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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 2152
47. UFOs

We have in these times many things
Which were invented by the Ancients
Which we admit and experiment with
And readily allow them to pass
Which if rightly looked at
Are hardly to be comprehended by human mind.
Altar of the Theraphic Tie, by B.M.I. of the Rosicrucians, 1616 AD

UFOs. One of the most avoided topics in the world. Why are people scared to talk about UFOs? It's as if we've been programmed to consider anyone who talks about such things as crazy. We can talk about all kinds of strange things, but we can't talk about UFOs. We deliberately avoid this one topic for no apparent reason.

Paul Hellyer is the former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, and ex Canadian Minister of National Defense. Even when this guy talks about UFOs nobody listens.

In Britain on 2nd July 1995, the big London daily, The Mail, reported that Nick Pope, head of the Ministry of Defense's Air Staff Secretariat's Office of Special Reports, had resigned and publicly announced that he is a believer in UFOs and had seen numerous official reports while working in the Ministry of Defense.

There are also plenty of paintings of UFOs which are already hundreds of years old. Look up "ufos in art".

I could go on and on, but there's no point. There is overwhelming evidence already. I just hope you see how this all fits together and who really flies those UFOs.

The following is the transcript of a recording from the 1972 UFO conference at Tampa, Florida.

(Moderator- It was Professor Carr who sent shock waves through the Pentagon and the Air Force on October 14th, when he accused the Air Force of not telling the truth about Flying Saucers. At a news conference in Tampa, Florida, Professor Carr said he had information that the Air Force had two flying saucers and the bodies of twelve (12) spacemen on ice in a refrigerated building at Wright Patterson Field in Dayton, Ohio.

At the Flying Saucer symposium Professor Carr talked for an hour about what he calls the "worst kept secret in the world." The discovery in February, 1948 of two flying saucers in northwestern New Mexico, near the town of Aztec.)

It is known throughout the academic world, the medical world, it is known throughout the Air Force, and above all it is known throughout the CIA, ah, that the Air Intelligence at Wright Patterson Field has in its possession a spacecraft, thirty-one (31) feet in diameter, and it is entirely undamaged, except for a hole…small hole broken in the plastic dome…the transparent plastic dome that covered the cockpit. And because of this accident in space, the twelve small human beings….ah….died suddenly of decompression, in the purely mortal way that our…that the Russian astronauts perished last year in a similar accident of decompression during re-entry. They were not shot down by our fighter planes, they suffered an operational loss.

However, in this particular case, it was very fortunate that our alert radar net in the western states had the UFO on itsscreen. In fact, three radar stations were tracking an unidentified object at immense altitude and traveling at unbelievable speed when it stopped …fluttered…went out of control…and fell, circling toward the earth. Because three radar stations were locked on it, they were able to triangulate the point at which it reached earth. That point was three miles west of the small town of Aztec, New Mexico, in the northern part of the state near the Colorado line.

At that time I owned and operated a ranch in the high mountains of northern New Mexico. It happened in my neighborhood.

All available law enforcement officers were rushed to the scene, and planes were flown from the nearest Air Force Base, which is Edwards Air Force Base in the Mojave Desert. And, as they landed there was a silvery gleaming disc shaped spacecraft standing on a tripod landing gear. Apparently it made an automatic landing after its occupants had died. And, as the local sheriffs approached with drawn guns (oh, you can be sure the guns were drawn….let anything new appear, and the guns are drawn) they surrounded the space craft and peered into the cockpit and there, slumped over their instruments, motionless, were twelve small men.

The Air Force arrived, and due to their ingenuity (it was quite ingenious, but I won't go into the technical details) they managed to get the door open and the medical officers said that the bodies were…ah…well, the bodies were still limp and warm. They had been dead only a short time. They were put aboard a hospital plane and flown to the nearest large mortuary, which is at Edwards Air Force Base, where they have (as do all large military establishments) a large refrigerated morgue. After all, a very large base devoted to death would need a morgue. The City of Tampa has a refrigerated morgue for overnight visitors who can't find hotel accommodations (audience laughter).

Edwards Air Force Base received this in February, 1948. Now that was at the…in the..one of the worst periods of the cold war. The President was notified, but the President didn't come. No one knew quite what to do. The bodies were carefully preserved in cryonic (sp?) suspension, which is not as the Air Force spokesman on the television program yesterday in ridiculing and abusing me, said that "Bob Carr says little green men are being kept in the frozen food locker". You see, you just change a few words, and you can convert the story of the century into a bit of idiocy. First of all, they weren't green. They were fair skinned. All were males. They were between three and four feet in height, three and a half being about the average. All had light hair, differing shades of light hair, but on the brownish/yellow side. All had blue eyes. All had perfect teeth, without any dental work. All were superb physical specimens, with null asymmetrical development. Dressed in American clothes they could pass un-noticed on the streets of Tampa as small men or as children.

