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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 1944
Magic Guide to Cultivating Love

There are many things to consider when looking for a wife and attracting her. It is not very hard but do be careful with this and don't abuse this knowledge.

Firstly, one must know that words are abstractions and that the power that comes to them is not in the what is said but in the emotion and base thought behind it. What you say almost does not matter at all nor how you say it; rather, what you are thinking does. Whether you realize it or not all humans but the most emotionally dead and ill ones engage in some level of telepathy. Empathy is the base form of telepathy. She is reading your mind.

As such your thoughts must be pure and must cultivate what you wish to see reflected on the outside and in her. Your subconscious intentions are felt subliminally by those around you. With lucidity, intuition, and understanding our power to influence others around us and benefit or help or take or simply maim them grows considerably. It is important to develop awareness of what is going on in your own subconscious world and that of those around of you so you can direct your own fate and free yourself from causality.

If you want to cultivate love in a person it is not so hard. I tend to think distance doesn't matter but it helps to be physically close. Consider this: "It is known today, based on accurate measuring, that our heart’s electromagnetic field spreads for 3 to 4 meters around the heart". So if you are within about 4 metres of them they sense your heart; likewise other organs have these electromagnetic fields around them of various ranges. Dogs know when your heart is in trouble and couples sleeping beside each other end up synchronizing their heartbeat, breathing, etc. If you feel your heart fluttering, she feels that. If you are nervous, she feels that. She might not be explicitly aware of it (depends on how much of a wizard she is herself basically) but it's still going to influence her attraction to you and her behaviour around you.

Fill yourself with a feeling of love. It won't matter then what you say or how much you say or even if you say anything at all. Project these feelings towards here. If you dream about her (or she dreams about you) this creates a connection between you which is fairly powerful. Trying to accurately visualize her and see her in your mind's eye opens up other possibilities for magical influence but be wary of demon tricksters and other entities fucking with you then if you get anything wrong. Although the transmission of energy and information is weaker if you see her less clearly it might be more likely to get to the intended target then if you have a very detailed yet somehow wrong visualization/identification.

Maintain good health and fitness. Remember that humans did not always speak and yet they still mated and had some form of communication with each other. If you are not a healthy mate you're quite worthless. Although you can attract women to you even if you are ugly and dysfunctional you should still strive to be the best man you can be; there's something wrong with a woman who is attracted to you when you're in a fucked up state. You don't want a woman like that… unless she actually sees potential for you to develop into a better man and wants to nurture that. If she loves you for being a fuck up though this is a poisonous love and is no good. She should want the best for you and you should want the best for yourself.

Consider the reality of what emotion is and does. The astral planes are made of emotional energy. Emotion is a means by which to appeal to or be connected to the 0th order being who sustains and makes modifications to reality. Emotion allows you to edit a timeline, biasing probability and manifesting things. Your astral self exists in a plane of emotion. Emotion must be given direction, focus, coherence, etc. for it to be useful. When it is lacking in information and just being radiated then it is simply dispersed at random with little effect. "Emotion coupled with pattern, direction, and focus is called "will." Will power means applying emotions in a directed manner to get things done." Emotion can be used to manipulate others but when there is a mismatch in the signature less of the emotion is transferred and its effect is dulled. All emotional energy has a signature of its originator. Emotion is a big part of creating synchronicity.

When selecting a mate she should be healthy, she should be of your own race (the more closely related the better, kin selection is a very real process and enhances your chances of success both in your relationship and in having healthy offspring), and she should be free of degeneracy (if not completely, then she at least be one that can be reformed). Note: If you are just looking for short-term sexual relationships this guide is not for you and you should do us all a favour and hang yourself now or at least stick to using women who are already as terribly damaged as you are or worse / leave the virgin marriage material for the men who wish to marry. The woman you wish to attract must not already be taken. Beware of women who have already been used up or who have boyfriends or husbands already; don't go near them. Never. If you break up someone's relationship this sets a bad precedent, namely, that if she is willing to leave her boyfriend for you then she will leave you in turn when she bores of you. You want a woman who is loyal and you should expect loyalty from your woman and be willing to go extreme measures to ensure her loyalty (if she cheats on you and you already have children, kill her, your life is over anyways). Marriage is sacred, destroying the marriage is unacceptable, you're together until death does you apart. I would only consider a couple married however when they actually have children as to me marriage means "a woman and man having children and raising them together" and has nothing to do with what the government, faggots, legal papers, etc. say about it.

