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Esoteric Wizardry
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GOOD LUCK EBOLA CHAN! | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 16998
ITT: We go through the /x/ archives to see what the mods are suppressing there and when we find something interesting we repost it in this thread


Currently a LOT of ebolachan stuff being deleted but go past all that and you will find evidence of suppression of much more shocking things.

Screencap from what is currently Page 4 of all the deleted posts.
I have posted in threads on /x/ before that get deleted before they leave the first page, always when discussing something that is not kosher. /pol/ is just as bad for it, not to mention the bans that get thrown at me.

Now I don't bother wasting my efforts.

If you can remember, link to some of that material, also check my trips and nice trips bro. We be mad trippin' here.

I got banned in the past for trying to conduct a healing experiment on /x/ and posting lots of information there about it in detail. Meanwhile much shittier threads that are sparser in information are allowed to live. My thread was pure paranormal but they deleted it and BANNED me for it.

Here it is: http://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/14534223/

Just found this at random, wonder why it got deleted?


I got banned over nothing months back, it was just a three day ban but I haven't been to 4chan since. I've just finally had enough of what that place has become

>has become
It was always shit, just addictive shit

What got me, I was banned for trashing the television show 'Ancient Aliens' from /x/ for two months. I appealed and it was fine after that. But from some other IPs I repeated making post critical of 'Ancient Aliens', not in an overly skeptical, or argumentative way. I just posted how I thought the show got things wrong, or had on shills, and presented alternative ideas they never address. And not a one was up for over a minute it seemed. Its like someone from the Hitler Channel became an /x/ janitor just to make sure that show is promoted only in a positive light there.

That show does piss me off. There are a lot of potentially good ideas in the basic concept but they seem set on a kosher interpretation unsurprisingly. The episode on the Third Reich for example was alarmingly inaccurate and a recent episode had several rabbis as guests.

Sadly it is the mainstream face of the theory that our history has had external intervention.

yeah it was shit, but at least it used to be entertaining and nobody got banned, now everyone gets banned

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I posted this image in the 'attracted to giants' threads on /x/ and it gets 404'd.

Might just be because the thread is spammed a lot but it's weird that they didn't close it down for 3 hours until I posted.

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The mods on 4chan have become utter and total shit.

I've been browsing since late 2006 and I can tell you now that things were best, ideas were shared, laughs were had, fun and simple times and crazy and chaotic times when there were practically no mods ever.

When the mods did not interfere in the affairs of the board and only served to delete and ban the most illegal and fucked up shit then it was good.

/v/, /pol/, /x/, /d/, /tg/, all of these great boards are almost shit now because of the heavy over-moderation, its fucking ruining 4chan, mods since 2012 have started taking all the site rules seriously, and then theres all the subjective as fuck rules that they enforce at their own discretion (have you seen the 4chan.org/bans page?, fucking ridiculous the subjective shit they ban people for).

If moot actually gave a fuck about the original users of 4chan he would have severely limited the moderation, hell this all started because moot realized that the only thing he ever did right was 4chan and he neglected it too long with canv.as and all the other shit, so he started focusing on it more, bringing in more mods and janitors, enforcing long dormant rules and now its utter shit, more shit than when there were no active mods 24/7.

Sorry for rant but seeing your pic pissed me off OP, posting in interesting or thought provoking threads like that and having great discussion, even if off topic slightly - on any board, and then you see the instant 404, thread deleted icon on the archives, it pisses me the fuck off.

4chan mods really are total fucking faggots now, half of them are SJW faggots too.

this, 4chan is crumbling to outside influence. it's being domesticated and controlled.

Good riddance. Time to move on to greener pastures.

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Indeed, its kind of like Europe in some ways, rabid and chaotic, composed only of its own people that browse for years and are acquainted with the way we do shit there, and now its become literally infested with multiculti i.e tumblr, SJW, SRS, reddit, neogaf.

And it is crumbling from the inside, and the user base can't strike back because the higher ups the mods and their pawns the janitors make every attempt to interfere, shit things up, enforce the subjective retarded rules to such an extent that all the quality and uniqueness of most boards is altered to a miasma of shit, social justice faggots, feminists spamming /v/ with their bullshit, and we can't really do anything about it because mods are faggots and don't know how each individual board operates and so they just screw it all up.

