're doing.

>implying I'll ever find a cult to join

>Look at what Yoga has been turned into - for thousands of years, it was a system of spiritual evolution passed down from guru to acolyte, in less than a century the new age movement adopted it, co-opted it, corrupted it, commercialized it, used it to scam, exploit and abuse and eventually turned it into a way for vapid housewives to keep their asses nice and perky.

Yoga is a great way of gaining and keeping health, something every person can benefit from whether applying spiritual teachings to it or not, so is it such a bad thing that yoga has been made more accessible to "normal" people, instead of just being known to the select few who consciously travel the spiritual path?
I agree that it has been monetized and (along with everything you mentioned) transformed into something quite other than its truer form - that is what oftenmost happens with such knowledge that passes through to the public - but if it helps people gain more balance over their bodies wont it be worth all the corruption the practice has suffered?

I wonder what would happen if the unstained teachings would be openly taught instead…

>but if it helps people gain more balance over their bodies wont it be worth all the corruption the practice has suffered?

well yoga in the truer sense of the word, I"m not an expert, is about union with the absolute and very much things of a spiritual nature.

What it is in western countries today isn't that far off from Tae bo. Just with a vague mysticism connected with it.

Pretty good

1. Is really true/accurate.

lol @ The Order of Fringe Wizards

Regarding disinfos, there is still (occasionally) useful, as they have a penchant for mixing truth with falsehoods. Learn to discern the difference.

Make a guide for beginners please

Scam artists act like everything they say is infallible and they got it all figured out personally and present a sort of miracle solution to everything, but they do so in vague terms, ask you to buy shit, and you can't seem to find them anywhere online and they got no history and so on.

You look at someone like montalk, he's definitely got a history, you can actually reach him for contact, he discusses stuff, he listens to opposition / criticism, and he updates his articles when something isn't right on one of them.

There are some on here but I guess they were done very poorly. Might as well make a new one from what I know.

I understand that, but before my interactions with them, I was completely mundane. I was shown that there was more to reality that first appeared.

Granted, it was mostly horribly wrong but that little bit of truth that was there was enough to convince my inner scientist to look a serious into magic… And now here I am.

2nding Montalk, he's good.

Great work.

>Ignore people who are looking to sell you shit

Hah, thats what I do all the time
If I see a high quality looking website, I look around to see if they are trying to sell anything, if they are, I just close the site and forget about it.

Montalk.net is an obvious exception because all his stuff can be read for free.

This please.
I have no clue where or how to start wizardry.
Thank you in advance.

There's several such guides on here. Go to the very last page and just start reading over all the threads from there until you get to the front page.


Not the Anon who posted that but most guides here are vague at best for beginners.

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