There are many signs of bad behaviour that can be seen in women some of which can be ammended and some of which (or if too much of it occurs at once) means she's fucked beyond hope of recovery without extreme intervention / very considerable efforts on your part in fixing her:

1. Dresses immodestly, whorish, or not at all exposing herself naked in public.
2. Has any diseases which you can get from her.
3. Has any serious defects, weight problems, and other abnormalities with her body.
4. You can not talk to her without feeling worn out and pissed off because everything she says was fed to her by the fucking telmudvision and her mind has been retarded by ZOG.
5. Piercing, tattoos, hair dye, excessive cosmetics (best she has none at all), etc. are all signs of degeneracy and that you should avoid her.
6. Likes wasting money on stupid things, buying expensive shit, buying tons of shoes, clothing, purses, etc. These women need serious reform.
7. Has feminist tendencies such as demanding equality for men, not wanting to be a proper wife and mother staying at home and raising children.
8. Is sterile or wants to limit how many children she has with you. A proper woman wants as many children as possible with you. A woman who doesn't wany any children at all just wants to use you.
9. Sexual perversions of any sort. Women should only want to have normal sex for the purpose of procreation. Bisexual, homosexual, necrophilic, and other strange women should be avoided.
10. Any bullshit you would not accept from people in general. Just because she's a woman don't mean you got to bend over backwards for her.

Version 1 of this guide. I'll add more later.
Love Magick

In discussions regarding magick, one of the most common things to come up is questions about how to make someone love you, how to make someone want to be with you, love magick, and binding spells. This is a very important subject because there is a very fine line between benevolent love magick and binding spells, which are perhaps the most immoral type of black magick that exists.

If there is mutual love and connection between you and another person, it is perfectly acceptable to focus on that love and connection and to amplify it. You can use this to strengthen relationships, to bring you and those close to you together, to restore love. You are not forcing someone to love you; rather, you are taking the love they already hold for you, and amplifying it, while at the same time focusing on your love for them.

Some people, however, attempt to control those they claim to love through binding spells. Binding spells are not actually love magick. They use attachment, not love and existing connections. They make the victim a slave to your will. They do not make the victim truly love you, and what you may at first perceive as love is instead attachment. This will not get you the love you seek. This will not be in the best interest of you or the other person. This is a violation of free will. Such black magick should only be given even the slightest of consideration in being used against enemies, not against those you love.


Check out my advice here: https://4chon.net/r9k/res/1219553.html

Derren Brown - Science of Attraction | The Halo Effect


How to hypnotize people into loving you.

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>do us all a favour and hang yourself now or at least stick to using women who are already as terribly damaged as you are or worse / leave the virgin marriage material for the men who wish to marry.
>The woman you wish to attract must not already be taken. Beware of women who have already been used up
>if she cheats on you and you already have children, kill her
>Women should only want to have normal sex for the purpose of procreation

My fuckin face.

Good luck on your quest to find your perfect 10/10 qt faithful virgin waifu. You will need it.

>Good luck on your quest to find your perfect 10/10 qt faithful virgin waifu. You will need it.

I found her with great ease. My magic did all the work for me.

dude i need a better gf

magic cant get me this girl i've loved for two years, and she doesnt even like me that much


Your guide is full of bullshit

>7. Has feminist tendencies such as demanding equality for men, not wanting to be a proper wife and mother staying at home and raising children.

>8. Is sterile or wants to limit how many children she has with you. A proper woman wants as many children as possible with you. A woman who doesn't wany any children at all just wants to use you.
>10. Any bullshit you would not accept from people in general. Just because she's a woman don't mean you got to bend over backwards for her.

You are better off not finding a woman. If you truly love someone you have to respect and give trust to each other.

