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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

File: 1389333676005.jpg (19.26 KB, 272x230, zoloft-dosage[1].jpg)
No. 2209
Will taking antidepressants affect my Magic?
Yes. It will. Don't do it.

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Double dubs > anti-depressants(USER WAS ROPED FOR THIS SHITPOSTING!)

Apocalypse is happening in a few years. You don't want to be dependant upon shitty drugs like this when the happening begins.

What exactly is going to happen?

Most of the world's population is going to die off due a cluster fuck of natural disasters and war all happening at once: https://4chon.net/new/res/3119106.html & http://freedomboard.kirara.ca/fringe/res/1989.html

This is a pretty good question. I'm on an SNRI myself and I'd like to have a solid answer with supporting evidence. I don't know anything about any sort of magic or whatever besides some astral projection/meditation basics; I have no experience and I'm pretty skeptic on just about everything that I can't experience or see evidence of for myself. I mean, trust me, I'm really open minded to the idea and I'd like to start to take a step in the right direction, but I can't tell what I'd actually be able to take interest in because it could have a possibility of being real or what is just RPing/shitposting/trolling/wrong/etc.
I'm not a doctor (and also probably one of the first people to hop on the "redpill tinfoil 'jews run the pharmacies'" conspiracy train) but don't change something that isn't broken. It sucks, but you really don't want to mess around with that kinda stuff on your own.

tl;dr - You should probably just keep taking them because you got them for a reason.

more like ZOGloft lel

Pharmaceuticals tend to (and in my opinion do indefinitely) numb your feeling and use of energy. It's like taking a spiritual sedative I guess I could say. I would say don't take unless absolutely necessary, BUT I also believe that anything that it's intended to treat can be mixed metaphysically.

SSRI's can chemically lobotomize you. Be wary.

All manmade "medicine" is shit. pharma is shit, wake up faggot you cant do magic if you're deluded

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I dunno… Aspirin is pretty good stuff when I get a headache.


“The best and most efficient pharmacy is within your own system.” ~Robert C. Peale

The body can, if you direct it properly with your will, correct any unbalance and manifest within itself whatever you will.

Aspirin has never ever done anything for me. Magic on the other hand has totally cleared away my headaches. Watch some vids about that guy who does tummo meditation, the "Ice Man" Wim Hof or whatever he's called. There's a vid where they drug him with some stuff that's meant to give him a very bad headache. He, through meditation and applied will, clears away the headache completely within minutes and the monitoring machines prove that he did in fact succeed in it.

Magic > drugs

Aspirin thins your blood and has a lot of good uses. Its a German wonder drug.

It never did shit for me in my life.

Oh well. It works for me. Also heres a protip for channers if you ever wanna slit your wrists or throat pop a few aspirins 30-45 minutes before and you will bleed out faster.

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