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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 2279
What are your thoughts on shinto religion and spirituality /fringe/?

Are the godesses of the Kojiki possibly related with those of the Eddas?
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Check this out /fringe/;


Shinto seems to be the ultimate warrior religion, no wonder state shinto was outlawed by the allieds once they occupied the japanese empire after WW2.

Pretty sure this is highly specific to sushi monkeys.

u sure brah?

Ok maybe not that sure but… it seems like a pretty isolated and unrelated religion which would only coincidentally share certain concepts.

Want my take on this?

I think those are actually remnants of the aryo-germanic hyperborean root religion our ancestors once had.

How so? What elements of the religion do you believe to be associated with the Hyperboreans? What parts should we reclaim?

I think we should draw inspiration from the pagan warrior aspects and strong honour code both imbedded within the spiritual framework of shinto and the accompanying world view. It's clear that japanese society as a whole was transformed over the course of hundreds of years into a deeply non-degenerate and honour-based society, something which i always admired about them. It's living proof that the new man can indeed be created. Not the communist way (by bullet), but only through the aryan one (by spirit).

I think the whole thing is possibly connected to the ancient hyperborean root religion the same way that the Maya, the buddhists and all other cultures using the swastika are. I mean think about it; Up until the end of WW2 it was a widely held belief that the japanese line of emperor originated directly with the sun godess Amaterasu. Now the thing is that she wasn't only regarded as ruler of the sun, but the universe as a whole. In other words, she fullfills a similiar function to Odin in norse mythology. Now factor the swastika being a symbol of sun worship as well into this and you've got yourself an intriguing connection here.

File: 1389959071814.jpg (82.91 KB, 467x313, shintoism.jpg)

Fuck I can't access my anti-chinks folder right now.

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