Will it work if does not take place in physical form (outside of my cyber imageboard realm)?

i.e talking to girls on Skype

ITT: virgins roleplay

I meet all 10 points of your criteria

I find it depressing than men write stuff like this

Also I agree with this
Feminist tendencies aren't bad.
Extremely strong anti men tendencies are bad.
Additionally hating the entirety of feminism just because of a bunch of crazy people with insane views is silly too.
No lady wants to be with a guy who thinks men are 100% better than women in every way.
Just support equality.
People are people.

>means she's fucked beyond hope of recovery

Your the one who is fucked beyond hope of recovery here

What's with all these retards posting here
the list is good

True love does not mean accepting inferiority. At the very least the person should genuinely want to improve and become a better person, as should be the case for everyone. If a person is too defective to do that they aren't suitable for breeding and should indeed stay out of the genepool.

>No lady wants to be with a guy who thinks men are 100% better than women in every way.
>Just support equality.

Then you should talk to my wife, lel. Fuck equality.

Please let me, are there any contact details I would be able to use?

Wait you actually want to talk to my wife? Why?

Because you said:
>Then you should talk to my wife
Im not somebody who tends to be lazy and passive, I want to interact with people

nardwuar's famous phrase is "Because I asked"
I sorta live by that phrase

>Im not somebody who tends to be lazy and passive, I want to interact with people

Well then you're a very extraordinary person relative to just about everyone that surrounds me. So many people are lazy and passive.

>nardwuar's famous phrase is "Because I asked"

>I sorta live by that phrase

Come to the Order of Fringe Wizards skype group and you can talk to my wife there then.


How the hell do I utilize that url. Where do I enter it?

I don't know… maybe enter it into your url bar or maybe enter it into skype?

tried both.

I don't know then. Add Fringe Wizard on skype then add him to add you to the group.


Is there any way to get some more practical things out of this guide? Or is the visualizing and redirecting emotions thing all it takes? I'm not looking to practice binding magic, but the mutual magick amplification thing as said in >>2043

Don't visualize. Just go open up a text editor right now and write down your ideal girlfriend's traits, save it, and forget it. I did that a couple times over my life and eventually got exactly what I always wanted.

Also trust in the power of your subconscious always.

Actually go ahead and visualize if you like but I'm not sure it's all that important for this. Do the text thing though, eventually you'll forget about it, and it can just sink into your subconscious and manifest just like a sigil.


>magic cant get me this girl i've loved for two years, and she doesnt even like me that much

Unless you want to use some black voodoo shit to make her desire you, which would be bad karma and probably turn your life into a cautionary tale for others, you should consider the value of NOT attaching yourself to a specific outcome or person in regard to finding love, but instead aim your intention at finding the *right* mate for you, and trust your higher self / true will / Divine Providence to handle the specifics.

problem is, I already have a certain person in mind. Would this still work if I just used the notepad as a sigil but typing things like this persons name? As I don't have any contact with this person currently, and so will have to wait for their return in a long while, I'm not sure if that changes things.

Use the sigil method described by Grant Morrison. Also, im with the guy above. Dont lust about one person if they dont feel the same way/are out of reach. There are better fish in the sea. Instead, ask for your perfect mate.

The person might not actually be a proper match for you in which case you will have to change them in some ways to make them a match. That'll be a lot of effort you know.

If you have a specific person in mind that you want then you may as well just spend a long fucking time creating a thoughtform and then have it possess her and change her behaviour to be attracted to you and to make her into the ideal wife for you.

Really though… I'd just not get attached to anyone and only focus on yourself and just trust that universe will arrange things for you so that you meet and get right the right person.

I'm not sure many people comprehend how unbelievably inferior their minds are. I personally feel like all my memories, thoughts, etc. that make up my mind are pretty inferior because I have experienced transcendental consciousness before but only temporarily then I got ripped away from it. While that happened the speed at which I was forming thoughts was incredibly fast and acute, the sensations I was processing were much expanded and I actually had the feeling of having two bodies at once and receiving all the signals from both bodies and feeling them completely, etc.

