>>17057devouring a book, completely oblivious of the fact that your body is
doing so very litde or feels hungry or sleepy… and if this isn't a trance
state, 1 don't know what is. Whenever you tell some story, your
audience is obliged to hallucinate what you are saying. They cannot
experience just what you do, and so they will make sense out of your
words by imagining their meaning into them. I f you speak well, your
audience will be moved by the account, even if all their experience is
of their own making.
I f you are one of the people who really want to improve their
imagination try the method we used to evoke the tree vision. Which
sensual experience can you imagine best? If you imagine a stream, for
instance, can you hear the water? Can you feel its coldness, the tug of
the current, the fresh, damp air? Can you taste the water? Can you
smell the decay of the plants at the edge? Can you see the waves
rushing, the sparkle of the foam? Some of these experiences will be
easy to imagine. Go into them—you can amplify them by describing
them—and build up a complete representation.
I f you practise this sort of thing for a while, it will become easy. A
litde more persistence and it will seem natural, and soon enough you'll
do it automatically. This means that your deep mind will have learned
the process, leaving your conscious mind free to learn something new.
Some complain that whilst they do see with their imagination, the
vision seems pale, or shallow, or diffuse. A good example comes from
the art of astral projection. In astral projection we are travelling in an
imagined body (human or alien) through an imagined reality, a dream
world which is created and maintained by the deep mind. In a sense
we may say that the astral traveller is journeying through the deep
mind itself. Usually the process begins by building up an imagined
vision of a doorway, an entrance or a gate. This doorway is imagined
in great detail. We imagine what it looks and feels like, and spend a
lot of time making it real. Theoretically the next step is easy. We
imagine that we are standing before it. We open the door, and walk
into the world behind it. What is the setting of the door?