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Esoteric Wizardry
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GOOD LUCK EBOLA CHAN! | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 16950
My visual imagination is shit, I can't imagine anything, magick is completely out of my reach
Thoughtforming? Requires imagination
Astral projection? "imagine numbers in your mind" ←-owner of a working imagination
Basic Scientologist exercises? Close your eyes, imagine what you see ←–i m a g i n a t i o n
Hermeticist exercises? Imagination once again

every magical act requires myself imagining that I see that or that thing in its' uttermost details, thing that someone like me cannot do.
I suppose I'm bound to be an eternal mundane, maybe I'll meditate once in a while but that'll be the only thing I do. Maybe one day I'll join a christian sect that denounces all magick as work of satan because of sour grapes.
exercise u stupid.
im shitty at imagination too but i dont want to stay here so i push forward
just do it.

You're not a zombie, just strongly left-brained. You can't just sit around with your prick in your hand, wondering what the hell happened to you, there are ways to strengthen your right brain - most notably, meditation.

Do void meditation. It's the one form of meditation that requires not visualizing or perceiving anything but still have awareness. Learn to do it for hours on end. Then while in that state one day request to unlock your imagination.

Also read the Robert Bruce - New Energy Ways v2 - 1999 book as it is specifically for people who want to practise magic but can't visualize for shit.

Don't fall in depression, brother. We're all practicing so that we can become masters - and even masters continue their practice.

Imagination takes practice. Often you can't just see things 'in their uttermost details'. It takes time to hone your skills to get on that level. Now, I'm a neophyte myself, so you're not alone on this.

Pretty much this, I myself used to be extremely depressed and couldn't visualize anything until I cured it with "mental will" and using this 'placebo' I have cured most everything since. I also noticed that my imagination has grown extremely vivid, as have my dreams, since I started meditation and energy work. Giving up is the worst thing you can do, humans possess the will to hang on, to survive, and ultimately thrive in even the harshest conditions. Onwards, brother/sister, our path awaits! But to see the path you must first envision the gate that lies beyond the four pillars. I hope this was of some help.

This thread tempts me so fucking much to film some high magick and post it for OP to inspire him but that will get me in deep shit with The Powers That Be.

>of anything

Do it, pussy. What can tptb really do? Kill you? Kidnap you and keep you in a secret research facility deep underground? You have nothing to fear.

I'd appreciate you filming magick. I do not know if it helps, but you could cover your body - wear a robe or a hoodie - and go film in wilderness.

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op is bullshitting. if i tell him to think of what he had for breakfast this morning, i bet he could visualize it AKA imagine it

Maybe, but it's much easier to imagine something you've seen than to spawn things in your mind.

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Last year one of my friends encountered this problem. 'I can't
visualize anything' she said, and on closer examination we found that
she really couldn't, not even simple objects recommended by tradition,
such as blue pigs having samadhi at the seashore. (See Crowley, Book
IV on Yoga).
I did know something which she didn't. Beginning with the
assumption that all people who have all senses also use all senses
internally to think. Thus, the visual sense was assumed to be active
and lively, no matter whether the conscious mind would recognize it.
Acting on this hypothesis is easy, as it implies that all we need is
already there. The huge problem of having to produce an entirely new
sense transformed into the much easier task of getting conscious
access to a sense which already exists. When I asked her to 'imagine
a tree' this didn't work. She tried to construct a picture and found she
couldn't, leading to a sense of failure and inability.
Yet when I asked questions that required visual recall, such as
'what does a certain plant look like? Where is object X in your home?
How would you drive to get to work?' The answers proved that
somewhere in the deep mind, visual information was stored and
recalled as desired. The only problem lay in making her aware of it.
I asked her to close her eyes. Then I began to speak slowly, giving
plenty of time.
Now. . . I would like. . . to ask you. . . to imagine. . . the feeling. .
. you have… when your hands… move and touch… the bark of some
tree… and you feel… the hands moving… the firmness of the wood.
. . your skin on the tree. . . such a special. . . and strong sensation. . .
as your hands. . . move and explore. . . all over. . . the surface. . . the
bark. . . the firm. . . solid wood. . . standing before you. . . a true tree.
. . with deep roots. . . reaching. . . so very deep. . . into the soil.. . the
rich earth… so very deep and above… there are branches… moving.