Now, it was decided…(Carr pauses)

Which do you want to hear about first? The really important news of what our leading metallurgists, electronics experts, and aeronautical engineers were able to find out about the spacecraft itself, or do you want to hear about the bodies.

First let's have a vote. How many of you want to hear about the construction and content of the spacecraft itself….(pauses to take note of raised hands)…Now, how many of you will not rest easy until you hear about the autopsy…..(crowd laughter)…this is by far a majority. And frankly, it's human. Who wants to hear about a giant solenoid, when you can hear about an autopsy.

One body was selected for autopsy by a carefully screen group of government physicians. Six performed the autopsy. It was photographed, motion pictures were made. You may be assured that it was done in an operating theater, under many watchful eyes. And, as our unfortunate little visitor from far away was dismembered and disemboweled, and his organs were laid out and identified, he was found to have the same organs that a human being has, and in about the same place. He was human. The blood type was human. Genes and chromosomes would match up with those of an Earth woman. Either we are their lost colony or they are our lost cousins. Biologically, the chances of utterly unrelated life developing across the aching immensities of interstellar space, and coming out with two absolutely identical species…the odds are like….well, it's like rolling thirty-seven (37) sevens in a row in a crap game, it just couldn't happen. No, we are somehow related.

They came here, probably, because they too are oxygen breathers, and water drinkers. If they had been ammonia breathing turtles, they could have gone to Jupiter or some congenial place. But, no, they were like ourselves, so theysought out our planet. Undoubtedly, there has been an unbroken link going back a long time.

Everything was quite normal until the celebrated brain surgeon got out his horrid little saw and sawed open the skull, and laid bare the right hemisphere of the brain, and then the six assembled surgeons gasped because they realized they were looking upon something that no human eyes had ever before beheld. There, on the body of a vigorous young man, estimated to be thirty (30) years of age in Earth time, could have been a small Olympic athlete, there in his skull was the brain of a human being several hundred years old. The surgeons said..the brain specialists said that never had they seen the surface of a brain so deeply, and so intricately convoluted. And as you all know, the convolutions of the brain are an indication, an infallible indication, of both the age of the brain and the state of its intellectual development. A feeble minded person of any age has an almost smooth brain surface. A new born baby has a smooth brain surface. But, as age and intellectual development occur, the convolutions become more pronounced…these are little folds and rivulets…you've seen them…ah…and they had never seen so highly convoluted a brain. And if the same biological standards apply to their planet, as they apply to this, there was a man several hundred years old who had been spared the infirmities of age, and had never known senility. What a gift this would be if they could tell us how they do it. Ponce DeLeon and his fountain of youth. If they could share their medical secrets, and other hygienic secrets with us…what a gift this would be to the human race. How much more amazing than the weapons I must tell you about, or the means of propulsion that the Russians at this moment doing everything they can to try and capture…would be the gift of life to the human race. This is what the Air Force is striking aside every day by armed attacks on Unidentified Flying Objects, which have done nothing hostile toward the United States, except possibly to fail to answer the recognition signal of the day..ah…in the right idiom.

Major Donald E. Keyhoe in his latest book, Aliens From Space, documents over one thousand instances where fighter plans have been scrambled to attach harmless UFOs with the most deadly weapons that we have developed, simply to try and shoot one down. They have never succeeded. Certain pilots during debriefing sessions…shaking…ashen faced…have told their commanding officers that they got within gun range…they opened up with four cannon…not one shell ever struck the skin of the UFO. Apparently they are surrounded by a powerful force field of electromagnetic emissions which can …ah… is probably intended to protect them from meteorites, which of course are very dangerous, but will certainly make bullets curve enough to miss them. Think what that secret would be worth.