We've got a long way to go. Our minds are like empty caverns, there really is very little going on in them, we are stupid ants compared to the higher forms of consciousness that permeate the higher realms and overlap the lower ones as well.

I'll give Grant Morrison's pop magick technique a go, thank you! I tried some sigils unrelated to this before also but haven't seen success - I suppose it will just be a question of practice now and finding what works. As for the fish in the sea thing, you're definitely right, it's just a bit hard to accept at the moment. I feel like I have an urge to pursue whatever feelings may be present here in the other person, and only broadening magick to find the ideal partner once I am sure there is nothing.

Hmm, I don't think I'm particularly looking to change the other person. Changing them to be attracted seems a bit drastic, I was really only hoping to work with any present feelings that they may have, if they do, finding a way to get them in the physical reality, etc.

Nothing wrong with changing the person if you are capable of it. Magic is only possible for those who are worthy of it, so if you can do it, you are worthy of it. Disregard any notions you may have of "going too far" because fuck limitations.

Hahaha, I'm not worthy of it, though. I'm not very skilled. The few attempts I've made before – at anything – did not yield any results. It's why I'm trying to find the least abstract, most comprehensible ways of doing this. Trying my best to say "fuck you" to limitations too, but creating a thougthform or making drastic changes like that to a person just seem out of my reach right now.

(also a little bit chicken of what >>10842 said)

i support the idea of equality and meritocracy, just not feminism. if feminism was about equality, it wouldn't have the fem- prefix. it's a jewish word-magick designed to turn women against men as foretold in the descriptions of kaliyuga.

also if i have qt gf what kind of magick can I do to help ensure our relationship continues smoothly?

my concern is this: what do when she encounters negative influences like ZOG media and institutionalized brainwashing, how can i help her or guide her away from it and reinforce her individual thoughts without being pedantic or controlling? use the power of LOVE??

>i support the idea of equality and meritocracy, just not feminism.

I am completely against this. Equality is a horrible idea and should be completely opposed to the core. There is absolutely no equality in this world and no reason for there to be equality. Equal opportunity is stupid too. Meritocracy is not legit because nothing is really pure merit, it's all about breeding, and society should be structured around castes with only some individuals moving up on merit but only once in awhile because they are truly exceptional. It should be like in the past where certain people of great merit would inevitably marry into a higher caste or the nobility because their skills and is knowledge is greatly sought after.

Don't yield to egalitarians at all. Equality is a complete ruse and needs to be crushed.

>if feminism was about equality, it wouldn't have the fem- prefix. it's a jewish word-magick designed to turn women against men as foretold in the descriptions of kaliyuga.

Women and men should not be equal and you are a pussy beta male white knight if you think otherwise. Men are the superiors of women.

>also if i have qt gf what kind of magick can I do to help ensure our relationship continues smoothly?

Get rid of notions of equality and assume your proper role as a superior man. Also make sure you actually live up to your inherent superiority by becoming the greatest man you can be — you must surpass her physically, intellectually, and in every other manner and instil absolute obedience and loyalty into her. You must also never betray your woman — you can not expect to be a good wife if you aren't a good husband to her, even if you are strict husband, you must respect your wife and not cheat on her or turn yourself into a worthless degenerate alcoholic or something stupid like that.

>my concern is this: what do when she encounters negative influences like ZOG media and institutionalized brainwashing, how can i help her or guide her away from it and reinforce her individual thoughts without being pedantic or controlling? use the power of LOVE??

Use the power of your subconscious alone. All things that are said and done are to be regarded as symbolic, carrier waves for a hidden power that permeates all reality, just like the spirit.

I hate the entirity of feminism.

Women are not equal.

Women should not be allowed to vote.

The work that would can do should be very limited, their primary work is serving their husband and looking after the children.

>No lady wants to be with a guy who thinks men are 100% better than women in every way.

My wife is 100% anti-feminist even more than me really and was like that before I even met here. There are women out there who just want to be traditional wives and absolutely despise the feminist crap.

Fuck equality.

What do you even mean by "people are people"?