. . and foliage. . . whispering. . . and perhaps. . . you can hear. . . the
sound of the wind. . . in the branches. . . in the leaves. . . moving and
whispering. . . and maybe. . . there are birds calling. . . you can hear.
.. and feel… the wind… moving the tree… gendy… and as you sense.
. . this tree before you. . . the whole tree. . . you may realize. . . that
already. . . you have begun. . . to visualize. . . to see the tree. . . with
your mind's eye. . . '
Welcome to vision!
Do you recognize the pattern? We knew that consciously perceived
visual imaginadon did not funcdon on its own. So we began by using
another sensory channel, and imagined feeling. When 'feeling a tree'
was well established, as I could tell from the litde signs, such as small
morions of the hands, breathing, muscle tone and posture, we went
into the sense of hearing. By the rime the acoustic sense was included,
the missing sense of vision had come on its own accord. This
happened naturally and long before I mendoned it.
Some of you may claim that this sort of visualization is induced by
hypnotic suggestion, which is a very dirty word to a lot of people who
do not understand it. O f course I used 'hypnosis', as do all people who
tell stories, describe events, write letters or books or poetry. Did you
sense or imagine a tree while you read the induction? O f course you
did, however vague; you had to imagine (or hallucinate) a tree to make
sense out of my words. Are you aware that 'reading a book' can be a
trance state? What do you do when you read? Body does very litde.
You move your eyes a litde bit, the same regular, monotonous sweep,
following line after line of the same dull symbols. From time to time
the hand moves a page.You may go on for hours without being aware
of it. Reading would be terribly dull, if it were not for the hallucinations
that make the words come alive. Words, such as you read or hear, are
empty. You have to imagine what they may mean for you and me to
make sense of them at all. By imagining this you make them come
alive. Indeed, they may come alive so vividly that you'll spend hours

>Kill you? Kidnap you and keep you in a secret research facility deep underground?

The Powers That Be meaning other occult groups that will fuck me up.

…and yes, they can kill me, abduct me, reprogram me, attack me magically, etc.

…better obscure and operational than maimed and spiritually gutted.

I need instructions to make myself a proper set of wizard robes and mask and then I will do it once I have those things but it would still be posted on >>>/illuminati/ because if I posted it here where anyone can see it someone will have the vid taken down.

Also, videos don't prove shit, and for those that are sceptically minded they will mock and say it's fake and whatever… when I'm not making the vid to prove anything but to show to others who already know magic a ritual or something.

Meh I feel like I shouldn't have even made that comment now, I don't even have a decent camera for filming with.

I think part of your post is missing.

I'd cut off my left damn arm to figure out the whole /illuminati/ deal. I've tried most of what I can come up with to ascertain the login info, with no avail. I'm beginning to believe everyone just got in by being in an IRC at the right time.

>tfw not stronk enough


devouring a book, completely oblivious of the fact that your body is
doing so very litde or feels hungry or sleepy… and if this isn't a trance
state, 1 don't know what is. Whenever you tell some story, your
audience is obliged to hallucinate what you are saying. They cannot
experience just what you do, and so they will make sense out of your
words by imagining their meaning into them. I f you speak well, your
audience will be moved by the account, even if all their experience is
of their own making.
I f you are one of the people who really want to improve their
imagination try the method we used to evoke the tree vision. Which
sensual experience can you imagine best? If you imagine a stream, for
instance, can you hear the water? Can you feel its coldness, the tug of
the current, the fresh, damp air? Can you taste the water? Can you
smell the decay of the plants at the edge? Can you see the waves
rushing, the sparkle of the foam? Some of these experiences will be
easy to imagine. Go into them—you can amplify them by describing
them—and build up a complete representation.
I f you practise this sort of thing for a while, it will become easy. A
litde more persistence and it will seem natural, and soon enough you'll
do it automatically. This means that your deep mind will have learned
the process, leaving your conscious mind free to learn something new.
Some complain that whilst they do see with their imagination, the
vision seems pale, or shallow, or diffuse. A good example comes from
the art of astral projection. In astral projection we are travelling in an
imagined body (human or alien) through an imagined reality, a dream
world which is created and maintained by the deep mind. In a sense
we may say that the astral traveller is journeying through the deep
mind itself. Usually the process begins by building up an imagined
vision of a doorway, an entrance or a gate. This doorway is imagined
in great detail. We imagine what it looks and feels like, and spend a
lot of time making it real. Theoretically the next step is easy. We
imagine that we are standing before it. We open the door, and walk
into the world behind it. What is the setting of the door?

