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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 1872
ITT: Let us discuss the various practices concerned with improving and manipulating the energy within our bodies.

I'd post excerpts from various articles written on the topic but I don't know what's bullshit or not so I'd possibly be feeding misinformation.

I want to hear from anyone who is more well informed and especially who actually does these practices with success to have their take on it.

I'll edit this thread to include whatever information you present in the OP in a clean manner.
Bump, I want to know about this too.

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I have found this site to be helpful.

Although this site uses semi-advanced yoga, a novice can easily benefit from meditating in a similar fashion.

I spend my meditation visualizing the colors, symbols, corresponding number of petals or star-points, and clockwise rotation, while feeling the energy in my body moving as I meditate. I think it is counterproductive to try visualizing the energy flow.

One thing interesting that I have found, which very few authors speak of (Robert Bruce does allude to this in "Energy Work"), is that when I reach the Sahasrara Chakra, I feel energetic activity in the area of my forehead, while the Ajna Chakra energy is in my head. When I meditate thoroughly, I feel energy rise up my spine, over my head, and to my forehead.

You consider yourself to be feeling an energy; have you figured out what the energy actually does and how it's used?

It helps me rest better, and has led to enriched dreams.

I have not been meditating much except before bed, so I do not have much more information.

The chakras are each deeper than one point, or one center. As you sink deeper into a chakra it will split and give you more room for refinement.

This is with manipulation, though. It is an uphill battle and you will have to constantly clear out the chakras you are neglecting.

I've been manipulating my chakras for a year, ask me what you will, can't guarantee I'll know the answer.

Anyone have any material on vital breathing?

My breathing is all fucked and I can't do certain thing breathing practices probably because of my jaw but I still want to know them and try to do them as best as I can.

How does it split?

Trying to learn these things off the internet is absurd and counterproductive. Find yourself a teacher and learn as part of a complete system of development.

You open a chakra, then realize there's another half you haven't opened. Repeat.

>Find yourself a teacher and learn as part of a complete system of development.

None exist in my area and I'm too poor to pay anyone anything.


If you can't bring yourself to put in the effort required to raise money and travel, then you shouldn't be studying this in the first place.

I'm a poor NEET though. It's not a matter of effort. Nobody will employ me. It's not like I haven't tried. I work for food rations and don't get more than just a little money and only sometimes.

The order i recommend reading and practicing is from the top down.

These pastes are not the only way to do things, just the way i recommend doing them. No method is wrong.

This pastebin is in a state of indefinite development, with articles being added, removed, and revised often.

http://pastebin.com/uRcZ1zS3 (Energetic body and some background on energy)

http://pastebin.com/Zy5hrhPr (Void Meditation Guide)

http://pastebin.com/dBJY9L61 (how to move energy)

http://pastebin.com/Vf5vHr4w (Fundamentals of energy constructs)

http://pastebin.com/FSPSBtpJ (astral FAQ by Forge and Dimitrianon)

http://pastebin.com/b190xN7i (astral projection for beginners (a mental projection guide))

for those not interested in Psionics and Energy Manipulation, or want to branch out to other forms of magick:

not written by me, but still holds good beginner information on ceremonial and non-direct magick and how to start
http://www.lucidchan.org/pdf/src/19167114-Bare-Bones-Magic-for-Beginners.pdf (beginners guide to starting magick)

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If you really want to practice this stuff, ignore this crap. You'll never get anywhere with it. Find a proper teacher, or at least invest in some decent books (the works of Franz Bardon are a good start).

Some kids who don't know shit and have been messing around with this stuff they learned off the internet aren't going to teach you crap. You just won't get anywhere that way.

>find a teacher
>implying the actually exist
>implying they wouldn't want money
>implying it would be possible to discern who is bullshit or not until much time and resources have been wasted

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>Implying there aren't tons of teachers, and that they aren't easier to find than ever thanks to modern technology and media

>Implying that anyone too stupid, timid or lazy to find one has any chance of being capable of mastering these practices anyway

I'm a NEET and I'm very sure there are none in my area.

You seem to think everyone has money and can easily travel around and stuff.

That's kabbalah isn't it? Ugh.

Cabalism is Jewish Alchemy.

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It's just a picture I chose randomly. I'm not a huge qabalah fan myself (at least not the bastardized modern version), but it's a cool diagram.


Everyone has the capability to make money and use it to travel. Go get a fucking job. If you don't have enough discipline to manage that kind of stuff in the effort to find a teacher, then you have absolutely no business studying these practices.

How about you give me a job then prick?


Go and get one yourself, it really isn't hard.

No it's really hard. I've applied to so many places and I'm willing to do the worst jobs. None will let me work for them. Most places are overstaffed or cutting down on positions. There is intense competition for work and I never get lucky enough. I work for better food rations and a little pocket change and that's it. Maybe where you live getting a minimum wage job is easy and not a prestige thing.

Are there jews in your area? If so, you have a job to do. It is your duty. End their existence and take back the money they stole.

If you do not do this then you are not worthy of your own continued existence and should immediately affect self-kill.


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