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Esoteric Wizardry
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Everything will be fire. | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 16664
i also posted this very same thread on /x/ but that has been full of shit for a long time now so maybe ill get better help here.

i'm looking for a video thats under 30 seconds and its supposedly leaked abduction footage/ something to do with aliens
all i can remember is that the video is very blue and it had something to do with russia..
i think it was a woman lying down and then a flash of light or something weird like that happens and the video ends.
it's a very short video, less than a minute.
i seen it on youtube in like 2006 but have never been able to find it since
Sorry I can't help you with that but I suppose this can be a general alien thread too?

Aliens walk among us.

sure, I'ts a shame this board is so slow, I really like it.

dump alien pix plox

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This is an interesting alleged alien photo.

Are you that one wizard who had telepathic powers until he had that ability crippled by some kind of psychosurgery on your brain?

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I'd like to see the most compelling evidence.

Bigfoot. The hominids are not aliens they are the proto-humans, the things we supposedly evolved from. They did not go extinct though they were driven to the harsher territory we rarely inhabit, many were also killed. Something else, possibly alien, used hominid DNA in combination with their own to create us 'humans', a hybrid slave race by most accounts. We are evidence of aliens when compared to bigfoot/sasquatch/yeti, the original ape-like inhabitants of Earth. All actual ape species are derived from us humans too, they were like us but allowed their racial hygiene to decay, after a certain point degeneration becomes a process the creatures (no longer people) are unable to reverse. This is still happening with mongrel human populations today, their genetic lines are slowly becoming another monkey species.

It appears that several alien races have a stake in us too. See rhesus-negative blood if you want to scratch your head about how a blood anomaly may have come about.

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