>if feminism was about equality, it wouldn't have the fem- prefix. it's a jewish word-magick
Plus, feminists are always complaining about how men use language as a weapon to control women ("ban bossy" for example).

Yet, no one ever points out just how harmful and toxic our notions of masculinity are. Words like "pussy" and "faggot" are used to police gender roles from childhood up into adulthood, making sure we all fit the mold of what "real men" are supposed to be. The reason women are subjugated is because society tells us we aren't "real men" if we don't. Feminists are attacking the symptom. If society allowed men to be themselves, feminism would naturally follow.

>Women should not be allowed to vote
Don't be stupid, allowing every law-abiding adult the right to participate in the political process is the cornerstone of a free society. I hate feminism too, but you're just trying to be edgy. If we had allowed women the right to vote in the first place we probably wouldn't even have feminism.

I mean hell, ancient Rome let women vote, and how "feminist" were they?

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wasnt one of the roman emperors cuckolded by his wife (she would go down to the local brothels at night and get stuffed in all orifices)

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Yes, Messalina. She would wear a gold mask to hide her identity, sit her ass on a cushion, and spread her legs for any guy to just walk up. Sometimes she'd fuck dozens of men in one night.

Or so they say. The truth is, a lot of those old stories are the ancient equivalent of bathroom graffiti. Probably grossly exaggerated.

Another very hot (and probably untrue) story from ancient history is the rite of passage for Babylonian women. Every citizen of Babylon would, at some time in her youth, go to the temple of Mylitta to prostitute herself for the goddess. She'd take a seat, and wait for some guy to buy her. She would have to have sex with the first man to toss a silver coin her way, refusing no one, and not leaving until then.

Modern feminists look at stories like that and scream "RAAAAPE CULTUUUURE!" but back then, people didn't really have the same hang-ups about sex that we do.

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>Modern feminists look at stories like that and scream "RAAAAPE CULTUUUURE!"

them doth be protesting too hard. i know deep down they all wanna be raped

>women orgasm while being raped

>women have a higher chance of becoming pregnant when they orgasm

>therefore: nature wants us to rape women

>the real god is a rapist

>the abrahamic god is anti-nature (which is why jews have so many rules against fun. 613 commandments lol. also why they chop up baby dicks. matriarchy cunt queen bee brain in a jar. or maynbe im just talking shit)

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oh wait since the abrahamic god chops up baby dicks, he is a rapist too (raping with knives)


is this the rape world?Q?


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>M-muh mysoginy!!!!

Jesus fuck, bolshevikipedia really is a leftist-infested cesspit. You can't even look up random historical personalities without stumbling upon leftist/radical SJW femishit terminology.

I think I've found my new name.

I hope the use of names and tripcodes isn't frowned on here, like it is in 4chan?

its not. ive seen a few around

>Be female
>Read this thread
What's a grill to do?

Wear the white mantle of chastity by day, and the gold mask of promiscuity by night.

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find yourself a nice fringe wizardly boyfriend, and then get him to gimme the password to /illuminati/

then melt the gold mask of promiscuity down into a disk, and carve a demonic sigil on it.

pray for apocalypse.

>take care of your health
>don't waste money on stupid shit
>increase your physical flexibility through lots of stretching
>learn skills that are appreciated in women which your husband will love you for
>apply the same magical principles in attracting love wherein you trust the power of your subconscious to convey everything

Remember this: at some point humans ancestors probably didn't talk or had an extremely limited vocabulary yet they would have still mated, reproduced, etc. and communicated non-verbally. Thinking that it's all about what you say isn't really the right idea to have, it's more about what you think and what your intentions are. Also the holographic universe proves that subconscious is active even on a paranormal level so even if you're just communicating with someone on the internet they're still picking up on things on a deeper level of reality despite the physical separation.

The promiscuous ought to be executed and I personally would never go near a promiscuous woman.

>I hope the use of names and tripcodes isn't frowned on here, like it is in 4chan?

Tripfags have been banned from here before just for tripfagging obnoxiously. I haven't seen namefags ever persecuted but the people who avatar/trip etc. using the same trip over & over & over eventually push things too far and get banned. The bans are like 5 minutes though.

