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Esoteric Wizardry
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GOOD LUCK EBOLA CHAN! | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

File: 1415518153721.jpg (7.3 KB, 174x246, m324245.jpg)
No. 17684
Earth yourself physically, this is one of the best things you can do for Self-Improvement.

Search for "Earthing","Grounding"
Seems like a big marketing scheme aimed towards new agers.

What are you supposed to buy? You just go stand out on some grass and meditate.

go to diy market, buy some cheap thin copper wire, remove isolation from both ends, connect one end to a grounded piece of metal (radiatior, water pipes, wall socket grounding, metal rod in bare earth), form a wristband from the other end and wear it however you like, as long as it has skin contact

Do this during thunder storms for best effect.

whoah wut?

Pretty sure this helps one fight EMF and resonate more strongly with the Earth and its rhythms and as a consequence you can manifest better health as your body adjusts to and becomes harmonized with all the various rhythms of the Earth (which in turn changes when you sleep, when you eat, etc. to all be in harmony). You could do this with an Earth Invocation too but when I did it, the results were really extreme.

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