I hear that, I've already found 3 good imageboards that aren't filled with bullshit including this one, and masterchan I am following closely as it will either collapse in on itself or spawn something new and wonderful, remains to be seen.

>that knight's expression
>that dragon thing

oh lawd

Plus the dragon's hair! LOLOL


Alright I'm not denying she was in the sex trade, but her story is retarded shit.

>Become sex-slave to some guy online for 3+ years

>He orders me to go to college
>Meet new guy there, he doesn't just want sex, honest!
>Slave-master catches me in bed with him
>Now I'm free!

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Dont forget all the SJW feminist, grrrr men who subject women are evvvvvulll! Rawr ':,,:'!

Seriously, cracked.com?

Until you learn that in the jewish matrix we are in there are millions upon millions of fake and bot written articles every day that goyim read. You know nothing.

Real knowlege is not taught, its learned. Seek not teachers, but expierence.

some weirder shit is going on in here


Holy shit so many posts literally exposing the mods that are getting banned in there.

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TL:DR for people who don't know, spread it:

>On the 14th of September, moot attended a pane by Anita Sarkeesian about the harassment of women in games

>3 days later, a sudden massive pruning and ban spree goes off on /v/, deleting anything GG related and banning OPs for 3 days
>No reason is given, no response, it's sudden, brutal, and they tried to keep it hidden
>People reason that maybe it's not videogames, so it would be politics, and it's taken to /pol/
>Threads on /pol/ instantly deleted, OPs banned, people banned for saying "nigger"
>People take it to /b/, since it doesn't fit anywhere else apparently
>Repeat what happened on /v/ and /pol/, still complete radio silence
>Constant and brutal censorship of any GamerGate related posts or threads worse than on NeoGaf or Reddit, people got banned/pruned for posting GG, when it was referring to Guilty Gear
>Corrupt journos announce triumphantly that even 4chan is distancing itself.
>Any links to ANY GamerGate (or 4chan censorship) related page are instantly deleted, the poster banned (this is especially disgusting, they want it dead, not just removed from this website)
>Due to the extremity of the crackdown, it takes a while for people to get informed about the events
>Now it's spreading like wildfire, /sp/ is in all out riot, so is /v/, some discussions still on /pol/ are safe, for now
>moot still has not responded, even though his email has been spammed to shit by now, it's total radio silence


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4chan is dead

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Shillbots have been rehashing posts on /pol/ for months now.

They were originally designed by a faggot named sequoia mcdowell who was hired by the jidf. Now they just recycle OC to maintain the idea that the board is not controled by outside entities.

Its been dead forever bro, now its just become exactly ss moot wanted it.

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I wouldn't even be surprised at this point.

Where do these people live? They seem like good targets for curses.

Phil Fish, Anita Sarkeesian, and Zoe Quinn all live somewhere in Canada

Excellent! Although Canada is the world's 2nd biggest country so that really doesn't narrow shit down much at all lol.

Well they all got doxxed, so I'm sure you can find someone with the info at /v/ or someplace.

He talked on his twitter about grazing 4chan for screencaps to take and morons spun it into him somehow being a mod.

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It doesn't change the fact that there is actually a mod on /v/ who is going against everything /v/ is and was for the paste 8 years

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Nevermind this, it's a fake apparently.

Which raises the question as to why someone would do that.

I remember one day last year someone with much organization forum slid the entire board with the stock "Tulpa thread" that circulated all 2013.
All 10 pages were tulpa thread, each with the same exact OP text and a different, unfunny image.
I think it must have been a dual attack to cover whatever was happening that day, and discredit thoughtform/servitor/tulpa/egregore threads.

Unfortunately, I wasn't active prior to discovering the massive tulpa thread spam, and I don't clearly remember the date. Maybe it was in the Spring?

Its not fake thats disinformation to distract you and confuse you from fighting.

The mods on 8chan all want a "no raid no dox" policy which will not do anything to resolve our problem. Theyre merely controled opposition to take the resistance away from 4chan and contain it.