This great age of the beautiful young man has profound psychic significance as well. Think what an opportunity it would be to develop the psychic powers…to develop culture.. To develop literature, history, and how little space travel would mean to a race whose life span was several times longer than our life span. Ladies and gentlemen, I am an old man…a retired professor. I have spent my life in the pursuit, however feeble and limping, the pursuit of truth. And I can tell you that the central tragedy of the human race on this planet is not the curse of war, horrible as that is. It is not the burden of poverty, inexcusable as that is on a rich planet. It is not the grief and pain of disease, which is merely a measure of our ignorance because our scientists are making valiant efforts to overcome disease. No, the central tragedy of human life is so common place that most of us never face it. It is the tragic brevity of human life. A man or woman just about learns to do his or her job well, and we retire them. They live a little longer and get a few glimpses of understanding, of comprehension, of psychic insight, and we bury them. The life is over long before a hundred years. A one hundred year old person is quite a curiosity, and is usually quite feeble. Or, as a Pennsylvania Dutch farmer once said to me, in a very pithy statement, which is much more eloquent than my plea, " So slow we get smart, and so quick we get old." That is the tragedy of human life, and that is one of the secrets that our friends from space…that is one of the benefits they might bring us in this 20th century. If we would only stop shooting at them, and let them land in peace at a designated safe zone in the southeastern United States…southwestern United States, at a certain part of New Mexico, where there are no military installations for many miles…would be plainly designated as a safe landing zone. This is OPERATION LURE, and I want to tell you that in the entire 25 years that we have been shooting at them, there is not one authenticated case of a UFO intentionally harming a human being. Imaging what patience, and what forbearance, for them to have been fired upon and chased, and repulsed in their efforts to be friendly and not once to have harmed a human being.

Let us prepare our minds, then, by banishing fear. Let us put aside all boogie men, and silly talk of little green men and bug eyed monsters. And further more, those who talk that way, let us gently correct them. They're doing a very great disservice to our country, especially to the children. A little child called me up in the middle of the night last night: "Is it true we are being invaded from Mars?" That's cruel to children. There's nothing to be afraid of.

Now. We call also stop calling them UFOs. Because if anything in the sky has ever been fully identified, it is the socalled Unidentified Flying Object. The Air Force has spent millions photographing them up close, studying them, measuring them, and have quite a collection of photographs, hundreds of feet of motion picture film, and all of this of course had to be withheld from the American people. Not through any sinister conspiracy, but for our own good. Because back in the days when this material evidence came into the possession of Air Intelligence…most of you are too young to remember….but we were in the worst days of the so called cold war. People here in Tampa were digging air raid shelters in their back yards. If a truck backfired school children dove under their desks thinking the Russians had attacked. And when the spacecraft itself with the twelve dead occupants was picked up, then of course the Central Intelligence Agency had to intervene. Up until that time it had been an Air Force problem, chasing spooks…chasing…well, chasing something. But when a foreign intrusion occurs, the appearance of the CIA on the scene is prima fascia evidence that the UFOs are real. Let me repeat, the CIA would never have taken over had there not been real UFOs from another world. How foreign can you get?

So they, in their wisdom, caused the Brookings institution in Washington to make a national survey of…ah…to predict what the effect on the national psychology would be if the President came on the air and calmly announced that "Ladies and gentlemen, these things you are seeing are real, they're from another world, they are piloted by intelligent small human beings like ourselves. There is nothing to be afraid of, and will everybody please stop shooting at them." The Brookings Institution replied that this must never be released, because the American people are teetering on the ragged edge of hysteria already. The nervousness…the tension over the cold war is so great that for the President to make such a statement official…to give it sanction…would be too much. Too many people would go over the deep end.

Professor Robert Carr, 1972
The evidence is there, but people just don't fucking care


It's sad really

Yeah the evidence of aliums being amongst us is overwhelming. It's easier to prove than any other paranormal topic too but nobody is willing to do the reading or look into the matter too deeply.

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Are there extra-terrestrial beings living among us on Earth? Events surrounding two spectacular Spanish UFO sightings suggest that this case is a fact.

The UMMO-case is a mystery with plenty of clues along the trail. Whatever the truth, this is in every way a refreshing change from the more usual alleged encounters with people from other worlds; as the Ummites themselves explained:

We have not come to bring you a new doctrine, as prophets descending from the skies to teach a new physics or mathematics or preach a new religion, or offering you panaceas for your social or patho-psychological ills.

Apparently, in 1950, inhabitants of the planet Ummo (14 light years away) landed on Earth. They lived among us for 55 years undetected, establishing their bases and acclimating themselves to our way of life. Then, in 1965, they started to make contact. Initially they compiled a list of 20 carefully selected individuals, most of them were Spanish. They included a playwright, a police officer, an employee in the American embassy in Madrid, an engineer, an official of the Telegraph Office, a lawyer and two of Spain's best-known UFOLOGISTS, Antonio Ribera and Rafael Farriols.