I am so reposting that boiling frog picture the next time I need to make a point about the gradual elimination of the white race via moderation / trickles of non-white immigration and how half-solutions will never fix the problem.

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>Plus, feminists are always complaining about how men use language as a weapon to control women ("ban bossy" for example).

Men use language as a "weapon to control" EVERYONE. It's not even a gender specific thing. Everybody uses language manipulatively to manipulate everyone else.

>Yet, no one ever points out just how harmful and toxic our notions of masculinity are. Words like "pussy" and "faggot" are used to police gender roles from childhood up into adulthood, making sure we all fit the mold of what "real men" are supposed to be.

If you actually give a shit about this stuff you're probably a pussyfaggot and need to man the fuck up.

>The reason women are subjugated is because society tells us we aren't "real men" if we don't. Feminists are attacking the symptom.

"subjugated, subjugating. 1. to bring under complete control or subjection; conquer; master. 2. to make submissive or subservient; enslave."

Women are supposed to be submissive and subservient to men. It's not because society tell us, it's because it's fucking human nature and society reflects human nature.

>If society allowed men to be themselves, feminism would naturally follow.

This is ridiculous. I am being myself and I sure as fuck ain't tolerating any forms of feminism or equality.

>Don't be stupid, allowing every law-abiding adult the right to participate in the political process is the cornerstone of a free society.

No you stop being stupid. Democrashitty is bullshit and needs to be done away with. "free society" is a bullshit propagandist term, read pic related to udnerstand. We need an absolute monarchy and to abolish voting and women should never ever be allowed to vote.

>I hate feminism too, but you're just trying to be edgy. If we had allowed women the right to vote in the first place we probably wouldn't even have feminism.

NO. I am not merely trying to be edgy these are my legitimate views. What the fuck is wrong with you that you actually think people voting is a good idea and especially women? We need to get rid of democracy.

>I mean hell, ancient Rome let women vote, and how "feminist" were they?

Fuck ancient Rome.

What is with all these egalitarians invading /fringe/?

You're a fucking idiot, I want you to know that.

How about this thread is re-made on /edgy/ because it went from fringe discussion to edgy shit? :)

lol butthurt

I can't believe you actually fell for that guys ruse.

No this is one of the oldest threads on /fringe/ and making a new thread on /edgy/ won't cause people to stop discussing things that upset you in this thread.

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Even the shit OP is spewing is le edgy garbage. "Wimminz can only exist to procreate and if that's not the only thing on their mind they're damaged." Is probably the most retarded thing I've heard all year. Do you have any other contact to the outside world besides frequenting leddit? Please loosen your fedora or continue dating anime babes.

/fringe/ more like /cringe/

I have never been to reddit but I suppose you come from there to know what people on that site post, I have no fedora and hate materialist/atheist/scientism paradigm, I hate anime and never look at it or watch it, and you are very obviously not wife material and deserve to die alone. Too bad for you. Soon when every man realizes he can just create a tulpa wife then all you bitchy feminist cunts will get to keep working at your careers and other stupid shit while failing to ever attract a husband and eventually realizing later in life when you grow infertile and old that a fuck up you were not to adopt the tradition role of your gender.

Then fuck off mundane. This site isn't here to conform to your ideas of political correctness. If you're more concerned about pushing your SJW bullshit onto others you'll never become a great wizard like the rest of us.

I'm not upset at the ideas in this thread, but rather, at the lack of relevant substance. Thought this was a fringe/magick thread but it just spun into something for which there is another place (called /edgy/). I mean, do you come on /fringe/ to read about sport match results? Romance novels? Celebrity gossip? Insect extermination? Android phones? Probably not. Reading all these posts regarding promiscuity that don't go anywhere feels like that too.

>implying I NEED to attract husband or want children and that I'm any less for not wanting them
top kek
Ok have fun with your tulpa waifu. Thank god you can't procreate with it. If you're really so concerned with people pushing ideologies on each other, then why don't you stop pushing your traditional bullshit down people's throats and kill yourself.

