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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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GOOD LUCK EBOLA CHAN! | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 17836
Somebody just rekt 8chan's /fringe/
I saw. I was there.

Interesting fact, this happened while I was browsing using my phone so it wasn't immediately obvious to me what was happening. Noticing the post dates, I thought to myself "hmm… Why is page 15 suddenly page 1?" I thought I went back in time for a second and had a mini freak out to be honest.

The kikes are attempting a takeover of 8/pol/ and need to eliminate any opposition to their kikery.

Notice how we had two threads asking if we were 'internet neo nazis'? And how the moment we demnstrated we wouldnt be the jews slaves and be ignorant of the red and green pills they instantly attacked us?

Shit is going to go down very hard on hatechan right now, theyre trying their hardest to co-opt gamergate and pol and subvert the mods there. Just look at /polmeta/ and all the infighting going on and all the fucking shilling.

Im glad we till have our real home online, there were some really good posts lost.


Really? I assumed it was simply Smiley fucking with the board either for loosh or to cleanse it of shitposting mundanes.

Nope. Look at the moderation of /pol/ now, the jcointel pro sticky is down and the whole site is quicky getting spammed with the same old shilll shit from cuckchans /pol/.

We got taken down right after there was a thread asking if we were nazis, remember?

Its the kikes, its always the kikes.

I just want to say that I hope we still maintain a forward base on 8chan because this here is our last refuge when shit hits the fan and if stay only here then eventually this board will come under attack and I don't trust Stal to properly defend it. It is better that we maintain a presence on 8chan… but we should perhaps duplicate some very important material from there on here.

Yeah. We lost tons of great posts.

We must keep the dream alive, friends.

There was this one interesting post by an anon about how he achieved some alternate state or mode of consciousness regarding something or other, uhh mentioned he was a lucid dreamer and thats all I remember.

I read the OP partially and kept it in my tabs for later, well later finally came after like 2 weeks and the lost and all of /fringe/ is gone and there was no one archiving it, so many worthless and pointless 8chan boards on the archive sites and not a single one bothered to archive /fringe/.

Guess its my fault for putting off reading it for so long, not the first time something like this has happened, youtube vids added to watch later playlist get deleted or accounts suspended and you never even get to see the video name to remember what it was, so annoying.

I got the URL of the thread in my history somewhere maybe some forward thinking or archivist /fringe/men have saved it and others before the nuke.

and the thread is lost*

meant to say

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