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Esoteric Wizardry
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GOOD LUCK EBOLA CHAN! | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 17939
Johanan Raatz blows degenerates the fuck out
I don't get it. There is nothing wrong with changing your sex, it's nothing but matter.

File: 1429855253674.jpg (675.21 KB, 1000x1898, reality of gender.jpg)
You're a retard if there ever was one

>*tips fedora*

Sex is a principle of the ultimate reality and therefore above matter.

The principle of gender is nothing but yin/yang (Tao) or electricity/magnetism (Bardon).

The material sex is just used as an example of this principle and the only thing that would be really "degenerate" is to make it fit with your own morals.

I repeat: Sex is merely an organic manifestation of Gender on a physical plane.

None of this even remotely implies it would be impossible, immoral or whatever to change your physical sex. It's also a hypocritical assumption that you may change/shapeshift your appearance in everything but sex. I'm not talking about men dressed in women's clothing who force their environment to treat them like women (that's pretty degenerate on its own), but if you think that's on the same level, you already lost every attention.

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