The issue of promiscuity and celibacy and so on is at the heart of many philosophies (asceticism, hedonism, etc.) and /fringe/'s topics includes philosophy so this IS relevant to the board.

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>implying I NEED to attract husband or want children and that I'm any less for not wanting them

Ok thank goodness your shitty feminist genes aren't going to contaminate the genepool a generation longer. What are you even doing in this thread about love magick if you really don't give a shit?

>Ok have fun with your tulpa waifu. Thank god you can't procreate with it.

That's where you're wrong. A tulpa will become materialized and physical after awhile.

>If you're really so concerned with people pushing ideologies on each other, then why don't you stop pushing your traditional bullshit down people's throats and kill yourself.

No accept my ideology or die heretic!




>Men use language as a "weapon to control" EVERYONE. It's not even a gender specific thing. Everybody uses language manipulatively to manipulate everyone else.
Yeah, that was my point.

Women do it to men, men do it to men, and women do it to women, but there aren't any huge SJW movements to stop those three from happening.

Also, this. Nice guys finish last, abusive men are never single.


>What are you even doing in this thread about love magick if you really don't give a shit?

because every feminist "women need a man like a fish needs a bicycle" type actually does give a shit. All their rhetoric to the contrary is just sour grapes. Notice how often these women are unattractive or older and single.

And all women who are into the occult (and most men as well) are broken people, desperately looking for a magic solution to their problems. Usually overweight, lonely, invisible to the opposite sex.

Perfectly predictable that you find these types posting on /fringe/ in the love magic threads.

Feminism and magic. A sad but predictable marriage.

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all that projecting

i have no problems

i dont desperately look for magick, i am immersed in it. fringe is awesome btw. so hilarious and informative… before fedora bitches on the rag invaded from the rape smoke abyss

all your words and pseudo freudian shit is annoying. proper syntax language follower. i put a curse on you! you will be attractive and young (aka nott ugly and old)

and these chickens will come home to roost! (different persong responding btw)

ps all this chaoitic arguing started becuz ov my rape-core art posts ha ha. ( will dump more on /b/ later for mah niggas)

ps some tings i was thinking of last night: ZEUS raped EUROPA. YAHWEH raped ABRAHAM (via psyops, and with a sharp rock)


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ps that pic is what i think of when i hear the word 'feminist' btw.

this pic is what i think of when i hear the world 'reality'. at least before everything turned into a microchip ^_^ . THE WORLD MOVES ON A WOMANS HIPS- david byrne. old nigger prodverb

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actually nvm this is what i thnk of when i hear REALITY and FEMINISM in our modern microworldchip666 world

im so random like the 'penguin of doom' if you remember that classic meme. these moments will never exist again. chan culture is dying. internet is dying. everything :(

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sorry for no spoiler on the lewd image, my lords.

sorry for this betrayal. i will stop reading and posting so much now. delete this post if you can

Who hasn't this guy fucked like holy shit? He seems to fuck everyone. Dirty degenerate.

I think we've scared off the feminist by now. (Hopefully)

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i think in a way the muslims handle their wommen correctly. is this why Hitler was best friends with the grand mufti of jerusalem?

also hitler had a mandrake root and was stabbed in the back by greys. nvm i could post about hitler all day.

muhammad conquered 1/3rd of the world. meanwhile in the west… pic related

ps what was the entity muhammad met in a cave? what is the black cube they all circle around. oh god so many mysteries

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i meant conquered todays world since 1/3rd of it is muslim

including you know who…

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>The promiscuous ought to be executed and I personally would never go near a promiscuous woman.

IMO, promiscuous females are those who crave male loosh energy but are unable to complete the "circuit" with them as in Taoist sexual tradition that yields unmeasured amounts of loosh for both parties with no loss.

the promiscuous, not understanding this loosh generation circuit exists, hop from cock to undisciplined cock getting a little loosh now and then while slowly eating themselves alive until they're a dried up old version of themselves with 20 cats.

the men who participate in this cycle seem like they're getting a raw deal until they find they've aged and can no longer go at it with the young bitchez. they lost too much loosh.