The doorframe connects with something and so does the ground.
If we give ourselves time, we can discover an entire reality, developed
out of some very small details. Also, imaginary worlds tend to become
more real when we begin to explore them. Moving through them
leisurely is a good way of attuning to the parts of the deep mind which
they represent. Another good access route to imagination is memory.
A lot of people who cannot construct images may easily recall them.
Let's say that you want to imagine some symbol or sigil, radiant and
bright, drawn with the wand in lines of fire. One way to get used to
the symbol is to draw or paint it on a large piece of paper, so it may
be studied for as long as you like. I f you want to imagine this symbol,
you need not construct the image in your mind as you can remember
what it's like. This technique is sometimes used for god-forms. A god-
form is an image of a god we would like to contact. Traditionally, you
begin by studying the god of your choice, by reading all legends and
myths you can lay your hands on, by painting pictures o f that deity, by
finding out what aspects of nature that deity represents and what
energies and consciousness states it is linked with.
Using our magical pictures, we begin to pour awareness in the right
direction. We meditate on the form, colours, posture, attributes, be it
by staring at the picture with an empty mind or by speaking, calling,
invocation or making music. All of these release emotional energy,
which is concentrated and collected by the picture.

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Your post was very long but I read it all, very inspirational to someone like me who has not only marked trouble visualizing but trouble committing to a dedicated practice of improving it.

When you wrote that visualization of the tree, and later the stream I did indeed begin to visualize it almost automatically, especially once my sense of touch was initialized.

For the longest time in my teen years I struggled to understand why it was so difficult for me to seemingly visualize.

I had read about people, and seen posts on /x/ about people posting that they have near perfect visual imagination and can instantly immerse themselves in fantastical worlds and I began to feel my own imagination was inferior and feeble and as an unfortunate short-sighted result I began to imagine less, fantasize less about things like I used to because I was so convinced that my imagination was fixed and it would never be that good (this on a whole is related to a separate issue I have discovered of a growth vs. fixed mindset, in which I realized that all my life I had a fixed mindset that interfered with my development in these and other matters such as drawing, math, schoolwork etc).

It was only after many years of further frustration/research and long periods of inactivity that I began to realize I could very well imagine things, but not see them 100% clearly in my minds eye right away, but I would always get the impression of them, a sort of sensation or feeling of knowing of what I am imagining, this would often be accompanied by sparse images of the things I imagine, indeed if I utilize this sense together with the sense of touch and other senses then I notice that visualization comes almost naturally.

It was a huge relief, but even still I am struggling with overcoming that fixed mindset mentality that is preventing me from fully and truthfully understand all this and that it can be improved with practice and dedication as I have for so long resigned myself to the idea that my imagination would never improve.

So now while reading and following both your tree and stream scenarios I had a somewhat decent picture and utilization of the senses happening, it was not 100% clear but it wasn't foggy and imperceptible either.

Imagination/mental imagery/visualization are such subtle things that it can be difficult to explain and clarify many aspects with a great degree of understanding, but that's part of what is so fascinating about them.

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Oh also just recently when I was attempting SSILD exercises at night in bed I began to imagine scenarios in a fluid and vivid and clear way that I thought I would never be able to, it all came to me naturally and effortlessly, I spent a while just laying in bed imagining some random and crazy scenarios, blown away by the fact that my eyes were closed and yet these scenes have presented themselves with a good degree of clarity and control.

SSILD if you don't know is one of the techniques for lucid dreaming that involves a sort of passive approach to the whole thing that for some unknown reason has caused incredible results in those who practice it.

Put briefly you focus without trying too hard to focus on just what you can see if anything in the darkness behind closed eyelids, then what you can hear if anything, finally what you feel, what sensations however light and almost unnoticeable.

A more detailed description is here by the guy who actually came up with the damn thing- http://cosmiciron.blogspot.com/2013/01/senses-initiated-lucid-dream-ssild_16.html

But anyways after doing that for a bit I noticed this almost instant improvement in my visualization and I wondered how the two things can correlate like that, still don't fully understand it but it was really cool.

Of course I got excited and ended up falling asleep imagining stuff, which also began to wane as I focused less on the SSILD technique and more on just imagining visually.

Then the next day I forgot all about it because mundane shit, and the next day again I went to sleep at 4am tired out of my mind so I didn't do any attempts, same with the next week and the next and only just now I remembered it again.

But that in itself proves that imagination/visualization is not a fixed and unworkable skill to me which is a great inspiration boost right now.

If you do, I will give you the info.

Does the username begin with an A and end with an E?

I've attempted to send a thoughtform to find me the details, but struggle discerning its discoveries with my own thoughts.

What sort of man would I be if I were to disrupt your journey?

The kind of man who would shoot a person, before throwing him out of a plane.

It would be deemed a courtesy, death is guaranteed.

The answer to your first question starts with an N and ends with an O.

Geniously written
Thank you

The right brain is the orderly and logical side.

The left hand is its controller.

You need to practice with your right hand, probably stroking the lines of your palm with a pencil and visualizing each line.

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