But that wont work. Because the resistance has spread to main and alternative news now. People will be doxed, lives will be ruined, drama will be had, the consequences will never be the same,

Could be a mod cover-up. I know mods in the past have effectively silenced me, misrepresented everything, and successfully diverted attention from their corruption and abuse.

Seriously, mods are good at banning hundreds of people injustly, then making it seem like they're banning nobody and are very nice and getting the useful idiots (or themselves sockpuppeting) to praise the mods.

thats a sub mod for /v/ that has that policy, nowhere is that in the 8chan rules

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8chan is controled by jews too.

Its why they wont dox or raid, its just a devide and conquer strategy.

I am so done with everything. I might as well post on abovetopsecret for christ sake. Does any of it matter?

This place since its inception has been a benevolent dictatorship with no new mods allowed. There's just Stal hosting the place and Smiley administrating it and anyone who wants to become a mod is told to fuck off.

Bring more people here, you can tell just by looking around that literally anyone is allowed to have a voice here, and even spammers like Master Memer are tolerated.

But this is known on 8chan, the al jazeera mention is even on the frontpage

Besides, anyone can make a board, its like masterchan but far less sketchy

I'm not sure if I would want 4chan's userbase here.
It would become infested with fedoras, mundanes and porn.
I would prefer this to remain a special and pretty unknown IB.

Not him but I haven't been bringing any people here. It might be slow paced but the threads here are pretty good so far. Nice group over all.
I'd hate to have a flood of new users whom may drown out decent topics.

Just bring them over one at a time at least. /x/ for example likes to make a bunch of dumb threads and avoid using the catalog. That douche bag with the DeathNote avatars also comes to my mind.

Maybe I have just become a jerk recently…

Well we have public boards, semi-secret ones, secret, and top-secret password protected boards.

If they come here they can be potentially shit up the most public boards but we will always have a safe haven in the other boards that are more exclusive.


The Splendid Vendor Xeno' !!AVMeERdRFCp

Why does this faggot constantly shit up /x/ with his endless barrage of fedora posts? I've shitwrecked him a couple times so hard he abandoned the thread and wanted to pretend it didn't exist but he always come back to /x/ and spreads his fedora disinfo again like nothing ever happened.

This guy could seriously be a shill. It's just really hard to understand why he even comes to /x/ to post the shit he does when he hates absolutely everything paranormal.

Yes, but the new people who may come here won't learn shit about magic, get good recommendations, greenpilling, etc…
Very little people would ever join the safe boards.

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Just because they "know" that their founder is owned by a kike. Doesnt mean the populace knows.

Just saying "oh everybody knows hes a jew, so its ok!". Doesnt make it ok, the jews are known to be the mod on /v/ thats deleting posts, the writers at shitaku, the 'gamers' at ign and rockpapershotgun.

The media is now in videogames and jews are making their major push. This is the resistance they have to overcome, just saying "everybody knows, its ok' normalizes their control.

Fight the kike, with all your might.

And… Exactly why the hell would any of us need mundanes, bluepill trash and the jews that control /pol/ coming here?

We fucking don't.

We are fine with a small group of wizards. We always will be. If you don't like it, please return to 4chan and its kikemods.

…b-but but I want to steal their loosh! If a whole bunch of them come I will be sure to make the most of it!

>thinking you need to steal 'loosh'

also get back on topic guys

Malevolent, you mean (instead of benevolent)?
Both seem to have a negative connotation.

Wait nevermind; being stupid.
He used it correctly..

Doing thread necromancy on a massive level here by replying…but…

I think it boils down to two options. Either he IS a fucking shill or he literally has NO FUCKING LIFE. This guy sits on /x/ day in and day out literally forever. All he does is shitpost into in infinity and runs circles around arguments with some of the dumbest most deconstructionist shit I have ever heard in my entire life.

I have had argument after argument with this guy on way too many topics and nuked them into oblivion but he just comes back the next day, like you said, as if it never happened. He could very well be a shill. There's a smug disinfo arrogance about this guy that I don't dig. The amount of time he spends on the board is not normal, even if he was just some trustfund sucking NEET. Personally I think he's a fucking asshole. Totally.

It's weird because I remember when he first started posting that his posts were informative and interesting, but his behavior has shifted quite drastically.
Maybe shill, maybe not. Dunno, man.

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