As men, we owe it to women to cultivate our sex energy. nofap+ taoist orgasm control may be the key. some women will come to understand how hollow life was during this forsaken age and someone needs to be there for them.

in addition to love, a sexual relationship is partly a matter of controlling who gets what loosh. if it's discharged into the woman without the purpose of procreating, if she controls your desire to waste your loosh, you are sub-beta. she "thinks" she wins, and you lose even though you think you've won as well.

if you decide what you do with your loosh, and she has no control over whether you discharge it or not, you are the king of the castle.

as it stands, men are the fucking peasants right now.

this is why feminists and women in the West are so uppity: there isn't enough seed for these uggos, fatties and tumblr sluts to slurp up. men either waste it all or they ignore the fugs.

I should talk to my wife tomorrow and send her some loosh and vice versa.

So basically you're saying promiscuous women are like real-life succubi, who engage in sex acts as a form of psychic vampirism?

Or are you one of those "durr hurr alpha male" game theorists who views relationships as adversarial because he has no emotional empathy?

>if she controls your desire to waste your loosh, you are sub-beta. she "thinks" she wins, and you lose even though you think you've won as well.

>if you decide what you do with your loosh, and she has no control over whether you discharge it or not, you are the king of the castle.
Game theory, opinion discarded.


>what is the black cube they all circle around

It's just an enclosure for the remains of some building built by Abraham.

>So basically you're saying promiscuous women are like real-life succubi, who engage in sex acts as a form of psychic vampirism?

If you want to think about it that way, be my guest. Personally I am unfamiliar with succubi. I'm more familiar with Eastern thought.

How I understand it is that women and the feminine are the "negative" yin aspect, or at least represent it more than men who happen to represent more of the "positively" charged masculine yang aspect.

Like the negatively-charged electron, they are drawn toward and orbit the positive yang charge of the masculine. They are in fact drawn to each other, however both energies have different complementary properties simply because of the directions they flow.

It's just a natural interplay of energies. Nothing to be offended by…

>Game theory, opinion discarded.


Fun fact: Game theory is the generalized study of strategic decision-making across many disciplines, much like the "red pill" is a metaphor for an unspoken truth that many are unwilling to or unable to acknowledge and understand.

You must accept the nature of love, war and conflict here to understand how it's merely an expression of the higher realms. As above, so below.

For anyone reading this, I highly recommend studying Taoist and Hermetic systems for understanding the interplay of masculine/feminine and positive/negative and how they are reflected within ourselves and in sexual interactions with the opposite sex.

Mantak Chia - Taoist Secrets of Love


Also, go pledge in the no-fap thread. Harnessing and circulating your sexual energy through your entire being is the first step.

Could be a form of worship for the Saturnian cult. black, cube, hexagon et cetera

tell me more aboyt the saturnian cult plz. i just posted something about saturn in the fapping thread. i wanna know.

i know theres tons of saturn symbolism in this planet. also the pope has a saturn hat lol.

(the connection with that is; people say the vatican created islam!)

anyway. nice post. i got some knowledge from that. (wheneiever i hear the above so below thing i think of the song lyrics REMEMBER PIGGIES A THREAT FOR A THREAT AND A BLOW FOR A BLOW, A STRIKE FOR A STRIKE; AS ABOVE SO BELOW)

also im sure theres tons of online forums that catalog the saturn symbolism of this planet. as well as other titan spirits

david icke forum

also, is circulating and harnessing your sexual energy called tai chi? or is there more involved with it like breathing and thoughtforms

>people say the vatican created islam!

[citation needed]

this is the song with the ABOVE/BELOW lyric btw. gosh i love this album even though half the songs are a big 'fuck you' to the record company

you can probably find info about it on youtube

or you can just stay noided, and assume that ALL religions are alien controlled


Egalitarianism and cultural marxism are alien controlled.


there are only 2 things free of alien control in this world: me and smiley

i would like a grey alien flag, though. this flag will do, i suppose, for now.

Not that any of you would be interested but I managed to get back in touch with the person I wanted to, in a pretty weird circumstance which I think was probably somehow prompted by magick.

Congratulations, I may have to give a similar thing a shot.

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