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Esoteric Wizardry
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GOOD LUCK EBOLA CHAN! | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 17321
knowing that memes are everywhere like viruses, spreading like based ebola-chan (thank you) to affect subconscious and perhaps even culture-wide change whether or not their hosts understand the ramifications, I suppose this thread could be dedicated to the following:

* what are some means of defending yourself from unwanted meme infection without the conscious mind always being "on?"

(first thing that comes to mind are thoughtforms, sigils, your own "memes," ignoring the meme/thoughtform to starve it of psychic sustenance which I find requires the ability to meditate via silencing, un-focusing or redirecting the mind from certain thoughts or feelings)

* how can one invoke more effective sigils and memes beyond oneself and one's own lone efforts? that is, if you don't activate a sigil and destroy it for personal effect, could you simply leave a very aesthetically pleasing and attractive sigil in places for exposure for activation or something? what effect may it have, and will others help or harm your effort?

* how can one use said memes to distort or destroy undesirable memes, using either magical or mundane technique? can they be contaminated by juxtaposing the sigil/meme/etc. in question with negative connotation, in the way the swastika was disarmed in the west?

Image is somewhat relevant. For better or for worse, organized magic can be very powerful when enlisting the minds of the unwitting/unwilling and I want to learn what one can do for personal resilience and/or to help prevent allies from faltering.

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