Many of those on the list were also members of a small Spanish group, the Society of Friends of Space, including their founder-president, Fernando Seams. According to the Ummites, those on this particular list constitute the Madrid group; there are other groups all over the world.

Early in 1965 the Ummites began to contact the names on their Madrid list, by letter or telephone, to explain the purpose of their mission to Earth. One of the few who has openly described what happened is the engineer Enrique Villagrassa Novoa, who received the telephone call late at night on 28 November 1966. The speaker identified himself as an extra-terrestrial being and spoke fluently and intelligently, though in a voice that was both faintly foreign and mechanical, for about two hours. He discussed engineering and obviously had an impressively detailed know-ledge of the subject; he followed this up by posting on some documents a few days later.

Unfortunately, few of those on the Ummites' list have revealed the details of how they were contacted. It seems the letters were usually typewritten on paper that bore a distinctive mark. Nor do they know how many others the Ummites telephoned, nor whether they contacted anyone more than once. All we know is that some of those who had a specialist interest received follow-up documents.

One of the problems that besets this story is that there has been very little investigation into vital points. For example, no one seems to have made any detailed, systematic attempt to look into the ways in which the Ummites contacted the people on their list, nor why these people should be on the list.

In 1969 the Ummites contacted a prominent UFO researcher, Antonio Ribera, who had in fact heard about them two years earlier when he had been introduced to Villagrassa. Rather curiously, he kept the matter quiet and - as only in 1975, eight years after first hearing about it and six years after being contacted by the Ummites, that he spoke out.

The Ummites suggested to Ribera that their planet may orbit the star we know as Wolf 424 - Apparently, it is difficult for them to be more precise than this because our astronomical references are incompatible with theirs.

They claimed that in 1948 they had accidentally picked up a strange radio signal with a frequency of 413.44 megacycles, which they were unable to decipher. Eventually, they traced it to a planet known to them as 'Ooyagaa', or 'cold star of quadrate' (they refer to our Sun as 'quadrate'). The signal was later identified as having been transmitted by a Norwegian scientific research vessel. The transmission took place between 5 and 7 February 1934, and took 14 years to travel to Ummo. Subsequent investigation confirmed the presence of such a ship, transmitting on this frequency, between these dates.

The Ummites were surprised at this evidence of intelligent life on our planet and decided to investigate. Two years later, in March 1950, a lenticular-shaped spaceship landed secretly near the small town of La Javie in Les masses Alpes, France, in a wild and sparsely populated region, well-suited to their purposes. The landing went unobserved, and a party of six - four males and two females - was left on Earth. They took over a nearby country house, paying its owners to leave, and excavated an underground hiding place as their base.

When the story eventually became public knowledge, it is said that the French authorities carried out an official investigation of the alleged landing area. Some reports claim that they found evidence of unusual activity.

During their early years on Earth the Ummites had some difficulty in adjusting to conditions here. In the spring of 1967 an announcement was made that an Ummo spaceship would land is a Madrid suburb on 1 June of that year. A number of people living in Madrid were contacted by letter and telephone, allegedly by Ummites now living on Earth; the Ummo spaceship, they said, would take some of the humans back with it to Ummo. At 8.20 p.m. on 1 June the spaceship duly appeared. marked with a symbol that had appeared on a thumbprint seal on some of she letters It was photographed by an anonymous witness and, independently by one Antonio Pardo

Though broadly similar to us physiologically, there were certain differences - one of the most marked being that their fingers were so sensitive to light and other forms of radiation that they initially found it very awkward to use, for example, lift buttons and electric light switches.

Unfortunately, our information about the Ummites is restricted to what they have chosen to tell us, so that our knowledge of their affairs is very patchy. Consequently, all we know about the Ummites' first 55 years on Earth is that they acquired a great deal of information about us and established a secure base for themselves. They certainly were not in any hurry to make themselves known, and when they did so it was not to any government but to selected individuals -and even then they did not go out of their way to provide incontrovertible proof as to their supposed identity.

They explained the reason for their apparent lack of zeal:

Some of you keep saying that we must give you proof. We continue to repeat, until you are tired of hearing, that we are not concerned whether or not you believe us. We can operate much more effectively in anonymity, and we are not going to be so naive as to introduce ourselves to you openly simply to satisfy your need for proof.

Their communications were limited to information about themselves and their planet, their way of life and their culture; all very informative, but nothing that could be verified. But then, in the spring of 1967, the Ummites told three of their contacts that on 5 June an Ummite spacecraft would land just outside Madrid, pick some of them up and take them back to Ummo.

They indicated the approximate landing site.


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