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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

File: 1389595763931.jpeg (296.49 KB, 836x663, god.jpeg)
No. 2254
I think there is a very strong case for our whole reality being created by a God who is actually a limited being, quite possibly has a name like maybe "Yahweh" or "Jehovah" or something else, gets wrathful at times and actually does enact divine intervention and has legions of helper entities to carry out his work.

This god is not the ultimate god and our whole reality is not the ultimate reality.

He's probably not even the only god either. There may have been a succession of gods and they may have had fights with each other, made edits to our reality, etc.

It's also probable that there is some greater purpose which these gods have in mind for us but it might not be what we want it to be.

Maybe we're just entertainment, or they are collecting life experiences and adding it to a massive archive then dissolving our consciousness again back to a lower level, while the consciousness of the species as a whole grows or something and at times maybe we threaten our creators and so they engineer events to cause a collapse.

It's possible to that in the realm of the gods there are divine beings that want to help us. Maybe to them we are nothing more than an experiment, but even so, some have fallen in love with the creation and become caught up in the dramas so much they feel love for us and want to help. Other gods maybe hate us, I don't know.

What do you think /fringe/? I believe that in most philosophical discussions we assume automatically that our universe is built upon no layers of abstraction, that above us is just the source, but I think that could be wrong and that history might yield a lot of evidence to suggest as much.

Is our universe created by limited, imperfect beings?

Does our history yield plenty of evidence of divine intervention and wrath?

Could our god(s) be very much like men, with names, entitized forms, etc.?
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Your theory reminds me of two things.

First, this pop culture trope which i myself as a ET enthusiast find to be quite enthralling;


(This article was earlier called "Ancient Engineers", which i think is more fitting lel)

"Precursors - Also known as "ancients." They are a standard fixture of much science fiction and fantasy: an ancient race whose culture and knowledge rose to its pinnacle in ages long past but which is now extinct or Ascended to a Higher Plane of Existence. In science fiction settings, they are usually considered the first race to have gained sentience in the universe or galaxy, giving them a noticeable leg up on everybody else; in fantasy settings, they will usually be the original, pinnacle sentient species created by the gods/God. At their height, they are usually rumored to have been capable of doing (and have done) just about anything, up to and including creating intelligent species and reworking entire worlds with a snap of a finger, and almost any strange and persistent mystery in the story's 'verse is usually laid at their feet. They may have been sufficiently advanced, or just much better than everyone else with technology/magic, but either way they left their mark, a mark that remains to this day."

Then the second thing i was reminded of was ancient greeko-roman mythology, norse one too to some extent. There's a game that came out a while back called "Son of Rome" where the gods are actively meddling with the player/plot and try to trick each other to the very end, which would conform to your theory of god/s using us for "entertainment/experiments" and so on.

That being said, i'm not really a believer-kind of person, but i do believe that almost anything (at least on this level of existence, aka our dimension) can be explained in human terms once it is properly anaylzed and understood.

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